Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society – New Series Vol. 6 (2008). Alois Pichler, Herbert Hrachovec (Eds.): Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Information. Heusenstamm: ontos verlag.This is the first of two volumes of the proceedings from the 30th International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg, August 2007. In addition to several new contributions to Wittgenstein research (by N. Garver, M. Kross, St. Majetschak, K. Neumer, V. Rodych, L. M. Valdés-Villanueva), this volume contains articles with a special focus on digital Wittgenstein research and Wittgenstein's role for the understanding of the digital turn (by L. Bazzocchi, A. Biletzki, J. de Mul, P. Keicher, D. Köhler, K. Mayr, D. G. Stern), as well as discussions – not necessarily from a Wittgensteinian perspective – about issues in the philosophy of information, including computational ontologies (by D. Apollon, G. Chaitin, F. Dretske, L. Floridi, Y. Okamoto, M. Pasin and E. Motta).
Table of Contents
Anat Biletzki
Daniel Apollon
Luciano Bazzocchi
Gregory Chaitin
Fred Dretske
Luciano Floridi
Newton Garver
Peter Keicher
Dieter Köhler
Matthias Kroß
Stefan Majetschak
Kerstin Mayr
Jos de Mul
Katalin Neumer
Yukiko Okamoto
Michele Pasin, Enrico Motta, Milton Keynes
Victor Rodych
David G. Stern
Luis M. Valdés-Villanueva
Alois Pichler, Herbert Hrachovec