Truth and Taste

Fabrice Pataut


I shall defend the view that the sentences of ordinary languages which ascribe tastes
to ordinary physical objects, most notably to edible bits of the world, are truth
bearers. This is to say that the statements we may wish to make in order to promote
the view that such items have a taste, either general like "Strawberries are sweet",
or particular like "This strawberry is sour", and the utterances resulting from the
fulfillment of that wish on a particular occasion, may be true. To claim that the
sentences and the related statements and utterances of a particular kind, or
belonging to a particular class, are truth bearers, is to say that they are in the
market for truth, that there is a truth predicate for the language, or fragment of
langage, to which they belong, and that they may be assessed by us in terms of


philosophy; 20th century philosophy; Wittgenstein Ludwig; disposition; phenomenology; secondary quality; semantics; taste; taste tetrahedron; truth; truth maker

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