Guests and visitors
WAB is a meeting place for intellectuals, technicians, scholars and students from many different research fields and geographical areas around the world. The research infrastructure includes digital and paper copies as well as transcriptions of Wittgenstein's Nachlass as it was catalogued by his trustee G.H. von Wright in his 1969 article «The Wittgenstein Papers». It also includes a hand library with Wittgenstein primary and secondary literature in a number of different languages. NB: Please note that WAB does not possess any physical Wittgenstein originals.
- 6.1.-1.7.2025 Marcello Di Massa (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa).
- 20.10.-3.11.2024 Luz Christopher Seiberth (Associate Prof. for Logic and Theoretical Philosophy, Universität Potsdam).
- 16.10.2024 Knut Georg Flo (Bergen).
- 15.10.2024 Robert Jaeger (Guilford CT).
- 11.10.2024 Andrew Arana (Université de Lorraine, Department of Philosophy).
- 2.9.-2.10.2024 Amadeusz Just (University of Warsaw, Institute of Philosophy).
- 19.-23.8.2024 Jakub Gomułka (AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow).
- 9.8.2024 Deping Lu (Beijing Language and Culture University, Department of Linguistics).
- 17.-18.6.2024 Millie Forman (Columbia University, Department of Religion).
- 13.6.2024 Niko Strobach (University of Münster, Projekt "Heinrich Scholz und die Schule von Münster"). Participant in workshop "Wittgenstein-Schlick-Scholz".
- 13.6.2024 Felix Oepping (University of Münster, Projekt "Heinrich Scholz und die Schule von Münster"). Participant in workshop "Wittgenstein-Schlick-Scholz".
- 13.6.2024 Monja Reinhart (University of Münster, Projekt "Heinrich Scholz und die Schule von Münster - Mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung"). Participant in workshop "Wittgenstein-Schlick-Scholz".
- 13.6.2024 Martin Lemke (Universität Rostock, Moritz-Schlick-Forschungsstelle). Participant in workshop "Wittgenstein-Schlick-Scholz".
- 13.6.2024 Ronald Dekker (DH Lab, Huygens Institute, Royal Academy of Sciences of The Netherlands). Participant in workshop "Wittgenstein-Schlick-Scholz".
- 10.-13.6.2024 Joseph Wang-Kathrein (Brenner-Archiv, Univ. Innsbruck). Participant in workshop "Wittgenstein-Schlick-Scholz".
- 14.5.2024 Hanoch Ben-Yami (Central European University, Department of Philosophy, Vienna).
- 5.2.-1.3.2024 Tim Grasshöfer (Technische Universität Dortmund).
- 1.-29.2.2024 Jakub Gomułka (AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow).
- 1.-3.11.2023 Nuno Venturinha (New University of Lisbon, Department of Philosophy).
- 28.9.2023-29.3.2024 Filippo Mosca (University of Rome 'Tor Vergata').
- 8.-26.6.2023 Anja Weiberg (Institut für Philosophie, University of Vienna).
- 17.-21.4.2023 Lotar Rasinski (Dolnoslaska Szkola Wyzsza, Wroclaw).
- 17.-21.4.2023 Leszek Koczanowicz (SWPS University, Wroclaw).
- 17.-21.4.2023 Anat Biletzki (Quinnipiac University, Schweitzer Prof of Philosophy and Women's and Gender Studies).
- 17.-21.4.2023 Thomas Wallgren (University of Helsinki, Philosophy Department).
- 5.-15.12.2022 James Matthew Fielding (
- 15.10.-15.11.2022 Vincent Vincke (Free University of Brussels, CLPS).
- 7.-20.9.2022 Daina Teters (Riga, Latvian Academy of Culture).
- 28.-30.8.2022 Nuno Venturinha (New University of Lisbon, Department of Philosophy).
- 17.-20.6.2022 Daniele Vittorio Genner (University of Oslo, Department of Public and International Law).
- 14.-20.6.2022 Alexander Berg (University of Zurich, Deutsches Seminar).
- 4.6.2022 Luciano Bazzocchi (Univ. of Siena, Department of Social, Political and Cognitive sciences). Participant in Skjolden workshops Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence: Towards an update and WABe RI 2nd evaluation meeting.
- 4.6.2022 Herbert Hrachovec (Univ. of Vienna, Department of Philosophy). Participant in Skjolden workshops Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence: Towards an update and WABe RI 2nd evaluation meeting.
- 4.6.2022 Hanoch Ben-Yami (Central European University, Department of Philosophy). Participant in Skjolden workshops Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence: Towards an update and WABe RI 2nd evaluation meeting.
- 1.6. and 4.6.2022 S. Sunday Greve (Peking University, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies). Participant in Skjolden workshops Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence: Towards an update and WABe RI 2nd evaluation meeting.
- 1.6.2022 Victor Lacerda Botelho (Univ. of Bergen, Department of Informatics). Participant in Skjolden workshops Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence: Towards an update and WABe RI 2nd evaluation meeting.
- 1.6.2022 Filipe Campello (Univ. of Pernambuco, Department of Philosophy). Participant in Skjolden workshops Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence: Towards an update and WABe RI 2nd evaluation meeting.
- 1.6.2022 Florian Franken Figueiredo (NOVA Univ. of Lisbon, Institute of Philosophy). Participant in Skjolden workshops Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence: Towards an update and WABe RI 2nd evaluation meeting.
- 31.5.-10.6.2022 Radek Schuster (University of West Bohemia). Participant in Skjolden workshops Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence: Towards an update and WABe RI 2nd evaluation meeting
- 31.5.2022 Volker Munz (University of Klagenfurt, Institut für Philosophie). Participant in Skjolden workshops Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence: Towards an update and WABe RI 2nd evaluation meeting.
- 31.5.2022 Jakub Macha (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic). Participant in Skjolden workshops Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence: Towards an update and WABe RI 2nd evaluation meeting.
- 28.5.2022 Martin Pilch (Vienna, Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft and Bundesministerium für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort). Participant in Skjolden conference "Tractatus" Centennial Conference and workshops Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence: Towards an update and WABe RI 2nd evaluation meeting.
- 28.5.2022 Lassi Jakola (University of Helsinki, Doctoral Programme in Philosophy, Arts, and Society). Participant in Skjolden conference "Tractatus" Centennial Conference and workshops Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence: Towards an update and WABe RI 2nd evaluation meeting.
- 28.5.2022 Hanne Appelqvist (University of Helsinki, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies). Participant in Skjolden conference "Tractatus" Centennial Conference.
- 15.5.-11.6.2022 Joseph Wang-Kathrein (Brenner-Archiv, Univ. Innsbruck). HumEval Guest researcher fellowship and participant in Skjolden workshops Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence: Towards an update and WABe RI 2nd evaluation meeting.
- 2.5.2022 Ingo Hebach (Research and Project Manager, University of Zurich and ETH).
- 19.4.-13.5.2022 Michael Sperberg-McQueen (Black Mesa Technologies). HumEval Guest researcher fellowship.
- 4.4.-31.5.2022 Roger B. Fragua (PhD International Mobility Programme, University of Granada).
- 5.4.2022 Joris van Zundert (Computational Literary Studies Group DHLab, Huygens Institute, Royal Academy of Sciences of The Netherlands). Participant in workshop "Document similarity in Wittgenstein's Nachlass".
- 5.4.2022 Michael Oakes (Computational Linguistics, University of Wolverhampton). Participant in workshop "Document similarity in Wittgenstein's Nachlass".
- 5.4.2022 Ronald Dekker (DH Lab, Huygens Institute, Royal Academy of Sciences of The Netherlands). Participant in workshop "Document similarity in Wittgenstein's Nachlass".
- 5.4.2022 Joel Kalvesmaki (U.S. Government Publishing Office / Fellow, ICOR, The Catholic University of America). Participant in workshop "Document similarity in Wittgenstein's Nachlass".
- 5.4.2022 Ines Röhrer (Center for Information and Language Processing - CIS, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich). Participant in workshop "Document similarity in Wittgenstein's Nachlass".
- 14.3.-8.4.2022 Severin Schroeder (University of Reading, Dep. of Philosophy). HumEval Guest researcher fellowship.
