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AN BERTRAND RUSSELL, [vor 20. 1. 1913]
Dear Russell,
Thanks very much for both your kind
letters! I cannot yet tell when I shall be able to come back to
Cambridge, as the doctors are still quite uncertain about the
duration of my fathers illness. He has not yet any pain but feels on
the whole very bad having constantly high
fever. This makes him so apathetic that one cannot do him any good by
sitting at his bed etc. And as this was the only thing that I could
ever do for him, I am now perfectly useless here. So the time of my
staying here depends entirely upon wheter the illness will take so
rapid a course that I could not risk to leave Vienna; or not. I hope
I shall be able to decide this in a weeks time & I have told
Fletcher so. - I have changed my views on "atomic" complexes: I now
think that Qualities, Relations (like Love) etc. are all copulae That
means I for instance analyse a subject-predicate prop, say, "Socrates
is human" into "Socrates" & "Something is human["] (which I think
is not complex). The reason for this, is a very fundamental one: I
think that there cannot be different Types of things! In other words
whatever can be symbolized by a simple proper name must belong to one
type. And further: every theory of types must be rendered superfluous
by a proper theory of the symbolisme: For instance if I analyse the
prop. Socrates is mortal into Socrates Mortality & (∃ x, y)
1 (x, y) I whant a theory of types to tell me that
"Mortality is Socrates" is nonsensical, because if I treat
"Mortality" as a proper name (as I did) there is nothing to prevent
me to make the substitution the wrong way round. But if I analyse (as I do now) into Socrates
& (∃ x) x is Mortal or generally into x & (∃ x)
(*Props which I formerly
wrote &egr;2 (a, R, b) I now write R(a, b) & analyse them into a,
b, & (&∃ x, y) R (x, y) not complex) it becomes
impossible to substitute the wrong way round, because the two symbols
are now of a different kind themselves.
What I am most certain of is not however
the correctness of my present way of analysis, but of the fact that
all theorys of types must be done away with by a theory of symbolisme
showing that what seem to be different kinds of
things are symbolised by different kinds of symbols which cannot possibly be substituted in one another's
places. I hope I have made this fairly clear! I was very interested to hear your views about
matter, allthough I cannot imagine your way of working from sense
data forward. Mach writes such a horrid style that it makes me nearly
sick to read him; however, I am very glad that you think so much of a
countryman of myne.
Yours most etc.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
AN BERTRAND RUSSELL,17. [10.] 1913
Nordre Bergenhus Amts Dampskibe, Bergen
Postbox 203. Rigstelefon 286. Telegrafadresse: Amtsskibene. Dampskibet Kommandör d. 17.9.1913 Dear Russell,
My address is going to be: L. W. c/o. Halvard Draegni Skjolden,
Sogn, Norway. I am not yet there. - Identity is
the very Devil! Types have got a good deal clearer to me on the
journey. Hope you have got typewriten business all right. I saw
Whitehead before going & he was charming as usual. Let me hear
from you as soon as possible; I want it
badly! Give my love to everybody who wants it. Yrs as long as there
is such a thing as
L. W.
P.S. I am not as far north as I thought I would be as the Inn I
intended to stay at is closed during the winter.
Dear Moore,
My address is: L. W. c/o H. Draegni, Skjolden, Sogn, Norway. The
place is very nice and I have got plenty of time to work. Identity
plays hell with me! Please ask Russell whether he has got my letter
because I am not certain if it has been posted. Let me know exactly how you are.
Yours etc. etc.
L. Wittgenstein
AN BERTRAND RUSSELL, 29. 10. u. 30. 10. 1913
c/o H. Draegni, Skiolden
Sogn, Norway. 29.10.13. Dear Russell,
I hope you have got my letter which I wrote on the 16th. I left it
in the Dining room of the boat & afterwards telefoned that it
should be posted but I don't know with what effect. This is an ideal
place to work in. - Soon after I arrived here I got a violent
influenza which prevented me from doing any work untill quite
recently. Identity is the very Devil & immensely important; very much more so than I thought. It hangs -
like everything else - directly together with the most fundamental
questions, especially with the questions concerning the occurence of
the same argument in different
places of a function. I have all sorts of ideas for a solution of the
problem but could not yet arrive at anything definite. However I
don't loose courage & go on thinking. I have got two nice rooms
here in the Postmasters house & am looked after very well indeed.
By the way - would you be so good & send me two copies of Moore's paper: "The Nature &
Reality of Objects of Perception" which he read to the Aristotelian
Soc. in 1906. I am affraid I can't yet tel you the reason why I whant
two copies but you shall know it some day.
If you kindly send the bill with them I will send the money
immediately after receiving the Pamflets. - As I hardly meet a soul
in this place, the progress of my Norwegian is exceedingly slow; so
much so that I have not yet learned a single swear word! Please
remember me to Dr & Mrs Whitehead & Erik if you see them.
Write to me soon!
Yours as long as E!
