readme oxygen17 This project updates the normalised and diplomatic XSLs to the TEI-compliant format and genertaes HTML 4.01-compliant output. New element added. New element added (becoming the date originally written in the MS) Element changed (becoming the editorial statement/link for month/year) Element unchanged (being an open tag enclosing a paragraph/section with a "from" and "to" attribute) DTD regenerated using Oxygen Paragraph spacing resolved. Minor changes to CSS, back-dated to oxygen 16. The DTD character entities have been modified because Times New Roman font includes certain Greek characters and not others. We specified some that were not available, contributing to the earlier font problem. Using BabelMap ( we identified what was available in Times New Roman and Courier so that these could be used in addition to Arial Unicode MS for the display of the HTML output. Some free Unicode fonts are available (, but these are of poor quality and so we have used Times, Courier and Arial Unicode MS for the output of norm, diplo and proof respectively. HTML 4.01 valid outcomes (according to the W3C validator ). Main errors were the DOCTYPE declaration, and the use of DIV and HR elements. Norm output now passes the validation test. Diplo output now passes the validation test. Proof output now passes the validation test. 30 May 2003