- 16.-30.9.2021 Jakub Gomułka (Pedagogical University of Krakow, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology).
- 13.-29.1.2020 Deva Waal (KU Leuven, Husserl-Archives: Centre for Phenomenology and Continental Philosophy).
- 22.11.2019 Severin Schroeder (University of Reading, Dep. of Philosophy).
- 22.11.2019 Alexander George (Amherst College, Dep. of Philosophy).
- 22.11.2019 Annalisa Coliva (UC Irvine, School of Humanities, Philosophy).
- 22.11.2019 Giulia Corti (King's College London, School of Politics, Philosophy, Dep. of Philosophy).
- 19.11.2019 Joao E. da Silva (New University of Lisbon, Literary Theory).
- 19.11.2019 Oskari Kuusela (University of East Anglia, School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication).
- 16.10.-30.11.2019 Gisela Bengtsson (University of Uppsala, Department of Philosophy).
- 16.-21.10.2019 Désirée Weber (Political Science, The College of Wooster).
- 2.10.2019 Alex Rühle (Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich).
- 30.9.2019 Alfred Schmidt (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna).
- 20.9.-2.10.2019 Ines Röhrer (Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung - CIS, LMU Munich).
- 13.-27.9.2019 Joseph Wang (Brenner-Archiv, Univ. Innsbruck).
- 11.-12.9.2019 Ruthard Stäblein (Hessischer Rundfunk, Frankfurt).
- 23.8.2019 Laura Adriana Hernandez Mart (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico).
- 22.8.2019 Jonathan Derbyshire (Financial Times, London).
- 12.8.2019-20.5.2020 Frederic Kettelhoit (Universität Kassel, Institut für Philosophie).
- 12.8.2019 Manja Kisner (Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies, LMU Munich).
- 14.-24.6.2019 Anja Weiberg (Institut für Philosophie, University of Vienna).
- 20.-29.5.2019 Frederic Kettelhoit (Universität Kassel, Institut für Philosophie).
- 25.-31.5.2019 Jakub Macha (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic).
- 18.-1.6.2019 Max Hadersbeck (Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung - CIS, LMU Munich). Erasmus exchange visit.
- 15.-26.5.2019 Federico Meschini (The University for Foreigners, Perugia, and École normale supérieure, Paris). Erasmus exchange visit.
- 28.3.2019 Dieter Roelstraete (University of Chicago, Department of Art History).
- 18.-31.3.2019 Danka Radjenovic (Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau, Institut für Philosophie).
- 18.1.2019 Sandra Laugier (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne). Workshop "Imagination, Society, and Culture".
- 18.1.2019 Sabina Lovibond (University of Oxford). Workshop "Imagination, Society, and Culture".
- 18.1.2019 Julia Wilam (Kings College London). Workshop "Imagination, Society, and Culture".
- 18.1.2019 Eva Backhaus (Goethe Universität Frankfurt a.M.). Workshop "Imagination, Society, and Culture".
- 18.1.2019 Selda Salman (Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University). Workshop "Imagination, Society, and Culture".
- 18.1.2019 Zoe Cunliffe (CUNY Graduate Center). Workshop "Imagination, Society, and Culture".
- 18.1.2019 Maite Rodríguez Apólito (University of Essex). Workshop "Imagination, Society, and Culture".
- 1.10.2018 Gabriele Griffin (Nordic Centre of Excellence 'Beyond the Gender Paradox', Uppsala University).
- 26.9.2018 Katharina Neges (Künstlerisch-Wissenschaftliche Doktoratsschule, Kunstuniversität Graz).
- 27.-29.8.2018 Daphne Bielefeld (Fakultät für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie und Religionswissenschaft; LMU München).
- 6.8.-30.9.2018 Konrad Bucher (Philosophisches Seminar, Universität Heidelberg).
- 26.6.2018 Viggo Helge Rossvær (Universitetet i Nordland).
- 11.-15. and 25.-29.6.2018 Céline Poisson (L'École de design industriel de l'Université de Montréal, Université du Québec à Montréal).
- 11.-15.6.2018 Elisabeth Rigal (C.N.R.S., C.E.P.E.R.C. de l'Université de Provence).
- 24.5.-2.6.2018 Danka Radjenovic (Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau, Institut für Philosophie).
- 20.-31.5.2018 Federico Meschini (The University for Foreigners, Perugia, and École normale supérieure, Paris). Erasmus exchange visit.
- 8.-11.5.2018 Ines Röhrer (Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung - CIS, LMU Munich).
- 8.-11.5.2018 Sabine Ullrich (Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung - CIS, LMU Munich).
- 4.-10.5.2018 Florian Landes (Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung - CIS, LMU Munich).
- 4.-10.5.2018 Matthias Lindinger (Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung - CIS, LMU Munich).
- 30.4.-2.5.2018 Susan Edwards-McKie (Darwin College, Cambridge).
- 9.4.2018 Mia Zamora (Kean University; Fulbright Professor of Digital Culture, University of Bergen).
- 21.2.2018 Lina Gerle (Gale, Cengage Learning).
- 21.2.2018 Peter Foster (Gale, Cengage Learning).
- 12.2.2018 Peter Cripps (Berlin).
- 7.-17.9.2017 Matthias Kross (Einstein Forum, Potsdam).
- 5.-11.9.2017 Kristina Veinbender (Department of General Anthropology, Charles University in Prague).
- 1.9.-30.11.2017 Anna Sobko (Institute of Information Science and Book Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun). European POWER traineeship.
- 1.9.-30.11.2017 Emilia Ciesnik (Institute of History and Archival Sciences, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun). European POWER traineeship.
- 1.9.-30.11.2017 Agnieszka Dura (Institute of Information Science and Book Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun). European POWER traineeship.
- 1.9.-20.12.2017 Katerina Georgieva Parzulova (Faculty of philosophy, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski").
- 20.-23.6.2017 Arley Moreno (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas). SPIRE workshop "Wittgenstein In / On Translation".
- 20.-23.6.2017 Cristiane Gottschalk (Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo). SPIRE workshop "Wittgenstein In / On Translation".
- 20.-23.6.2017 Paulo Oliveira (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas). SPIRE workshop "Wittgenstein In / On Translation".
- 20.-23.6.2017 João José de Almeida (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas). SPIRE workshop "Wittgenstein In / On Translation".
- 20.-23.6.2017 Marco Brusotti (Università del Salento, Lecce, and Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin). SPIRE workshop "Wittgenstein In / On Translation".
- 20.-23.6.2017 Nuno Venturinha (New University of Lisbon, Institute for Philosophy of Language). SPIRE workshop "Wittgenstein In / On Translation".
- 20.-23.6.2017 Dinda L. Gorlée (University of Houston-Victoria). SPIRE workshop "Wittgenstein In / On Translation".
- 20.-23.6.2017 Hyun Höchsmann (New Jersey City University).
- 8.5.2017 Radmila Schweitzer (Wittgenstein Initiative, Vienna).
- 8.5.2017 Jon Erik Strømø (Minister Counselor at Embassy of Norway in Vienna, Austria).
- 8.5.2017 Clemens Panagl ("Salzburger Nachrichten", Austria).
- 8.5.2017 Werner Rosenberger ("Kurier", Austria).
- 8.5.2017 Klaus Taschwer ("Der Standard", Austria).
- 7.4.2017 Juliana Popova ("Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse, Ruse, Bulgaria).
- 27.-31.3.2017 Jakub Macha (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic).
- 13.-20.3.2017 Georg Meggle (Institut für Philosophie, Univ. Leipzig).
- 21.11.-1.12.2016 Urszula Idziak (Institute of Religious Studies, Jagiellonian University, Cracow).
- 6.10.2016 Varja Strajn (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Philosophy).
- 26.-28.9.2016 Ian Ground (School of Arts and Culture, Newcastle University, and Department of Philosophy, University of Hertfordshire; Vice-President of the British Wittgenstein Society).
- 27.-29.8.2016 Dieter Köhler (Department of Philosophy, University of Karlsruhe).
- 17.8.-31.12.2016 Leonie Lanfrit (Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung - CIS, LMU Munich). Erasmus student mobility visit.
