The following table can be sorted according to Date, Author, Title, Context of publication, Publisher, and Type of publication: editions and translations of Wittgenstein's writings and works (i), other sources: books (ii), other sources: journals, series, booklets, in-house publications and off-prints (iii), other sources: excerpts (iv), electronic resources (v), language (vi).
date | author
| title | Ed., transl., and other | publisher | i/iv | language |
[1982] | | Tübingen versions | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | | iii | DE |
2024 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Le monde est tout ce qui est le cas. Une traduction du Tractatus logico-philosophicus de Ludwig Wittgenstein par François Latraverse. Des photographies de Céline Poisson et Jean-Pierre Danvoye. Une idée de Céline Poisson | Céline Poisson (ed.) | Toronto: Type A Print | i | FR |
2023 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig; Richards, Ben | "I think of you constantly with love ..." | A. Schmidt (ed.) | Innsbruck: Haymon | i | DE |
2023 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Sobre a certeza | Rodrigues, Giovane & Tranjan, Tiago (trans.) | Sao Paulo: Fosforo | i | BR |
2023 | Arnswald, Ulrich & Somavilla, Ilse (eds.) | Ludwig Wittgenstein - Universalgenie, Genie oder Generalist? Ein Leben ruhelosen Denkens | | Innsbruck: iup | ii | DE |
2023 | Dehnel, Piotr | The Radial Method of the Middle Wittgenstein | | London: Bloomsbury | ii | EN |
2023 | Egidi, Rosaria | Wittgenstein filosofo della mente | | Macerata: Quodlibet | ii | IT |
2023 | Fielding, James Matthew | The Movement of Thought | Nordic Wittgenstein Studies 9 | Berlin: Springer | ii | EN |
2023 | Pichler, Alois | Style, Method and Philosophy in Wittgenstein | Elements in the Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein no. 10 | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press | ii | EN |
2023 | Schweitzer, Radmila (ed.) | Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus Odyssey: The Great War and the Writing of the Tractatus-Logico-Philosophicus | | Los Angeles and Vienna: DoppelHouse and Wittgenstein Initiative | ii | EN |
2023 | Stadler, Friedrich (ed.) | Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle - 100 Years After the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus | Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook vol. 28 | Cham: Springer | ii | EN |
2023 | Wallgren, Thomas (ed.) | The Creation of Wittgenstein | | London: Bloomsbury | ii | EN |
2023 | Corsi, Giovanna & Egidi, Rosaria (eds.) | Reading Again the Tractatus One Hundred Years Later (1922-2022): In Memory of Brian McGuinness. In: Paradigmi - Rivista di critica filosofica | 1/2023 | Bologna: Il Mulino | iii | EN/IT |
2023 | Floyd, Juliet; Jiang, Yi; Majetschak, Stefan; Raatzsch, Richard; Venturinha, Nuno; Vossenkuhl, Wilhelm & Weiberg, Anja (eds.) im Auftr. der ILWG | Wittgenstein-Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch für Wittgenstein-Forschung, 14 | | Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter | ii | DE/EN |
2022 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wyklady z filozofii psychologii 1946-47 | Orzechowski, Andrzej (trans.) | Wroclaw: DSW | i | PL |
2022 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Investigações filosóficas | Rodrigues, Giovane & Tranjan, Tiago (trans.) | Sao Paulo: Fosforo | i | BR |
2022 | Gjessing, Signe | Tractatus Philosophico-Poeticus | Tr. Denise Newman | London: Lolli | ii | EN |
2022 | Károly, Kókai | Zeit der Unkultur: Ludwig Wittgenstein im Österreich der Zwischenkriegszeit | | Vienna:NoPress | ii | DE |
2022 | Kita-Huber, Jadwiga; Paulus, Jörg (eds.) | Schriftstellerinnen aus der Sammlung Varnhagen - Ausstellungskatalog / Pisarki z kolekcji Varnhagena - Katalog wystawy | | Krakow: Uniwersytet Jagiellonski | ii | PL/DE |
2022 | Klagge, James C. | Tractatus in Context. The Essential Background for Appreciating Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus | | New York: Routledge | ii | EN |
2022 | McGuinness, Brian | Wittgenstein tra Vienna e Cambridge | Ed. by Rosaria Egidi and Roberto Pujia | Macerata: Quodlibet | ii | IT |
2022 | Salskov, Salla Aldrin; Beran, Ondrej & Hämäläinen, Nora (eds.) | Ethical Inquiries after Wittgenstein | Nordic Wittgenstein Studies 8 | Berlin: Springer | ii | EN |
2022 | Hrachovec, Herbert; Macha, Jakub (eds.) | BEITRÄGE DES 43. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2022 Papers of the 43rd International Wittgenstein Symposium | Platonism | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2022 | Siegetsleitner, Anne; Oberprantacher, Andreas; Frick, Marie-Luisa (eds.) | BEITRÄGE DES 42. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2019 Papers of the 41st International Wittgenstein Symposium | Crisis and Critique: Philosophical Analysis and Current Events | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2022 | Floyd, Juliet; Jiang, Yi; Majetschak, Stefan; Raatzsch, Richard; Venturinha, Nuno & Vossenkuhl, Wilhelm (eds.) im Auftr. der ILWG | Wittgenstein-Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch für Wittgenstein-Forschung, 12 | | Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter | ii | DE/EN |
2022 | Weiberg, Anja & Majetschak, Stefan (eds.) | Wittgenstein-Handbuch: Leben - Werk - Wirkung | | Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler | ii | DE |
2021 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung: Die Hundertjahrsausgabe.
