A Digital Turn In Philosophy and Wittgenstein about “Is”

Vladimir Olegovich Lobovikov


Wittgenstein’s remarks about the set of logically different meanings of the
word-homonym “is” are very important for adequate understanding a process starting
with the philosophy of the digital turn and resulting in a digital turn in
philosophy. By the digital turn in philosophy I mean the turn to digital
philosophizing. What does the term “digital philosophizing” mean? Below I attempt to
clarify the meaning of this term and to show its necessary connection with
Wittgenstein’s considerations about “is”. Initially the turn to digital
philosophizing appeared in logic. It resulted in the computer culture of our days.
Now this culture is going to make the sphere of digital philosophizing more wide: not
reduced to logic only. It is relevant to talk about a digital formal ethics, a
digital metaphysics, etc. Wittgenstein was one of those analytical philosophers who
worked in this prospective direction.


philosophy; 20th century philosophy; Wittgenstein Ludwig; natural language; evaluative meaning; homonymy; metaphysics; formal ethics; evaluation variable; algebra; formal ethics

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