- 15.8.2016-25.2.2018 Minnian He (Faculty of philosophy, Zhejiang University, National university in Hangzhou, China).
- 21.7.2016 Jonathan Berg (Department of Philosophy, University of Haifa).
- 8.-15.6.2016 Radek Schuster (University of West Bohemia). EEA and Norway Grants Scholarship Programme (CZ07), project: "Encoding and Interpreting in Digital Humanities" (NF-CZ07-INP-5-346-2016).
- 3.-4.6.2016 Natascha Gruver (Philosophy Department, University of Vienna).
- 27.-28.4.2016 Yrsa Neuman (Philosophy Department, Åbo Akademi).
- 4.-27.4.2016 Ivan Mladenov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia). eea Norway grant, project: "Wittgenstein and Peirce".
- 29.3.-9.4.2016 Federico Meschini (Tuscia University, Viterbo). Erasmus exchange visit.
- 29.3.-2.4.2016 Max Hadersbeck (Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung - CIS, LMU Munich). Erasmus exchange visit.
- 10.-22.3.2016 Sandra Markewitz (Universität Vechta, Vechta).
- 17.-21.2.2016 Susan Edwards-McKie (Darwin College, Cambridge).
- 19.1.2016 Karl Emil Sødergren (Bergen Arkitekthøgskole, Bergen).
- 13.-15.1.2016 Urszula Idziak (Institute of Religious Studies, Jagiellonian University, Cracow).
- 18.-20.11.2015 Gottfried Gabriel (University of Jena, Department of Philosophy).
- 1.-3.11.2015 Paulo Oliveira (State University of Campinas/CNPq, Brazil).
- 30.10.2015 Allan Janik (University of Innsbruck, Brenner Archives).
- 16.-23.9.2015 Radek Schuster (University of West Bohemia, Department of Philosophy). EEA and Norway Grants Scholarship Programme (CZ07) individual project: "Research and Teaching in Digital Humanities with a focus on Wittgenstein Philosophy" (NF-CZ07-INP-3-049-2014).
- 14.-18.9.2015 Mauro Luiz Engelmann (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Department of Philosophy). Engelmann gives a lecture: "Hypotheses and Certainty in the Phenomenological Grammar".
- 10.9.2015 Therese Jacobsen.
- 10.9.2015 Jørgen Nordby.
- 31.8.-4.9.2015 Nikolo M.C. Panganoron (University of the Philippines Diliman, Department of Philosophy).
- 15.8.2015-15.8.2018 Lumberto Guce Mendoza (Faculty of philosophy, University of the Philippines Diliman).
- 18.6.2015 Simon Glendinning (LSE, European Institute).
- 5.6.2015 Mark Steiner (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Division for Advancement and External Relations).
- 28.5.2015 Rico Gutschmidt (Technische Universität Dresden, Department of Philosophy).
- 15.5.2015 Michael R. Biggs (University of Hertfordshire, Faculty of Art and Design).
- 28.4.2015 Arthur W. Frank (University of Calgary, Department of Sociology).
- 28.4.2015 Oddgeir Synnes (Høgskolen Betanien, Fyllingsdalen).
- 18.3.2015 Austen Clements (The School of the Art Institute of Chicago).
- 18.3.2015 Avery Erwin (Columbia University, School of the Arts).
- 3.-11.3.2015 Aloisia Moser (UC Berkeley, Philosophy).
- 2.2.2015 Andreas Vermehren Holm (Copenhagen).
- 2.2.2015 Tomas Espedal (Bergen).
- 26.1.-30.6.2015 Sara Pokorna (University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Department of Philosophy).
- 30.12.2014 Yukika Kudo (Vienna).
- 16.-20.12.2014 Dinda L. Gorlée (American Book Review, University of Houston-Victoria).
- 5.-6.12.2014 Frege zwischen Dichtung und Wissenschaft workshop (only non-local participants listed): Jan Harald Alnes (Tromsø), Einar Duenger Bøhn (Oslo), Martin Gustafsson (Åbo), Sören Stenlund (Uppsala), Joan Weiner (Indiana), Allan Janik (Innsbruck) and Hans Biesenbach (Münster).
- 1.12.2014-31.5.2015 Alexander Berg (University of Dresden). Leonardo da Vinci mobility project.
- 2.9.-31.10.2014 Marie Millutat (Free University Berlin, Master of Editorial Studies). PROMOS research-visit focusing on electronic scholarly editing.
- 1.-3.9.2014 Peter Hacker (St John's College, Oxford). Hacker gives two lectures: "Philosophy and neuroscience" and "The nature of consciousness".
- 29.8.-3.9.2014 Angela Krey (Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung - CIS, LMU Munich).
- 29.8.-3.9.2014 Matthias Lindinger (Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung - CIS, LMU Munich).
- 25.8.-6.9.2014 Jakub Macha (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic).
- 18.8.-12.9.2014 Pierre Fasula (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne - PhiCo).
- 3.8.-31.12.2014 Nivedita Gangopadhyay.
- 23.-27.6.2014 Urszula Idziak (Institute of Religious Studies, Jagiellonian University, Cracow).
- 26.5.-15.6.2014 Ivan Mladenov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia). eea Norway grant project: "Wittgenstein and Peirce". Mladenov gives a lecture: "Conceptualizing Peirce".
- 14.5.2014 Daniel Sharp (Washington DC, National Institutes of Health, Bioethics).
- 5.5.-21.9.2014 Edmund Dain (Philosophy, Providence College). Leiv Eiriksson project: "The Wittgenstein Dictionary: A Comprehensive Dictionary of Wittgenstein's Philosophy". Dain gives a lecture: "Ethics Without Propositions".
- 28.-30.4.2014 Allan Janik (Brenner-Archives at the University of Innsbruck). Janik gives two lectures: "The Philosophical Importance of Wittgenstein's War Experiences" and "Wittgenstein at the Brenner Archives".
- 17.-18.3.2014 Roland Bluhm. (Inst. für Philosophie und Politikwissenschaft, Technische Univ. Dortmund). Bluhm gives two lectures: "Computerised Ordinary Language Philosophy" and "The Affectivity of Hoping".
- 7.3.2014 Keiji Hoshikawa. (Faculty of Literature, Department of Humanities, Taisho University, Tokyo).
- 7.3.2014 Tomoaki Matsuno.
- 7.3.2014 Takaaki Watanabe.
- 27.1.2014 Lucie Zahorikova (University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Department of Philosophy).
- 6.12.2013 Semantic Web and Pundit workshop (only non-local participants listed): Jakub Macha, Christian Morbidoni, Gerold Tschumpel, Kristin Dill, Sam Leon, Simone Fonda.
- 3.-11.12.2013 Jakub Macha (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic). Macha gives a presentation.
- 2.12.2013-31.1.2014 Nivedita Gangopadhyay (Center for Mind, Brain and Cognitive Evolution, Institut für Philosophie II, Ruhr-Universität Bochum). Gangopadhyay gives a lecture: "Empathy, other-directed emotion, and mindreadin".
- 5.11.2013 Matilda Watson (Digital Humanities, King's College London, London).
- 21.10.2013 Janine Gölz (Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICADE, Madrid).
- 21.10.2013 Levin Hornischer (University of Oslo (IFIKK) and Heidelberg University).
- 15.10.2013 Enrique Clemente-Quintana (ECQ estudio, Valencia).
- 10.10.2013 Hans Herlof Grelland (Universitetet i Agder).
- 9.-16.10.2013 Valeriy Surovtsev (Tomsk State University, Tomsk).
- 9.-16.10.2013 Vsevolod Ladov (Tomsk State University, Tomsk). Ladov gives a lecture: "Wittgensteins viewpoints on self-reference in TLP (3.332, 3.333)".
- 9.-16.10.2013 Evgeny Borisov (Tomsk State University, Tomsk). Borisov gives a lecture: "Definite Descriptions and Singular Propositions".
- 20.-27.9.2013 Tomasz Zarebski (University of Lower Silesia, Dolnoslaska Szkola Wyzsza, Wroclaw). Socrates-Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility. Zarebski gives a seminar.
- 20.-23.8.2013 Patrick Seebauer (Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung - CIS, LMU Munich). Erasmus exchange visit. Seebauer gives one presentation.