Der Tractatus in Baumform |
Edited by Luciano Bazzocchi.
Introduction by P.M.S. Hacker | London: Anthem Press | i | DE |
2021 | Berg, Alexander | Wittgensteins Hegel | | Leiden: Brill | ii | DE |
2021 | Boero Vargas, Mario | Personalidad y conciencia: Wittgenstein | | Madrid: Nueva Utopia | ii | ES |
2021 | Boero Vargas, Mario | El filosofo Wittgenstein: Psicologia y contribuciones biograficas. Es "caso" sexual | La Ciudad de Dios: Revista Agustiniana 234/2, pp. 631-678 | | iii | ES |
2021 | Ciracì, F., Fedriga, R. & Marras, C. (eds.) | Filosofia digitale | Quaderni di "Filosofia", Number 2 | Milano: Mimesis | ii | IT, FR, EN |
2021 | Klagge, James C. | Wittgenstein's Artilley. Philosophy as Poetry | | Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press | ii | EN |
2021 | Mazzeo, Marco | Logica e tumulti: Wittgenstein filosofo della storia | | Macerata: Quodlibet | ii | IT |
2021 | Trächtler, Jasmin | Wittgensteins Grammatik des Fremdseelischen | | Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen | ii | DE |
2021 | Westergaard, Peter K. | Georges Bataille: Hulen, offeret og maleriet | | Aalborg: Aalborg universitetsforlag | ii | DA |
2021 | Floyd, Juliet; Jiang, Yi; Majetschak, Stefan; Raatzsch, Richard; Venturinha, Nuno & Vossenkuhl, Wilhelm (eds.) im Auftr. der ILWG | Wittgenstein-Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch für Wittgenstein-Forschung, 12 | | Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter | ii | DE/EN |
2020 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Filosofiska undersökningar | Översättning av Martin Gustafsson och Lars Hertzberg | Stockholm: Thales | i | SE |
2020 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Ludwig Wittgenstein: Dictating Philosophy. To Francis Skinner - The Wittgenstein-Skinner Manuscripts | Gibson, Arthur & O'Mahony, Niamh (eds.) | Cham, Switzerland: Springer | i | EN |
2020 | Erbacher, Christian | Wittgenstein's Heirs and Editors | David G. Stern (ed.) Cambridge Elements: The Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press | ii | EN |
2020 | Floyd, Juliet; Mühlhölzer, Felix | Wittgenstein's Annotations to Hardy's Course of Pure Mathematics | Nordic Wittgenstein Studies 7 | Berlin: Springer | ii | EN |
2020 | Gorlée, Dinda L. | Wittgensteins Secret Diaries: Semiotic Writing in Cryptography | | London: Bloomsbury Academic | ii | EN |
2020 | Gottschalk, Cristiane Maria (ed.) | Ensaios filosófico-educacionais de uma perspectiva wittgensteiniana | | Anhangabau: Paco e Littera | ii | PT |
2020 | Rodrigues, Cassiano Terra (ed.) | Arley Morenum Liber Amicorum: Homenagem a Arley Ramos Moreno in memoriam | Über Wittgenstein | Sao Paulo: FiloCZar / UNICAMP | ii | PO |
2020 | von Wright, Georg Henrik & Kaila, Eino | "Skriv så ofta du kan". Brevväxlingen mellan Georg Henrik von Wright och Eino Kaila 1937-1958 | Published by Bernt Österman in cooperation with Fredrik Hertzberg & Niklas Toivanen | Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland/Appell Förlag | ii | SE |
2019 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | The Big Typescript TS 213 (fragmenty) | Piotr Dehnel (ed.). Wybór, przeklad, wstep Piotr Dehnel. | Wroclaw: DSW | i | PL |
2019 | Axtell, Guy | Problems of religious luck | | Lanham: Lexington | ii | EN |
2019 | Crespo, N. (eds.) | Haus Wittgenstein: Arte, arquitectura e filosofia | | Lisbon: fundacao edp & maat | ii | EN/PT |
2019 | De Iaco, Moira | Linfluenza di Sraffa su Wittgenstein Gli inediti, Gramsci e la svolta antropologica | Doctoral thesis | Lecce and Köln: Università del Salento and Universität zu Köln | ii | IT |
2019 | Erbacher, Chr. (ed.) | Friedrich August von Hayeks Draft Biography of Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Text and its History | | Paderborn: mentis | ii | EN |