L. W.
P. S. How are your conversation-classes
going on? Did you get the copy of my manuscript? I enclose a roseleaf
as sample of the flora in this place.
I wrote this letter yesterday. Since then quite new ideas have
come into my head: new problems have arrisen in the theory of
molecular props & the theory of inferrence has received a new
& very important aspect. One of the consequences of my new ideas
will - I think - be that the whole of Logic follows from one P.p.
only!! I cannot say more about it at present.
L. W.
AN BERTRAND RUSSELL,[Ende November 1913]
Lieber Russell,
I intended to write this letter in German, but it struck me that I
did not know whether to call you "Sie" or "Du" & so I am reduced
to my beastly english jargon! -
I will begin by explaining why there must be a prop. from which
all Logic follows:
I beg you to notice that, allthough I shall make use in what
follows of my ab-Notation, the Meaning of this Notation is not
needed; that is to say, even if this Notation should turn out not to
be the final correct Notation what I am going to say is valid if you
only admit - as I believe you must do - that it is a possible Notation. Now listen: I will first
talk about those Logical props which are or might be contained in the
first 8 Chapters of Princ. Math. That they all follow from one Pp is clear because one symbolic rule is
sufficient to recognize each of them as true or false. And this is
the one symbolic rule: Write the prop down
in the ab-Notation, trace all Connections (of Poles) from the outside
to the inside Poles: Then if the b-Pole is connected to such Groups of inside Poles only as contain oposite poles of one prop, then the whole prop is a true, logical
prop. If on the other hand this is the case with the a-Pole the prop
is false & logical. If finaly neither is the case the prop may be
true or false but is in no case Logical. Such for instance (p).~p p
limited to a suitable type of course is not a logical prop at all
& its truth can neither be proved nor disproved from logical
pro[p]s allon. The Same is the case - by the way - with your axiom of
reducibility, it is not a logical Prop at
all & the same applies to the axioms of infinity & the
mult. ax. If these are true props they are what I shall call
"accidentally" true & and not "essentially" true. Whether a
prop is accidentally or essentially true can be seen by writing it
down in the ab-Notation & applying the above rule. What I - in
stating this rule - called "logical" prop is a prop which is either
essentially true or essentially false. This distinction of accid.
& essent. true props explains - by the way - the feeling one
allways had about the infin. ax. & the axiom of reducibility, the
feeling that if they where true they would be so only by a lucky
Of course the rule I have given applies first of all only for what
you called elementary props. But it is easy to see that it must also
apply to all others: For consider your two Pps in the Theory of app.
vars *9.1 & *9.11. Put there instead of x. (∃ y).
y . y = x and it becomes obvious that the special cases of
these two Pps like those of all the previous ones become tautologous
if you apply the ab-Notation. The ab-Notation for Identity is not yet
clear enough to show this clearly but it is obvious that such a
Notation can be made up. I can sum up by saying that a logical prop
is one the speciale cases of which are either tautologous - &
then the prop is true - or "selfcontradictory" (as I shall call it)
& then it is false. And the ab Notation simply showes directly
which of those two it is (if any). That means there is one Method of proving or disprooving all
logical props and this is: writing them down in the ab-Notation &
looking at the connections & apply the above rule. But if one symbolic rule will do, there must also be
one P.p. that will do.
There is much that follows from all this & much that I could
only explain vaguely but if you realy think it over you will find
that I am right. - I am glad that your classes are a success. As to
Wiener I can only say that, if he is good at Math, Math isn't much
good. However -
- Write again soon! And think allways well of your
P.S. Please remember me to Hardy. Every
letter of yours gives me infinite pleasure!
Dear Moore,
Many thanks for your letter. I am glad that you will have regular
discussions with me when you come up and I can't
see for my life why you shouldn't be able to! That Johnson at
last gives a paper to the Club interests me enormously! What was it
like?? And what was it really about? To say
the truth I don't like the title. However - Identity still plays hell
with me. We had already heavy snowfalls but it isn't cold. Write soon
and a lot about Johnson's paper.
Yours etc
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Is Muscio still alive? And, if so, what's he doing?
Skjolden Sogn
Lieber Russell!
Ich schicke heute 720 Kroner an Messrs Child & Co. für
Deine Rechnung. Die Frage nach den Wesen der Identität
läßt sich nicht beantworten, ehe das Wesen der Tautologie
erklärt ist. Die Frage nach diesem aber, ist die Grundfrage
aller Logik. - Mein Tag vergeht zwischen Logik, Pfeifen,
Spazierengehen & Niedergeschlagensein. Ich wollte zu Gott, ich
hätte mehr Verstand & es würde mir nun endlich alles
klar; oder ich müßte nicht mehr lange leben! -
Du hast die Eroica gehört! Was hast Du zu dem zweiten Satz
gesagt? ist er nicht unglaublich? - Ist es nicht höchst
merkwürdig, was für eine große & unendlich
eigenartige Wissenschaft die Logik ist; ich glaube, weder Du noch ich
haben das vor 11/2 Jahren gewußt.
Dein L. W.
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