The balloon effect. Eight problems related to philosophy tyrannized by information

Krzysztof Abriszewski


I would like to start with an obvious thesis: the inflation of information, which
itself is a part of the information society, is not neutral for the philosophical
practice. The situation can be described with the metaphor of an expanding balloon.
Mark a spot on the surface of the balloon, and then pump it up. The spot will turn
into a bigger stain or a set of spots. Similarly, take a classical philosopher, and
add more and more her/his critics. While adding texts, instead of having one set of
ideas (related to one person), you will have several (related to several
interpretations of the person) widely commented. Using the balloon model, I focus on
eight problem areas: 1. Situations of the inflation of texts; 2. The balloon effect:
when to stop reading? or what are the conditions of the decent methodological
capitulation?; 3. Bits and pieces of professionalism or should we forget the dreams
of the united body knowledge?; 4. Organizational structure of philosophy increases
the balloon effect; 5. Inflation of the information – defensive and offensive
reactions. You will multiply problems, if you choose a defensive adaptation. Then
instead of the enhanced flow, the result will be the distorted flow or even blocked;
6. Dysfunctional adaptation leads to the shrinking of the ambitions and the study
areas of philosophy; 7. The balloon effect and the information overflow increase the
cost of moving from one language game to another; 8. The ultimate consequence of this
is that philosophy and humanities in general, may be removed to the cultural margins.


philosophy; 20th century philosophy; Wittgenstein Ludwig; tyranny; philosophy; information; inflation; academics

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