2019 | Heringer, Hans Jürgen | Ich wünschte, 2x2 wäre 5! Ludwig Wittgenstein. Eine Einführung | | Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann | ii | DE |
2019 | Christoph Limbeck-Lilienau, Friedrich Stadler (eds.) | The Philosophy of Perception | Proceedings of the 40th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2017. Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society New Series VOL. 26 | Berlin: De Gruyter | iii | DE/EN |
2019 | Majetschak, Stefan | Wittgenstein und die Folgen | | Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler | ii | DE |
2019 | Markewitz, Sandra (ed.) | Grammatische Subjektivität: Wittgenstein und die moderne Kultur | | Bielefeld: transcript | ii | DE |
2019 | Mendoza, Lumberto Guce | On the possibility of Resolute Trancendentalism in Later Wittgenstein | | Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen [Dissertation] | ii | EN |
2019 | Ziobrowski, Jacek | Struktury uzasadniania | | Warszawa: Scholar | ii | PL |
2019 | | REVUE DE METAPHYSIQUE ET DE MORALE: Plier le modèle au réel: Wittgenstein (Années de transition) | 4-2019 | | iii | FR |
2019 | Lütterfelds, W; Majetschak, St., Raatzsch R. & Vossenkuhl, W. (eds.), im Auftr. der ILWG | Wittgenstein-Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch für Wittgenstein-Forschung, 10 | | Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter | ii | DE/EN |
2018/2020 | Stern, David G. (ed.) | Wittgenstein in the 1930s | Between the Tractatus and the Investigations | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press | ii | EN |
2018 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wittgenstein's Family Letters: Corresponding with Ludwig | Edited by Brian McGuinness, translated by Peter Winslow | London: Bloomsbury Academic | i | EN |
2018 | Bengtsson, Gisela; Säätelä, Simo; Pichler, Alois (eds.) | New Essays on Frege: Between Science and Literature | Nordic Wittgenstein Studies 3 | Berlin: Springer | ii | EN |
2018 | Bremer, Józef | Ludwiga Wittgensteina Teoria Odwzorowania | | Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie | ii | PL |
2018 | Campbell, Michael; Reid, Lynette (eds.) | Ethics, Society and Politics: Themes from the Philosophy of Peter Winch | Nordic Wittgenstein Studies 6 | Berlin: Springer | ii | EN |
2018 | De Mesel, Benjamin |
The Later Wittgenstein and Moral Philosophy | Nordic Wittgenstein Studies 4 | Berlin: Springer | ii | EN |
2018 | Fetz, Bernhard (ed.) | Berg, Wittgenstein, Zuckerkandl: Zentralfiguren der Wiener Moderne | | Wien: Paul Zsolnay | ii | DE |
2018 | Meschini, Federico | Reti, memoria e narrazione: Archivi e biblioteche digitali tra ricostruzione e racconto | | Viterbo: Sette Città | ii | IT |
2018 | Schweitzer, Radmila (ed.), in cooperation with Bea Laufersweiler | Ludwig Wittgenstein: die Tractatus Odyssee - Ausstellung | | Wien: Wittgenstein Initiative | ii | DE/EN |
2018 | Siller, Georg | Unsicheres Mitleid. Eine Begriffssuche im Ausgang von Wittgenstein | | Bielefeld: transcript | ii | DE |
2018 | Uffelmann, S.A. | Vom System zum Gebrauch. Eine genetisch-philosophische Untersuchung des Grammatikbegriffs bei Wittgenstein | Über Wittgenstein | Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter | ii | DE |
2018 | Westergaard, Peter K. | Nietzsche: Hvis man altid går til grunden. En afslutning | | Aalborg: Aalborg universitetsforlag | ii | DA |
2018 | Mras, Gabriele M.; Weingartner, Paul; Ritter, Bernhard (eds.) | BEITRÄGE DES 41. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2018 Papers of the 41st International Wittgenstein Symposium | Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2018 | Lütterfelds, W; Majetschak, St., Raatzsch R. & Vossenkuhl, W. (eds.), im Auftr. der ILWG | Wittgenstein-Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch für Wittgenstein-Forschung, 9 | | Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter | ii | DE/EN |
