- No 22, 2011. Hans Biesenbach: Anspielungen und Zitate im Werk Ludwig Wittgensteins, German with quotations in original languages; introduction in German and English. 446 pages. ISBN 978-82-91071-25-1. Price: NOK 400. Front matter and excerpt. Order from Akademika.
A revised and significantly extended edition of this book is now available from Sofia University Press. - No 21, 2008. James M. Thompson: Wittgenstein on Phenomenology and Experience: An Investigation of Wittgenstein's 'Middle' Period, English. 150 pages. ISBN: 978-82-91071-24-4. Price: NOK 250. Order from Studia.
- No 20, 2008. Harald Johannessen: Interpreting Wittgenstein, English. 118 pages. ISBN: 978-82-91071-23-7. Price: NOK 250. Order from Studia.
- No 19, 2007. Denis Paul: Wittgenstein's Progress 1929-1951, English. 360 pages. ISBN-13: 978-82-91071-22-0, ISBN-10: 82-91071-22-0. Price: NOK 350. Excerpt. Order from Studia.
- No 17, 2005. Alois Pichler & Simo Säätelä (eds.): Wittgenstein: The Philosopher and his Works.
Introduction, Simo Säätelä & Alois Pichler (excerpt).
Wittgenstein and the relation between life and philosophy, Knut Erik Tranøy (abstract | excerpt).
Trying to keep philosophy honest, Lars Hertzberg (abstract | excerpt).
Remarks on Wittgensteins use of the terms Sinn, sinnlos, unsinnig, wahr, and
Gedanke in the Tractatus, Georg Henrik von Wright (abstract | excerpt).
Wittgensteins early philosophy of language
and the idea of the single great problem, Marie McGinn (abstract | excerpt).
Peter Winch on the Tractatus and the unity of Wittgensteins philosophy,
Cora Diamond (abstract | excerpt).
How many Wittgensteins?, David G. Stern (abstract | excerpt).
Taking avowals seriously: The soul a public affair, Eike von Savigny (abstract | excerpt).
Of knowledge and of knowing that someone is in pain, P.M.S. Hacker (abstract | excerpt).
Wittgenstein and history, Hans-Johann Glock (abstract | excerpt).
Impure reason vindicated, Allan Janik (abstract | excerpt).
Wittgensteins philosophy of pictures, Kristóf Nyíri (abstract | excerpt).
A case of early Wittgensteinian dialogism: Stances on the impossibility of
Red and green in the same place, Antonia Soulez (abstract | excerpt).
Wittgenstein: Philosophy and literature, Brian McGuinness (abstract | excerpt).
A brief history of Wittgenstein editing, Anthony Kenny (abstract | excerpt).
What is a work by Wittgenstein?, Joachim Schulte (abstract | excerpt).
Evaluating the Bergen Electronic Edition, Herbert Hrachovec (abstract | excerpt).
Wittgenstein in digital form: Perspectives for the future, Cameron McEwen (abstract | excerpt).
Bibliography. Authors and abstracts. Index.
English. 420 pages.
ISBN 82-91071-20-9. Out of print.
[NB: A revised and extended edition of this volume has been published in 2006 at the ontos verlag and is also available as eBook for Adobe Reader (Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 2).]
"Publications from the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen" (ISSN-0803-3137)
Editor: Alois Pichler (since 2000)Advisory Board: Daniel Apollon, Kevin Cahill, Claus Huitfeldt, K.S. Johannessen, H.W. Krüger, Simo Säätelä, D.C.P. Smith (since 2006)
Reviews: No. 22: Todor Polimenov: Nordic Wittgenstein Review 1/2012, pp. 200-208 (2012). Mathias Iven: Wittgenstein-Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch für Wittgenstein-Forschung 2012, pp. 308-311 (2012). Wolfgang Kienzler: Information Philosophie 2/2012, pp. 60-62 (2012). Peter K. Westergaard: Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 60, pp. 210-211 (2011). Ulrich Lobis & Joseph Wang: Mitteilungen aus dem Brenner-Archiv 30, pp. 186-188 (2011). No. 20: Edmund Dain: Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift 3-4, pp. 316-321 (2009). No. 19: Derek A. McDougall in: BWS Wittgenstein Bibliography (2008). No. 17: Gunnar Svensson in: SATS - Nordic Journal of Philosophy 7:2, pp.158-166 (2006); K.C. Pandey in: Cadernos de Filosofia 22, pp.125-134 (2007); Lynette Reid in: Philosophical Investigations 31:2, pp.182-190 (2008). No. 7: Erich Ammereller in: Philosophical Investigations 18(2), pp.173-177 (1995).
Orders can be placed with Akademika.