The role of productive imagination in creating artworks and discovering scientific hypotheses

Dan Nesher


In this article I elaborate on Kant’s conception of artistic Productive Imagination in creating artworks and I generalize it to explain
the scientist intellectual intuition in discovery of new
hypotheses. Kant explicates Intuition as presentation of the
imagination and developed the conception of Productive
Imagination to explain the genuine creation of fine art. Kant’s conception of
Intellectual Intuition is supersensible objects of reason
and not human cognition. I turn this transcendental concept into cognitive operations
and explain all cognitions experientially. Hence the role of productive imagination lies in the artistic creation of new exemplary
artworks, and the role of intellectual intuition, as
productive imagination, lies in scientistic discovery of new scientific hypotheses.
Within Pragmaticist epistemology I explain that artists and scientists use their
productive imaginations differently in their respective enterprises to construct
their different modes of representing reality.


philosophy; 20th century philosophy;

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