Using XML to generate research tools for Wittgenstein scholars by collaborative groupwork


research question
aims and objectives
research context
research methods
  Aims and Objectives    
  The aim of the project is to enable the partners to work collaboratively on the problem, bringing together their individual expertise to inform the XML document structure. Each partner has a variety of pre-Tractatus material at its disposal and has scholarly expertise in one or more of the foci of the project, e.g. the Brenner-Archiv specialises in Wittgenstein's correspondence. The objectives are two-fold: (a) to design and implement a set of XML documents that can accommodate a wide variety of material pertinent to the project, and (b) to demonstrate the utility of the documents by generating a sample that can be used by scholars on the internet. It is intended that, when completed, this sample will be used as a basis for a larger EU funding bid.