- 19.8.-17.11.2013 pela Vidmar (University of Ljubljana). Leonardo da Vinci mobility project.
- 19.-23.8.2013 Eileen Wagner (Trinity College, Cambridge).
- 16.-21.8.2013 David Kaumanns (Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung - CIS, LMU Munich). Erasmus exchange visit. Kaumanns gives one presentation.
- 5.-9. and 19.-21.8.2013 Max Hadersbeck (Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung - CIS, LMU Munich). Erasmus exchange visit. Hadersbeck gives three presentations.
- 17.-30.6.2013 Dinda L. Gorlée (American Book Review, University of Houston-Victoria).
- 14.6.2013 Ilyas Khan (Judge Business School, University of Cambridge).
- 14.6.2013 Benjamin Ware (School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, University of Manchester).
- 14.6.2013 Joseph Zanella (Philosophy Department, University of Copenhagen).
- 14.6.2013 Ladislav Koren (Philosophy Department, University of Hradec Králové).
- 4.6.2013 Niklas Toivakainen (Philosophy Department, University of Helsinki).
- 4.6.2013 Hannes Nykänen (Philosophy Department, University of Helsinki).
- 4.6.2013 Joel Backström (Philosophy Department, University of Helsinki).
- 4.6.2013 Olli Lagerspetz (Philosophy Department, Åbo Akademi).
- 4.6.2013 Yrsa Neuman (Philosophy Department, Åbo Akademi).
- 3.-16.6.2012 Sebastian Greve (Department of Philosophy, Birkbeck College). Sebastian Greve and Jakub Macha organize a workshop.
- 13.5.2013 David Schenck (Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society).
- 6.-8.5.2013 Hans Sluga (University of California, Berkeley).
- 2.5.-31.7.2013 Isabel Gamero Cabrera (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain). Project: "Crossroads of philosophy. Some problems related to transcendentalism and normativity in 20th century philosophy".
- 22.-26.4.2013 Urszula Idziak (Institute of Religious Studies, Jagiellonian University, Cracow).
- 3.4.2013 Marie Volt (Galleri Volt, Bergen), Bernardo Ortiz and Erick Beltrán. Marie Volt, Erick Beltrán and Bernardo Ortiz organize a seminar on April 8, 2013: Game Piece.
- 11.2.2013 Natalia Fedorova (Smolny Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia).
- 1.2.-30.6.2013 Jakub Macha (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic). RCN YGGDRASIL mobility programme project: "Wittgenstein on internal and external relations, and the controversy over monism". Macha gives a presentation. Sebastian Greve and Jakub Macha organize a workshop.
- 18.1.2013 Alfred Nordmann (Institut für Philosophie, Technische Universität Darmstadt).
- 7.-13.1.2013 Gerold Tschumpel (Berlin School of Library and Information Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin).
- 6.12.2012 Nadine Desrochers (École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information, Université de Montréal, Canada).
- 5.12.2012 Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen (Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, University of Southern Denmark, Odense).
- 3.12.2012 Alice Crary (The New School for Social Research, New York).
- 28.11.-15.1.2013 Maja Jaakson (Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam).
- 18.-24.11.2012 Anat Biletzki (Quinnipiac University, Philosophy and Political Science Faculty). Biletzki gives two lectures.
- 16.-26.11.2012 Radek Schuster (University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Department of Philosophy).
- 22.-27.10.2012 Klaus Puhl (Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna). Puhl gives two lectures.
- 16.-19.10.2012 Andreas Grimmel (ARENA - Senter for europaforskning, University of Oslo).
- 1.-5.10.2012 Dinda L. Gorlée (American Book Review, University of Houston-Victoria).
- 26.9.2012 Øystein Linnebo (University of Oslo, Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas).
- 11.-28.9.2012 Sebastian Greve (Department of Philosophy, Birkbeck College). Sebastian Greve gives a paper.
- 8.-18.9.2012 Maja Jaakson (Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam). Maja Jaakson gives a paper.
- 10.-12.9.2012 Danièle Moyal-Sharrock (University of Hertfordshire, Philosophy Department). Moyal-Sharrock gives two lectures.
- 1.9.2012-31.8.2013 Emiliano La Licata (Philosophy Department; Faculty of Philosophy; Université Paris 8). RCN YGGDRASIL mobility programme project: "Language as form of life and creative work".
- 25.-30.8.2012 Stine Zink Kaasgaard (University of Copenhagen, Søren Kierkegaard Forskningscenteret).
- 15.8.-15.11.2012 Stefan Giesewetter (University of Potsdam, Department of Philosophy). Stefan Giesewetter gives a paper.
- 21.6.2012 Marjorie Perloff (Stanford University, Department of English).
- 13.6.2012 Markku T. Kurkinen (Wayne State University, School of Medicine).
- 14.-18.5.2012 Maija Aalto-Heinilä (University of Eastern Finland). Project: "Wittgenstein and philosophy of law".
- 3.5.2012 Jon Haukeland.
- 10.-20.4.2012 Maria Stoicheva (Department of European Studies; Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski").
- 1.-25.3.2012 James Klagge (Department of Philosophy, Virginia Tech). Klagge gives three lectures.
- 20.10.-11.12.2011 Sarah Anna Szeltner (Department of Philosophy, University of Kassel). Project: "Wittgenstein and Epistemological Realism".
- 8.10.-13.11.2011 Antti Kuusela (University of Helsinki, Department of Philosophy). JNU VWAB project: "Wittgenstein and Neuroscience".
- 1.-9.10.2011 Anniken Greve (University of Tromsø, Department of Comparative Literature). JNU VWAB project: "Wittgenstein the Historical Author and Narrative Theorys Implied Author" (cont.).
- 29.9.-1.10.2011 Arthur Gibson (Cambridge). Participant at workshop "The Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen - A stocktaking".
- 29.9.-1.10.2011 Ulrich Lobis (Innsbruck). Participant at workshop "The Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen - A stocktaking".
- 29.9.-1.10.2011 Brian McGuinness (Siena). Participant at workshop "The Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen - A stocktaking".
- 29.9.-1.10.2011 Bernt Österman (Helsinki). Participant at workshop "The Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen - A stocktaking".
- 29.9.-1.10.2011 Alfred Schmidt (Vienna). Participant at workshop "The Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen - A stocktaking".
- 29.9.-1.10.2011 Joachim Schulte (Zurich). Participant at workshop "The Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen - A stocktaking".
- 29.9.-1.10.2011 Jonathan Smith (Cambridge). Participant at workshop "The Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen - A stocktaking".
- 29.9.-1.10.2011 Nuno Venturinha (Lisbon). Participant at workshop "The Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen - A stocktaking".
- 29.9.-1.10.2011 Thomas Wallgren (Helsinki). Participant at workshop "The Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen - A stocktaking".
- 29.9.-1.10.2011 Joseph Wang (Innsbruck). Participant at workshop "The Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen - A stocktaking".
- 5.-14.9.2011 Maja Jaakson (Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam).
- 1.-15.9.2011 Urszula Idziak (Institute of Religious Studies, Jagiellonian University, Cracow). eea Norway grant project: "Wittgenstein on religion".
- 1.9.2011-30.6.2012 Jérôme Letourneur (Philosophy Department; Faculty of Philosophy; Université Paris 8). RCN YGGDRASIL mobility programme project: "The Wittgensteinian notion of album as a paradigm of comprehension: a manuscript's study". Letourneur gives a seminar: "From a change in situation to a philosophical investigation's aspect change: Wittgenstein 1941-1949".
- 16.-26.8.2011 Sarah Anna Szeltner (Department of Philosophy, University of Kassel).
- 14.6.2011 Lesley Chamberlain, London.
- 14.-17.6.2011 Steen Brock (Department of Philosophy, Aarhus University). JNU VWAB project: "Thematic patterns in Wittgenstein's philosophy of psychology" (cont.).
- 14.-17.6.2011 Mark Addis (Department of Philosophy, Aarhus University). JNU VWAB project: "Thematic patterns in Wittgenstein's philosophy of psychology" (cont.).