2017 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Investigaciones filosóficas | Traducion C. Ulises Moulines, a partir de la cuarta edicion prep. por P.M.S. Hacker y J. Schulte | Mexico: Univ. nacional autonoma de Mexico | i | ES |
2017 | Apollon, D.; Bélisle, C. & Régnier P. (eds.) | L'édition critique à l'ère du numérique | | Paris: L'Harmattan | ii | FR |
2017 | Bermon, Emmanuel; Narboux, Jean-Philippe (eds.) |
Finding One's Way Through Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations | Nordic Wittgenstein Studies 2 | Berlin: Springer | ii | EN |
2017 | Busch, Wilhelm | Maz und Moritz auf Französisch | | Stuttgart: Reclam | ii | FR |
2017 | Carvalho, M.; Cuter, J.V.G.; Engelmann, M.L. & Prado Neto, B. | Fenomenologia, Análise e Gramática Comentário às Observações filosóficas de Wittgenstein, Parte 1 | | Sao Paulo: mundaréu | ii | PT |
2017 | Gambarara, Daniele (ed.) | Collezione saussuriana, Sala di
ricerca Tullio De Mauro: Catalogo | Direzione scientifica di Daniele Gambarara, catalogazione a cura di Anna Teresa Crimi e Francesca Rota | Rende: Università della Calabria, Centro Editoriale e
Librario | ii | IT |
2017 | Goodman, Russell B. | Wittgenstein and William James | Translated by Nobuo Kazashi, Yukiko Okamoto, Ryo Ohmaya, Yuuki Noritate
| Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten | ii | JP |
2017 | Majetschak, Stefan; Weiberg, Anja (eds.) | Aesthetics Today. Proceedings of the 39th International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria 2016 | Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. New Series Volume 25 | Berlin/Boston: Walter De Gruyter | ii | EN/DE |
2017 | Savickey, Beth |
Wittgenstein's Investigations: Awakening the Imagination | Nordic Wittgenstein Studies 1 | Berlin: Springer | ii | EN |
2017 | Silva, Marcos (ed.) | Colours in the development of Wittgenstein's philosophy | | Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan | ii | EN |
2017 | Warren, Nicolas de & Vongehr, Thomas (eds.) | Philosophers at the Front | | Leuven: Leuven UP | ii | EN |
2017 | Zeller, Jörg | Virkelighedsfilosofi. Del II: Virkelighedslogik | | Aalborg: Aalborg Universitetsforlag | ii | DK |
2017 | Limbeck-Lilienau, Christoph; Stadler, Friedrich(eds.) | BEITRÄGE DES 40. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2017 Papers of the 40th International Wittgenstein Symposium | The Philosophy of Perception and Observation | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2017 | Stadler, Friedrich; Windholz, Sascha (eds.) | Sonderband: 40x Internationales Wittgenstein Symposium | | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2017 | Lütterfelds, W; Majetschak, St., Raatzsch R. & Vossenkuhl, W. (eds.), im Auftr. der ILWG | Wittgenstein-Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch für Wittgenstein-Forschung, 8 | | Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter | ii | DE/EN |
2016 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wittgenstein: Lectures, Cambridge 19301933. From the Notes of G. E. Moore | Edited by David G. Stern, University of Iowa, Brian Rogers, Stanford University, California, Gabriel Citron, Yale University, Connecticut | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press | i | EN |
2016 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Die Kriegstagebücher | Übersetzt von Sool Park. Vollständige Ausgabe von MS 101-103, in paralleler Darstellung von privaten und philosophischen Bemerkungen | Seoul: Itta | i | KOR |
2016 | Almeida, João José R. L. de | A singularidade das Investigações filosóficas de Wittgenstein | | Campinas: EditoraUnicamp | ii | PT |
2016 | Boncompagni, Anna | Wittgenstein and Pragmatism. On Certainty in the Light of Peirce and James | | London: Palgrave Macmillan | ii | EN |
