EU ARI WAB (2002-2004)

«EU ARI WAB» is the acronym for the «Transnational access to European Research Infrastructure Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen» programme, which ran from 1 January 2002 to 31 August 2004. EU ARI WAB was regulated by a contract signed with the European Commission within the framework of the European Community's 5th Framework Programme Improving the Human Research Potential and the Socio-economic Knowledge Base: Access to Research Infrastructures (ARI) (contract no: HPRI-CT-2001-00161). EU ARI WAB was initiated by Alois Pichler (WAB, AKSIS (since 2009 "Uni Digital") ) and the University of Bergen Office of International Relations.

Funding of research projects through EU ARI WAB was subject to application and selection procedures. Proposals were reviewed by an independent User Selection Panel, which made its selection on the basis of scientific merit, while taking into account the interests of the European Community and of the Transnational Access to European Research Infrastructures programme.

Only researchers and research groups conducting their research in the member states of the European Union and the Associated States (for this contract: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia) were eligible to benefit under the EU ARI WAB contract. Researchers and research groups conducting their research in Norway were not eligible to benefit under the contract.

The EU ARI WAB programme was announced at conferences, via email-lists, on WAB's web-site, in the journals «The Monist» and «Literary & Linguistic Computing», and via individually targeted communications.

Also see the EU Cordis site on EU ARI WAB.


  • Programme manager: Alois Pichler (WAB, AKSIS (since 2009 "Uni Digital") )
  • Programme secretary: Eldbjørg Gunnarson (AKSIS (since 2009 "Uni Digital") )
  • User representatives: Anat Biletzki (University of Tel-Aviv, Philosophy Department), Edward Vanhoutte (CTB - Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies, Gent)
  • Logistic and technical support: AKSIS (since 2009 "Uni Digital")
  • Scientific support: Daniel Apollon (AKSIS (since 2009 "Uni Digital") ), Tone Merete Bruvik (AKSIS (since 2009 "Uni Digital") ), Kevin Cahill (Philosophy Department), Claus Huitfeldt (Philosophy Department), Karol Janicki (English Department), Ralph Jewell (Philosophy Department), Harald Johannessen (Philosophy Department), K.S. Johannessen (Philosophy Department), Vemund Olstad (AKSIS (since 2009 "Uni Digital") ), Alois Pichler (WAB, AKSIS (since 2009 "Uni Digital") ), Rolf Reber (Psychology Department), Simo Säätelä (Philosophy Department), Richard Sørli (Philosophy Department), Arild Utaker (Philosophy Department), Cato Wittusen (Philosophy Department)
  • Programme period: 1.1.2002-31.8.2004 (foreseen: 1.1.2002-30.4.2004)
  • Five deadlines for proposals: 1.2.2002, 1.4.2002, 1.11.2002, 1.1.2003, 1.8.2003
  • Three User selection panel and EU ARI WAB management face-to-face meetings: 29.11.2002 (Bergen), 5.9.2003 (Bergen), 20.8.2004 (Bergen)
  • Two User representatives and EU ARI WAB management face-to-face meetings: 23.4.2003 (Bergen), 20.8.2004 (Bergen)
  • Total number of eligible proposals received: 38
  • Total number of projects funded: 32 (foreseen: 24)
  • Total number of users funded: 30 (foreseen: 24)
  • Total number of user-days funded: 1000 (foreseen: 1080)
  • Total number of stay-days funded: 1426 (foreseen: 1440)
  • Total eligible costs travel and subsistence: euro 102 366 (foreseen: euro 131 953)
  • Total eligible costs user fees: euro 31 000 (foreseen: euro 33 480)
  • Total eligible costs: euro 133 366 (foreseen: euro 165 433)
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