- 9.6.-24.7.2011 Elmar Unnsteinsson (Department of History and Philosophy, University of Island; Graduate Center of the City University of New York). JNU VWAB project: "Translating the Philosophical Investigations into Icelandic".
- 3.6.2011 Yasuhiro Suzuki, Department of Complex System Science, Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University, Japan.
- 3.6.2011 Fuminori Akiba, Department of Systems and Social Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University, Japan.
- 2.-5.5.2011 Dinda L. Gorlée (American Book Review, University of Houston-Victoria). Project: "Wittgenstein's Coded and Uncoded Diaries".
- 26.4.-7.6.2011 Helga Sinn (Institut für Philosophie, University of Vienna). Project: "Wittgenstein über Verstehen".
- 11.-20.4.2011 Anniken Greve (University of Tromsø, Department of Comparative Literature). JNU VWAB project: "Wittgenstein the Historical Author and Narrative Theorys Implied Author".
- 11.-20.4.2011 Peter K. Westergaard (Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier (ToRS), University of Copenhagen). Project: "Wittgenstein and Frazer".
- 3.-11.3.2011 Cato Wittusen (Institutt for medie-, kultur- og samfunnsfag (IMKS), University of Stavanger). JNU VWAB project: "Wittgenstein on Humor and the notion of a point of view".
- 21.2.-17.3.2011 Maria Stoicheva (Department of European Studies; Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"). eea Norway grant project: "The concept of I, identity and culture in Wittgenstein's philosophy". Stoicheva gives a seminar: "Language and Identity: On Wittgensteins ideas about the use of the pronoun I".
- 17.2.2011 Urszula Idziak (Institute of Religious Studies, Jagiellonian University, Cracow).
- 1.2.-31.5.2011 Todor Polimenov (Department of Logic, Ethics and Aesthetics; Faculty of Philosophy; Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"). RCN YGGDRASIL mobility programme project: "Wittgenstein's Doctrine of Formal Concepts and Its Reinterpretation in Logical Empiricism". Polimenov gives a seminar: "The Horizontal: Philosophical Issues of Freges Logical Notation".
- 11.-19.11.2010 Radek Schuster (University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Department of Philosophy). Project: "The electronic expository dictionary with the virtual library of Wittgensteins philosophy" (FRV 681/2010). Schuster gives a seminar: "Picture Theory, Self-Reflexivity and Horror Infinity".
- 15.10.2010 Sebastian Rehnman (Misjonshøgskolen i Stavanger and Department of Philosophy, University of Stavanger).
- 4.-16.10.2010 James Matthew Fielding (Department of Philosophy, University of Paris I). Project: "Wittgenstein document ontology".
- 13.-18.9.2010 Steen Brock (Department of Philosophy, Aarhus University). JNU VWAB project: "Thematic patterns in Wittgenstein's philosophy of psychology" (cont.).
- 15.8.-15.9.2010 Florian Gstöhl (Institut für Philosophie, University of Vienna).
- 24.-26.8.2010 Chiara Broggini (Milan). Project: "Wittgenstein ↔ Norway".
- 24.-26.8.2010 Silvia Molla (Milan). Project: "Wittgenstein and Abel".
- 18.8.2010-10.4.2011 Sebastian Greve (Philosophisches Seminar, University of Goettingen). Erasmus exchange fellowship.
- 15.8.-20.12.2010 Franz Schörkhuber (Institut für Philosophie, University of Vienna). Erasmus exchange fellowship.
- 4.8.-19.12.2010 Helga Sinn (Institut für Philosophie, University of Vienna). Erasmus exchange fellowship.
- 21.6.-11.7.2010 Giuseppina Ronzitti (University of Helsinki, Department of Philosophy). JNU VWAB project: "Wittgenstein and Stenius on linguistic intuition and mathematical proof".
- 13.-17.6.2010 Nuno Venturinha (New University of Lisbon, Institute of Philosophy of Language). Project: "Making an XML edition of Wittgenstein's 1938 English translation of the PI preface".
- 1.-3.6.2010 Garry Hagberg (Bard College, Philosophy). Hagberg gives a seminar: "The Thinker and the Draughtsman: Wittgenstein, Architecture, Autobiography".
- 31.5.2010 Géza Kállay (School of English and American Studies, Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest). Kállay gives a seminar: "Nonsense and the Ineffable: a Contribution to the Re-Reading of Wittgensteins Tractatus".
- 31.5.-6.6.2010 Steen Brock (Department of Philosophy, Aarhus University). JNU VWAB project: "Thematic patterns in Wittgenstein's philosophy of psychology" (cont.).
- 25.-27.5.2010 Erik Tonning (Regent's Park College, Oxford).
- 24.5.-4.6.2010 Mark Addis (Department of Philosophy, Aarhus University). JNU VWAB project: "Thematic patterns in Wittgenstein's philosophy of psychology" (cont.).
- 26.4.-23.5.2010 Christoffer Gefwert (Department of Philosophy, Åbo Akademi University). JNU VWAB projects: "Languaculture and Wittgenstein" and "XML transcription practices". Gefwert gives a seminar: "Wittgenstein and Kanzi".
- 2.-12.3.2010 Walter Goetz (Institute of Social Psychology, University of Zurich).
- 2.-28.2.2010 Peter K. Westergaard (Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier (ToRS), University of Copenhagen). JNU VWAB project: "The atmosphere of a word". Westergaard gives a seminar: "Some preliminary remarks on the late Wittgensteins use of the phrase the atmosphere of a word".
- 28.9.2009 Durham-Bergen seminar participants (only non-local visitors listed): Alex Carruth, Richard Stopford, Francis O. C. H. Pearson, Arlette Frederik, Duncan Proctor (Durham University).
- 17.9.2009 Paul Otto Brunstad.
- 9.9.2009-30.4.2010 Akos Polgardi (Department of Philosophy, Central European University). RCN YGGDRASIL mobility programme project: "The Problem of Method in Wittgenstein's 'Philosophical Investigations'".
- 3.-28.6.2009 Lu Jiang (University of Regensburg, Institut für Philosophie). Project: DAAD exchange "Wittgenstein and Mediaeval Philosophy". Jiang gives a seminar: "Wittgenstein and Occam on the logical form of language".
- 2.-6.6.2009 Svend Brinkmann (Department of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University). JNU VWAB project: "Thematic patterns in Wittgenstein's philosophy of psychology".
- 2.-15.6.2009 Mark Addis (Department of Philosophy, Aarhus University). JNU VWAB project: "Thematic patterns in Wittgenstein's philosophy of psychology". Addis gives two seminars: "Methodology and Meaning in the Cognitive Science of Religion" and "Situation ontologies and thematic patterns".
- 2.-10.6.2009 Steen Brock (Department of Philosophy, Aarhus University). JNU VWAB project: "Thematic patterns in Wittgenstein's philosophy of psychology".
- 27.4.2009 Louis E. Wolcher (UW School of Law, Seattle).
- 17.4.2009 Thomas Binder (Forschungsstelle und Dokumentationszentrum für österreichische Philosophie, Graz).
- 16.4.-15.5.2009 Federico Meschini (De Montfort University, Leicester). Project: COST Action A 32 Short Term Scientific Mission "Markup systems and Electronic Editions". Meschini gives a seminar: "Should an electronic edition walk, swim or shake its tail feathers?"
- 2.4.2009 Ranjit Chatterjee (The Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies, The University of Maryland).
- 26.3.-11.5.2009 Rasa Ziemyte (Lithuanian Social Science Forum, Vilnius). JNU VWAB project: "Wittgenstein's Lebensform as claim for realities".
- 1.2.-30.9.2009 Michal Gusin (Dolnoslaska Szkola Wyzsza/University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw). eea Scholarship and Training Fund grant project: "Wittgenstein w horyzoncie psychoanalizy". Gusin gives a seminar: "Wittgenstein and Lacan".
- 19.2.2009 Anja Weiberg (Institut für Philosophie, University of Vienna).
- 9.-14.2.2009 Brian Rogers (Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of California Irvine).
- 12.1.-30.6.2009 Florian Gstöhl (Institut für Philosophie, University of Vienna). Erasmus exchange fellowship.
