The partners are:
The host supplying the technical infrastructure is the Aksis department at the University of Bergen. Commercial evaluation of the outcome will be undertaken by Intelex Corp., USA.
The partners gratefully acknowledge the individual contributions of:
- MECS source transcription: Eirik Vassenden (WAB 1997),
Ilse Somavilla (FIBA 1999), Alois Pichler (WAB 1999)
- XML conversion of source transcription: Claus Huitfeldt (TTG 2002), Alois Pichler (WAB/TTG 2002)
- TEI implementation of source transcription: Alois Pichler (WAB/TTG 2003), Vemund Olstad (TTG 2003), Tone Merete Bruvik (TTG 2004)
- Stylesheets: Vemund Olstad (TTG 2002-2004), Alois Pichler (WAB/TTG 2002-2004), Michael Biggs (CREAC 2003-2004)
- User determined stylesheet (project 16): Jarle Bareksten (TTG 2003-2004)
- Editorial principles: Alois Pichler (WAB/TTG 2002)
- Layout and design: Michael Biggs (CREAC 2002-2003)
- Wittgenstein's correspondence: Monika Seekicher (FIBA 2002)
- Content markup and Tractatus references: B. F. McGuinness (2003)