Similitudo – Wittgenstein and the Beauty of Connection

Sandra Markewitz


Tracing back Wittgenstein‘ s awareness of similarities constituting signifying
processes of language use (PI 66ff.) to Foucault describing the similitudo
category of the Renaissance is fruitful concerning thoughts about the
Wittgensteinian way of philosophizing (even if one is not addicted to
deconstruction). Especially the practice of connecting the different, even while
„teaching differences“ (King Lear), can lead to important
insights in the field of continuities in the history of the mind. The „Beauty of
Connection“ consists in the beauty of concepts being applicable to everyday
language use by providing information that takes the common way of living
seriously without forgetting about the capacity of imagination.


philosophy; 20th century philosophy; Wittgenstein Ludwig; beauty; similitude; connection

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