- 5.1.-15.2.2009 Yrsa Neuman (Department of Philosophy, Åbo Akademi). JNU VWAB project: "Nonsense, propositions and rigor". Neuman gives two seminars: "The Finnish Philosophy Portal" and "Moore's paradox and nonsensical sentences".
- 28.10.2008 Peter Sullivan (Department of Philosophy, University of Stirling).
- 11.9.2008 Dawn M. Phillips (Department of Philosophy, University of Warwick).
- 3.9.2008 Daniel Weitzner (W3C and MIT CSAIL Decentralized Information Group).
- 21.7.2008 Chelin Liao (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).
- 23.-26.6.2008 Valérie Aucouturier (Université Paris 1).
- 23.-26.6.2008 Elise Marrou (Université Paris 1).
- 23.-26.6.2008 Sabine Plaud (Université Paris 1).
- 23.6.2008 Hans Herlof Grelland (Universitetet i Agder).
- 19.-26.6.2008 Nuno Venturinha (New University of Lisbon, Institute for Philosophy of Language).
- 14.-27.6.2008 Stefan Schick (University of Regensburg, Institut für Philosophie). Project: DAAD exchange "Wittgenstein and Mediaeval Philosophy".
- 12.6.2008 Tom Ricketts (University of Pittsburgh, Department of Philosophy).
- 12.6.2008 Warren Goldfarb (Harvard University, Department of Philosophy).
- 12.-19.6.2008 Jean-Philippe Narboux (University of Bordeaux, Department of Philosophy).
- 26.5.-6.7.2008 Eleni Dakomitou (University of Crete, Department of Philosophy and Social Studies). Project: "Wittgenstein's latest manuscripts".
- 9.5.2008 Leszek Koczanowicz (University of Lower Silesia, Dolnoslaska Szkola Wyzsza Edukacji Towarzystwa Wiedzy Powszechnej, Wroclaw).
- 3.-5.4.2008 Kerstin Mayr (Brenner-Archiv, Innsbruck).
- 3.-5.4.2008 Joseph Wang (Brenner-Archiv, Innsbruck).
- 3.-5.4.2008 Allan Janik (Brenner-Archiv, Innsbruck).
- 3.-5.4.2008 Jens-Philipp Gründler (University of Münster, Philosophy Department).
- 12.-14.3.2008 Thomas Wallgren (University of Helsinki, Philosophy Department).
- 22.-25.2.2008 Kirill O. Thompson (National Taiwan University).
- 21.11.2007 Ray Monk (University of Southampton, Philosophy Department). Monk gives two lectures(FIL).
- 19.-26.11.2007 Cristina Marras (ILIESI, Roma). Project: COST Action A 32 Short Term Scientific Mission "Treatment of a corpus of philosophical and scientific terms".
- 18.-24.11.2007 Jaakko Hintikka (Boston University, Philosophy Department). Hintikka gives three lectures(WAB,FIL).
- 9.-25.7.2007 Ela Dutkiewicz (Lublin). Project: Wittgenstein and William Blake's Gnosticism.
- 19.6.2007 Harald Skeie (ABM-utvikling, Oslo).
- 14.6.2007 Paolo D'Iorio (Item, Paris).
- 14.6.2007 Michele Barbera (Net7, Pisa). Barbera gives a presentation.
- 5.-11.3.2007 Stefan Majetschak (Kunsthochschule Kassel). Project: Wittgenstein und Freud / Psychoanalyse. Majetschak gives a lecture.
- 13.12.2006 Summer Govan (Red Cross Nordic United World College, Flekke).
- 27.11.-2.12.2006 Nick Hayward (Centre for Textual Scholarship, De Montfort University). Project: COST Action A 32 Short Term Scientific Mission "Analysis and comparison of markup languages". Hayward gives a presentation.
- 21.8.2006 David Clark (NSCAD University, Halifax).
- 18.8.2006 Christian Solis Vega (Pontificia Universitá Gregoriana, Faculty of Philosophy).
- 7.8.2006 Raymond Meester (University of Amsterdam, Department of Philosophy).
- 26.6.2006 Sheri Xiaoyi Liao (Global Village of Beijing, Beijing).
- 30.5.-20.7.2006 Jiaying Chen (East China Normal University, Department of Philosophy, Shanghai).
- 2.5.-27.5.2006 Tomasz Zarebski (University of Lower Silesia, Dolnoslaska Szkola Wyzsza Edukacji Towarzystwa Wiedzy Powszechnej, Wroclaw). Socrates-Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility. Zarebski gives a seminar.
- 28.4.-31.5.2006 Lisa van Alstyne (University of Pittsburgh, Department of Philosophy).
- 16.12.2005 Michael Maurer (Universität Wien, Institut für Philosophie).
- 23.-26.9.2005 Allan Janik (Brenner Archives at the University of Innsbruck). Janik participates in the 4th Annual Meeting of the Norwegian-French Wittgenstein Research Group.
- 23.-24.9.2005 Antonia Soulez (University of Paris VIII). Soulez participates in the 4th Annual Meeting of the Norwegian-French Wittgenstein Research Group.
- 23.-24.9.2005 Denis Perrin (University of Grenoble II). Perrin participates in the 4th Annual Meeting of the Norwegian-French Wittgenstein Research Group.
- 22.-28.9.2005 Nuno Venturinha (New University of Lisbon, Institute for Philosophy of Language). Project: More on Wittgenstein's method. Venturinha participates in the 4th Annual Meeting of the Norwegian-French Wittgenstein Research Group.
- 20.9.-24.9.2005 Hans Walter Gabler (University of Munich, Department of English). Gabler gives three lectures(UIB).
- 16.-30.9.2005 Céline Vautrin (University of Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne; Collège de France). Project: The distinction between sense and nonsense in Wittgensteins philosophy. Vautrin participates in the 4th Annual Meeting of the Norwegian-French Wittgenstein Research Group.
- 30.8.-22.12.2005 Gisela Bengtsson (University of Oslo, Department of Philosophy).
- 22.8.-22.9.2005 Lisa van Alstyne (University of Pittsburgh, Department of Philosophy.
- 19.5.-15.8.2005 Anniken Greve (University of Tromsø, Department of Comparative Literature).
- 3.5.-23.5.2005 Tomasz Zarebski (University of Lower Silesia, Dolnoslaska Szkola Wyzsza Edukacji Towarzystwa Wiedzy Powszechnej, Wroclaw). Project: Cavell's reading of Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations, Socrates-Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility. Zarebski gives a seminar.
- 27.4.-6.5.2005 Jan Estep (University of Minnesota, Department of Art). Project: Art and language, Jerome Foundation Travel and Research Grant.
- 8.4.-16.4.2005 Denis McManus (University of Southampton, Department of Philosophy). McManus gives two lectures(FIL).
- 21.3.2005-15.6.2005 Nicolas Reitbauer (Institut für Philosophie, University of Vienna). Project: The Big Typescript - Genetic Reading and Understanding / Das Big Typeskript - Genetisch Lesen und VERSTEHEN, Erasmus exchange fellowship.
- 29.12.2004 Dinda L. Gorlée (Juridisch Vertaalbureau Gorlée, The Hague).
- 15.-24.9.2004 Anniken Greve (University of Tromsø, Department of Comparative Literature).
- 7.9.2004-31.1.2005 Manfred Wiplinger (Institut für Philosophie, University of Vienna). Project: PU §1-18: Editionen und Interpretationen, Erasmus exchange fellowship.
- 1.9.2004-30.4.2005 Peter Keicher (University of Karlsruhe, University of Paris VIII). Project: The Philosophical Investigations and the «Helsinki-Edition».
- 19.-27.8.2004 Ulrich Arnswald (Institut für Philosophie, University of Karlsruhe, and Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut für Philosophie). Project: Wittgenstein and the politics of social identity. A workshop on the theme is organized.
- 15.7.-31.8.2004 Peter Keicher (University of Karlsruhe, University of Paris VIII). EU ARI WAB project: Reconstruction of Philosophical Investigations, part 1 and 2, 1944-49.
- 12.7.-31.8.2004 Edoardo Zamuner (Philosophy Department and CILTA, University of Bologna). EU ARI WAB project: A philosophical argument on continuity: On the connection between Philosophical Investigations Part I and Part II.
