Two guest lectures by Klaus Puhl

Klaus Puhl from the University of Vienna visits the Wittgenstein Archives and the Philosophy Department in the period 22-26 October 2012. In this context, one seminar and one lecture are organized:

  • Wednesday, 24 October, 12.15-14.00, Room 210, Sydnesplassen 12/13 (seminar): Forms of argument in the Philosophical Investigations

    In this seminar we look at how Wittgenstein especially in the Philosophical Investigations sets up philosophical positions and argues against them. We will put our focus on his unique exploitation of fictional situations specific for his philosophical purposes.

  • Thursday, 25 October, 12.15-14.00, auditorium K at Sydneshaugen skole (lecture): Philosophy as a form of life: Wittgenstein and the sciences

    In this lecture I concentrate on how Wittgenstein developed his method of perspicuous representations („übersichtliche Darstellungen“) in opposition to causal explanations in the sciences, and how this line of argument connects to his claim that philosophy is „really more a working on oneself“.