Human Beings – The Mind and the Body: Wittgensteinian-Aristotelian Reflections

Boris Gubman


The R. Rorty - J. Habermas debate on the issues of cultural dialogue andthe horizons of human solidarity is largely based on the problems raised inof L. Wittgenstein’s philosophy. Despite their discord in interpreting thesubject, both thinkers appeal to Wittgenstein’s understanding of language,communication, and culture thus revealing possible strategies of approachingthis issue related to his theoretical heritage. Although Rorty andHabermas differ in evaluation of Wittgenstein’s thought, they are in completeagreement concerning the radical changes in contemporary philosophicalstance of philosophizing that made his theoretical heritage highlysignificant. Declaring their opposition to the traditional metaphysics, Rortyand Habermas show philosophical and political divergences that becomeevident in their treatment of the issue of cultural dialogue and human solidarity.


20th century philosophy; philosophy; Wittgenstein Ludwig; dialogue; language; metaphysics; Habermas Jürgen; Rorty Richard

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