- 22.6.-25.6.2004 Liz Mitchell (University of Warwick, Department of Philosophy). Completion of EU ARI WAB project: An investigation of the usefulness of Wittgenstein's philosophy to feminist ideas of the self.
- 16.6.-23.6.2004 Xabier Insausti (Socrates Coordinator from the University of San Sebastian, Philosophy Department).
- 6.6.-26.6.2004 José María Ariso (Facultad de psicología de la universidad complutense de Madrid, Filosofía IV). EU ARI WAB project: Madness according to Wittgenstein's later work.
- 18.5.-19.6.2004 Ludovic Soutif (University of Paris I, Department of Philosophy, and University of Rennes I, Department of Philosophy). EU ARI WAB project: Phenomenology, geometry and grammar in Wittgenstein's middle period.
- 10.5.-14.6.2004 Miklos Lehmann (University of Eötvös Lorand, Teacher Training College). EU ARI WAB project: Das Thema der Photographie in Wittgensteins Philosophie und Leben.
- 4.5.-8.6.2004 Debora Maccanti (University of Pisa, Department of Philosophy). Project: The role of the visual in Wittgenstein's philosophy. Maccanti gives a lecture: «The role of the visual in Wittgenstein's philosophy».
- 3.5.-30.6.2004 Piotr Dehnel (Dolnoslaska Szkola Wyzsza Edukacji Towarzystwa Wiedzy Powszechnej, Wroclaw). EU ARI WAB project: Wittgenstein im Verhältnis zur deutschen Sprachphilosophie.
- 28.4.-5.5.2004 Dinda L. Gorlée (Juridisch Vertaalbureau Gorlée, The Hague). Completion of EU ARI WAB project: Wittgenstein on translation.
- 1.5.-16.5.2004 Herbert Hrachovec (University of Vienna, Department of Philosophy). EU ARI WAB project: Digital philology on Wittgenstein's Nachlass. Two workshops are organized with professor Hrachovec: «'Eine Ansammlung von Bemerkungen'? Microstructures in Wittgenstein's Big Typescript» (6.5.) and «Nonstandard Internet Scholarship: MOOs, Wikis, Open Archives» (13.5.)
- 1.3.-18.4.2004 Kim van Gennip (University of Groningen, Faculty of Philosophy). EU ARI WAB project: Comparing printed works to their original Nachlass sources. Van Gennip gives a lecture(FIL): «Wittgenstein and Russell».
- 23.2.-18.4.2004 Elena Tatievskaya (University of Augsburg, Lehrstuhl für Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie). EU ARI WAB project: Wittgenstein über die logischen Konstanten. Tatievskaya gives a lecture(FIL): «Wittgenstein über logische Konstanten».
- 19.1.-24.1.2004 Dinda L. Gorlée (Juridisch Vertaalbureau Gorlée, The Hague). EU ARI WAB project: Wittgenstein on translation.
- 12.1.-15.3.2004 Oskari Kuusela (University of Helsinki, Philosophy Department). EU ARI WAB project: Ethics and Wittgenstein's approach to philosophy. Kuusela gives two lectures(FIL): «Do the concepts of grammar and use in Wittgenstein articulate a theory of language or meaning?» and "Moral judgements and moral reasons".
- 7.1.-21.2.2004 Istvan Danka (Institute for Philosophical Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest). EU ARI WAB project: Wittgenstein and Synthetic a priori. Danka gives a lecture: «Wittgenstein and the problem of Synthetic a priori».
- 27.11.2003 Christian Erbacher (University of Regensburg, Department of Psychology). Erbacher gives a presentation: «Wittgenstein research and e-learning».
- 19.11.-3.12.2003 James Thompson (Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Fachbereich für Philosophie, and Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Philosophy Department). Project: Wittgenstein and phenomenology. Thompson gives a lecture(FIL): «Wittgenstein and Phenomenology: Beyond the Inner/Outer».
- 13.10.-18.10.2003 Masahiro Oku (Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, Osaka). Project: Zettel / TS 233. Oku gives a seminar: «How to make and not to make use of the Wittgenstein Nachlass».
- 1.10.-31.10.2003 Nuno Venturinha (New University of Lisbon, Philosophy of Language Institute). EU ARI WAB project: The peculiarity of Wittgenstein's philosophical activity. Venturinha gives a paper at the workshop «The Authentic in Wittgenstein's Philosophy«.
- 1.9.-30.9.2003 Roman Kopytko (University of Poznan, Department of English). EU ARI WAB project: Ludwig Wittgenstein's relevance for pragmatics of language: The idea of the social context.
- 28.8.-12.9.2003 Øystein Hide (Philosophy Department, University of Southampton).
- 19.8.-3.11.2003 Nicole Immler (University of Graz, Department of History and University of Innsbruck, Brenner Archives). EU ARI WAB project: Das autobiographische Gedächtnis von Ludwig Wittgenstein. Immler gives a paper at the workshop «The Authentic in Wittgenstein's Philosophy».
- 11.8.-31.10.2003 Ulrich Arnswald (Technical University Darmstadt, Department of Philosophy, and University of Karlsruhe, Department of Philosophy). EU ARI WAB project: Wittgenstein and authenticity as a concept for political legitimacy. Together with Gerhard Gelbmann, Arnswald organizes a workshop: «The Authentic in Wittgenstein's Philosophy».
- 1.8.-30.9.2003 Luigi Arpaia (University of Naples, Department of Mathematics and Statistics). EU ARI WAB project: Logic and knowledge: the role of scientific language in the modern statistic inference.
- 24.7.-7.9.2003 Jacek Ziobrowski (Warsaw School of Economics, Department of Philosophy). EU ARI WAB project: Methoden der Philosophie Wittgensteins und die indirekte Mitteilung.
- 20.7.-26.7.2003 Edoardo Zamuner (Philosophy Department and CILTA, University of Bologna).
- 14.7.-20.7.2003 Liz Mitchell (University of Warwick, Department of Philosophy). EU ARI WAB project: An investigation of the usefulness of Wittgenstein's philosophy to feminist ideas of the self.
- 27.6.2003 Kim-Erik Berts (Åbo Akademi, Department of Philosophy).
- 16.6.-16.8.2003 Ludovic Soutif (University of Paris I, Philosophy Department). Completion of EU ARI WAB project: Logic, visual space and the grammar of perceptual statements (First research stay 1.8.-7.9.2002).
- 9.6.-12.7.2003 Dorota Frackiewicz (University of Wroclaw, Department for Cultural Studies). EU ARI WAB project: Vision, representation and aesthetics in Wittgenstein's philosophy.
- 9.6.-12.7.2003 Leszek Koczanowicz (University of Wroclaw, Department for Cultural Studies). EU ARI WAB project: Dialogue, language game, and concept formation.
- 30.5.2003 James Conant (University of Chicago, Philosophy Department). Conant gives a series of lectures in week 22.
- 19.5.-3.8.2003 Katalin Neumer (Institute for Philosophical Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest). EU ARI WAB project: Die Seele und die Schrift.
- 16.5.2003 David Haugen (Western Illinois University, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies).
- 25.4.2003 Christopher Ormell (University of East Anglia, Norwich).
- 7.5.-31.5.2003 Michael R. Biggs (University of Hertfordshire, Faculty of Art and Design). EU ARI WAB project: Using XML to markup graphics in encoded text. Biggs gives a seminar: «What is the difference between graphics and text?».
- 7.-30.4.2003 Anniken Greve (University of Tromsø, Department of Comparative Literature).
- 7.-17.4.2003 Ludovic Soutif (University of Paris I, Philosophy Department).
- 1.4.-10.5.2003 Gerhard Gelbmann (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Semiotik, Vienna). Project: Pragmatics and the Conceptual Constitutivity of the Social.
- 4.2.-1.4.2003 Nadine Hagemus (University of Essen, Department of Philosophy).
- 6.-10.1.2003 Anniken Greve (University of Tromsø, Department of Comparative Literature).
- 2.1.-16.3.2003 Edoardo Zamuner (Philosophy Department and CILTA, University of Bologna). EU ARI WAB project: Wittgenstein's account of personal identity. Zamuner gives a lecture(FIL): «Wittgenstein on the Objective Core of Psychological Statements: The Case of Believing».
