Wittgensteinarkivet og Wittgensteinforskergruppen i Bergen arrangerer en seminarrekke ved Filosofisk institutt som er åpen for alle interesserte. Noen av innlederne vil snakke eksplisitt om Wittgenstein. Andre vil ta opp problemstillinger som ikke fokuserer direkte på Wittgensteins arbeider, men som kan knyttes til problemer som behandles i Wittgensteins filosofi. I vårsemesteret 2004 vil flere av gjesteforskerne ved Wittgensteinarkivet holde innlegg, men vi håper også å få andre i miljøet her i Bergen, muligens også fra andre institutter i Norge, til å bidra med innlegg. Nedenfor en oversikt som blir kontinuerlig oppdatert.
Kuusela disputerte ved Universitetet i Oxford (St. John's College) i fjor med
avhandlingen "Wittgenstein's
Conception of Philosophy and Philosophical Method" og er i perioden januar-mars 2004 EU ARI WAB forsker ved Wittgensteinarkivet. Han har forfattet følgende sammenfatning av paperet:
"The paper 'Do the concepts of grammar and use in Wittgenstein articulate a
theory of language or meaning?' seeks to outline an interpretation of
Wittgenstein's statements on language and meaning in his later philosophy
which would to make plain the sense in which these statements do not
constitute a theory of language or meaning. In particular, my purpose is to
clarify Wittgenstein's conception of philosophy and the methods of
philosophy aided by the concrete example of what he says about language and
meaning. At the seminar my focus will not be on Wittgenstein-exegesis, but
on philosophical questions relating to Wittgenstein's methods and
conception of philosophy. This means that I will not be particularly
concerned with the justification of my interpretation of Wittgenstein.
Instead, the justification is provided in the long version of the paper
available beforehand. (I will of course be happy to discuss issues that
come up in the long version of the paper at the seminar, should questions
concerning these matters arise.)"
Go to a draft version of Kuusela's paper (user identification and password required).
Danka er medlem av Institute for Philosophical Research ved Hungarian Academy of Science i Budapest og er i perioden januar-februar 2004 EU ARI WAB forsker ved Wittgensteinarkivet. Danka har gitt oss følgende sammenfatning av innlegget:
"There are two main methodological trends of interpreting Wittgenstein. One of them is closely interpretative and text-oriented. The other approach tries to find problems and arguments in his thought, independent of the contexts where they appear. I think, and will argue for, that both of them are quite unwittgensteinian methods.
My approach is, in a sense, an argument for a special application of the Bergen Electronic Edition. By using the function of searching keywords, there can be seen/given some new relations among different manuscripts which disappear from a light bird's eye view of problem-oriented philosophy and also from a text-oriented view which sometimes does not see the wood for the trees.
I should argue for (1) there isn't any (essential) meaning of a particular text (by this, I try to avoid conceptual relativism), (2) there is'nt any (essential) meaning, independent of contexts (that is against any essentialist/realist concept of meaning).
These statements seem to be counterpart of each other, and to exclude a middle. My presentation will hopefully show, how Wittgenstein's account of Synthetic a priori solves this problem."
Go to a working version of Danka's presentation (user identification and password required).
Kuusela disputerte ved Universitetet i Oxford (St. John's College) i fjor med
avhandlingen "Wittgenstein's
Conception of Philosophy and Philosophical Method" og er i perioden januar-mars 2004 EU ARI WAB forsker ved Wittgensteinarkivet. Han har gitt oss følgende sammenfatning av paperet:
"In my talk I will discuss the notion of moral judgements concerning the
righteousness of action and that of reasons given in support of such
judgements. I will present a conception of moral judgements according to
which they are analogous to clarifications of meaning. Moral judgements
articulate ways of looking at actions (in particular contexts) or are
attempts to get us to view actions in a certain light. With this
conception of moral judgements I seek to dissolve problems related to
cognitivism and non-cognitivism in ethics on the one hand, and to develop
an account of philosophy’s contribution to discourse concerning moral
issues on the other."
Go to a draft version of Kuusela's paper (user identification and password required).
Kim van Gennip works as a PhD-student at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and is currently EU ARI WAB scholar at the Wittgenstein Archives.
Tatievskaya ist Lehrbeauftragte an der Universität Augsburg und hat sich bei Prof.
Mainzer über den Begriff
der logischen Form in den Grundlagen der Analytischen Philosophie habilitiert. Von Februar bis April 2004 ist sie EU ARI WAB Gastforscherin
am Wittgensteinarchiv. Veröffentlichungen u.a. "Russells Universalientheorie" (2001) und
"Einführung in die Aussagenlogik" (2003).
Hrachovec er professor i filosofi ved Univ. i Wien og er i perioden mai 2004 EU ARI WAB forsker ved Wittgensteinarkivet.
In spite of its table of contents and its chapter headings the Big
Typescript is obviously far from being a conventional book. But is it just
a haphazard assembly of notes? Two theses challenging this assumption will
be presented.
From a systematic point of view the first dozen sub-chapters can be seen
as offering a highly condensed introduction into the tectonic changes in
Wittgenstein's understanding of sentences and meaning. Secondly, this shift
manifests itself in the careful arrangement of groups of remarks. Several
discursive microstructures can be found in the initial pages of the
Hrachovec er professor i filosofi ved Univ. i Wien og er i perioden mai 2004 EU ARI WAB forsker ved Wittgensteinarkivet.
Two internet protocols almost exclusively determine the general perception
of the net: SMTP and HTTP, aka e-Mail and the WWW. Both protocols are
asynchroneous and stateless, enforcing one-way data transmission and
discouraging dialogue and collaboration in real time. Hypertext and
databases are, in fact, digital extensions of book culture, hence their
attractiveness to scholars. This talk will discuss three alternative
communicative settings, ranging from an educational MOO server developed
by a Norwegian scholar (Jan Rune Holmevik) to a protocol for automatic
metadata harvesting of collections of web resources.
Maccanti er dr. student ved universitetet i Pisa og i perioden mai-juni gjesteforsker ved Wittgensteinarkivet. Hennes prosjekt fokuserer på "philosophical analyses of seeing and vision since the late XIX century, above all in the works of Ludwig Wittgenstein, Friedrich Waismann and Nelson Goodman."
Debora Maccanti from the University of Pisa, visiting researcher at WAB, gives a presentation with the title "The role of the visual in Wittgenstein's philosophy". In the presentation Maccanti will focus on Wittgenstein's analysis of seeing and vision in the "Notebooks" and "Tractatus". What is the conception of Bild in "Notebooks" and "Tractatus", and which are the consequences from the distinction between truth, Bedeutung and Sinn? Which risks and freedoms are related to conceive vision and seeing without an ontological background? Does Wittgenstein's way to conceive vision and seeing create difficulties for the conception of subject and for the way in which we can distinguish sense from nonsense? Finally, has the way in which we interpret "The proposition is a picture of reality" consequences for how we conceive ethics and aesthetics?