- 2.1.-15.3.2003 Gerhard Gelbmann (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Semiotik, Vienna). EU ARI WAB project: Recollection of references: Wittgenstein on the language-games of remembering.
- 11.12.-16.12.2002 Michael R. Biggs (University of Hertfordshire, Faculty of Art and Design).
- 9.12.-16.12.2002 Ludovic Soutif (University of Paris I, Philosophy Department).
- 28.11.2002 Håvard Åsvoll (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim).
- 21.-24.10.2002 Anniken Greve (University of Tromsø, Department of Comparative Literature).
- 7.-8.10.2002 Aseem Shrivastava with a group of students (Nordic College, Flekke).
- 2.10.2002 Eystein Raude (Høgskolen i Vestfold, Avdeling for realfag og ingeniørutdanning).
- 23.9.-31.10.2002 Thomas Binder (Forschungsstelle und Dokumentationszentrum für österreichische Philosophie, Graz). EU ARI WAB project: Text encoding applied to Franz Brentano's unpublished philosophical writings.
- 5.8.-5.9.2002 Anat Biletzki (University of Tel-Aviv, Philosophy Department). EU ARI WAB project: Reading Wittgenstein on religion. Biletzki gives a talk on «Wittgenstein and religion». Biletzki also gives a presentation of the Israeli Human Rights Organisation B'TSELEM which she is chairing.
- 1.8.-7.9.2002 Ludovic Soutif (University of Paris I, Philosophy Department). EU ARI WAB project: Logic, visual space and the grammar of perceptual statements. Soutif gives a lecture.
- 24.6.-12.7.2002 Heikki Saari (Åbo Akademi, Philosophy Department). EU ARI WAB project: Wittgenstein on understanding other cultures.
- 9.6.-16.6.2002 Xabier Insausti (Socrates Coordinator from the University of San Sebastian, Philosophy Department). Insausti gives a series of seminars on Spanish philosophy.
- 1.6.-6.7.2002 Edward Vanhoutte (CTB - Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies, Gent). EU ARI WAB project: Genetic encoding of modern manuscript texts. Vanhoutte gives a seminar on this subject.
- 27.5.-10.6.2002 Monika Seekircher (University of Innsbruck, Brenner-Archiv). EU ARI WAB project: Wittgenstein: Briefwechsel und philosophischer Nachlaß.
- 18.5.-26.5.2002 Edmund Runggaldier (President of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society; University of Innsbruck, Christian Philosophy Department). Runggaldier gives two lectures.
- 8.4.-19.4.2002 Michael Luntley (University of Warwick, Philosophy Department). Project: Wittgenstein and judgement. Luntley gives a series of lectures: «Wittgenstein: the conditions for the possibility of judgement».
- 2.4.-31.5.2002 Aleksander Motturi (Åbo Akademi, Philosophy Department). EU ARI WAB project: Revisiting the Frazer remarks. Motturi gives a lecture.
- 18.3.-15.9.2002 Gerhard Gelbmann (University of Vienna, Department for Philosophy of Science). Project: Towards a pragmatic theory of meaning and emotions, Norwegian Research Council fellowship. Gelbmann gives a series of lectures. He also runs a philosophy round table with University of Bergen philosophy students. On August 30th Gelbmann presents his book «Observations on Transaction».
- 5.2.-14.3.2002 Kari J. Pedersen (University of Bergen, Institutt for praktisk pedagogikk).
- 5.2.2002 T. D. Koschmann (University of Southern Illinois, School of Medicine).
- 5.2.2002 Anders I. Mørch (University of Oslo, InterMedia).
- 18.1.2002 Viggo Rossvær (University of Tromsø, Philosophy Department).
- 12.-15.12.2001 Wittgenstein Conference (only non-local participants listed): Michael R. Biggs (University of Hertfordshire, School of Art and Design), James Conant (University of Chicago, Philosophy Department), Hans-Johann Glock (University of Reading, Philosophy Department), Rudolf Haller (University of Graz, Philosophy Department), Lars Hertzberg (University of Åbo, Philosophy Department), Herbert Hrachovec (University of Vienna, Philosophy Department), Allan Janik (University of Innsbruck, Brenner Archives), Sir Anthony Kenny (St. John's College, Oxford), Cameron McEwen (InteLex Corporation, Charlottesville), Brian McGuinness (University of Siena, Philosophy Department), Kristóf Nyíri (University of Budapest, Philosophy Department), Joachim Schulte (University of Bielefeld, Philosophy Department), David G. Stern (University of Iowa, Philosophy Department), Knut Erik Tranøy (University of Oslo, Centre for Medical Ethics), Risto Vilkko (University of Helsinki, Philosophy Department), Knut Olav Åmås (Oslo), Maija Aalto (University of Joensuu), Gisela Susanna Bengtsson (University of Oslo), Mia Berner (Stockholm), William Boos (University of Copenhagen), Solveig Bøe (NTNU, Trondheim), Mark Cain (London), Carol Caraway (Indiana University of Pennsylvania), Paolo De Castro (Lisboa), Stefan Englund (Stockholm), Kjetil Havnevik (University of Oslo), Øystein Hide (University of Southampton), Andy King (Jesus College, Cambridge), Maruta Ken (London), Aleksander Motturi (University of Goteborg), Maria Isabel Narvaez Mora (University of Girona), John Roscoe (Vikedal), Anders E. Romøren (NTNU, Trondheim), Peder Skou (Oslo), Brit Strandhagen (NTNU, Trondheim), Karin Tan (University of Oslo), Steven Van Luchene (University of Brussels), Heikki Vuorila (Kauho), Andreas Østby (University of Oslo).
- 9.11.-14.11.2001 David Dubin (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Graduate School of Library and Information Science).
- 9.11.-14.11.2001 Allen Renear (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Graduate School of Library and Information Science).
- 21.8.-31.12.2001 Kevin Cahill (University of Virginia, Philosophy Department).
- 26.6.-16.7.2001 Karen Zumhagen (University of California, Berkeley, Comparative Literature Department).
- 07.6.2001 Anthony J. Cascardi (University of California, Berkeley, Rhetoric Department).
- 27.5.-3.6.2001 William Boos (University of Iowa, Mathematics Department).
- 14.5.-6.6.2001 Kevin Cahill (University of Virginia, Philosophy Department).
- 11.5.2001 Hubert Dreyfus (University of California, Berkeley, Philosophy Department).
- 04.5.-8.5.2001 Allan Janik (University of Innsbruck, Brenner Archives).
- 03.5.-6.5.2001 David G. Stern (University of Iowa, Philosophy Department).
- 21.4.-31.12.2001 Peter Keicher (University of Karlsruhe and University of Paris VIII). Keicher gives a lecture: «A short outline of Richard Rorty's philosophy».
- 2.3.2001 Annika Waenerberg (University of Jyväskylä, Department of Art and Culture).
- 2.3.2001 Kimmo Lehtonen (University of Jyväskylä, Department of Art and Culture).
- 16.2.2001 Liz Mitchell (University of Warwick, Philosophy Department).
- 06.11.2000 Paul Henry (CNRS, Paris).
- 02.10.2000 Herbert Hrachovec (University of Vienna, Philosophy Department). Hrachovec gives on October 2nd a lecture: «Wittgenstein on line/on the line».
- 18.9.-20.9.2000 Don Brady (Berlin).
- 25.8.2000 Carlo Bottigelli (Berlin).
- 03.8.-31.12.2000 Anna Bortoletto (University of Padova, Philosophy Department). Project: Wittgenstein and Hertz, Norwegian Research Council fellowship.
- 23.6.2000 Erik Haugo (Sofia).
- 19.6.2000 Thomas Binder (Forschungsstelle und Dokumentationszentrum für österreichische Philosophie, Graz).
- 15.5.-15.11.2000 Peter Keicher (University of Karlsruhe and University of Paris VIII).
- 08.5.2000 Stephan Dörschl (Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste, Berlin).
- 08.5.2000 Silke Lipert (Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste, Berlin).
- 31.3.2000 Lotte Alsterdal (Arbeidslivsinstituttet, Stockholm).
- 01.2.2000 Jianxin Wang (University of Beijing, English Department).