2016 | Busch, Wilhelm | Maz und Moritz auf Englisch | | Stuttgart: Reclam | ii | EN |
2016 | Cosenza, Giuseppe | Dalle parole ai termini: i percorsi di pensiero di F. de Saussure | | Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso | ii | IT |
2016 | Cospito, Giuseppe (ed.) | Sraffa e Wittgenstein a Cambridge | | Pisa: Edizioni della Normale | ii | IT |
2016 | Floyd, Juliet; Katz, James E. (eds.) | Philosophy of Emerging Media | | Oxford: Oxford University Press | ii | EN |
2016 | Gomulka, Jakub | Rachunek: Filozofia nauk formalnych i jej zwiazek z koncepcja podmiotu we wczesnym i srednim okresie twórczosci Ludwiga Wittgensteina | | Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawla II w Krakowie | ii | PL |
2016 | Klagge, James C. | Simply Wittgenstein | | New York: Simply Charly | ii | EN |
2016 | Östermann, Bernt; Vilkko, Risto (eds.) | Georg Henrik von Wright: A Philosopher's Life | | Helsinki: National Library | ii | EN/FIN/SE |
2016 | Solombrino, Sergio | Intenzionalità ed esperienza nel Wittgenstein intermedio | | Milano: Mimesis | ii | IT |
2016 | Tashev, Andrey, Elka Traykova, Miryana Yanakieva, Paul Cobley, Raya Kuncheva (eds.) | The Statues of Thought. In Honorem Professor Ivan Mladenov | | Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Literature | ii | EN/DE/BG a.o. |
2016 | Uffelmann, S.A. | Vom System zum Gebrauch. Eine genetisch-philosophische Untersuchung des Grammatikbegriffs bei Wittgenstein | | Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen [Dissertation] | ii | DE |
2016 | Vatne, Harald | Ludwig Wittgenstein and the people of Skjolden / Ludwig Wittgenstein og skjoldingane | | Skjolden | ii | EN/NO |
2016 | Ziobrowski, Jacek | Kierkegaard i komunikacja posrednia / Kierkegaard und die indirekte Mitteilung | | Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH | ii | PL |
2016 | Zeller, Jörg | Virkelighedsfilosofi. Del I: Virkelighedskonstruktion | | Aalborg: Aalborg Universitetsforlag | ii | DK |
2016 | Majetschak, Stefan; Weiberg, Anja (eds.) | BEITRÄGE DES 39. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2016 Papers of the 39th International Wittgenstein Symposium | Aesthetics Today | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2016 | Lütterfelds, W; Majetschak, St., Raatzsch R. & Vossenkuhl, W. (eds.), im Auftr. der ILWG | Wittgenstein-Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch für Wittgenstein-Forschung, 7 | | Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter | ii | DE/EN |
2015 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Dictées à Friedrich Waismann et pour Moritz Schlick. Années 1930. Textes traduits et réunis sous la direction dAntonia Soulez, postface Les errances de F. Waismann, par Brian McGuinness | Antonia Soulez (ed.) | Paris: Vrin | i | FR |
2015 | Aguilar, Rubén | Bild und Gleichnis bei Wittenstein: eine Untersuchung aus dem Nachlass | | Dissertation, LMU München: Fakultät für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie und Religionswissenschaft | ii | DE |
2015 | Chernaik, W.; Deegan, M. & Gibson, A. (eds.) | Beyond the Book. Theory, Culture, and the Politics of Cyberspace | | OHC | ii | EN |
2015 | Clemente Quintana, E. | EL PROYECTO DE LA CASA DE LUDWIG WITTGENSTEIN EN SKJOLDEN, NORUEGA | Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. doi:10.4995/Thesis/10251/56462. | Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València | ii | ES |
2015 | Gorlée, Dinda L. | From Translation to Transduction | | Tartu: University of Tartu Press | ii | EN |
2015 | Iven, Mathias (ed.) | "Ludwig sagt..." Die Aufzeichnungen der Hermine Wittgenstein | Überarbeitete und erweiterte Neuauflage. Wittgensteiniana 11 | Berlin: H-E Verlag | ii | DE |
2015 | Macha, Jakub | Wittgenstein on Internal and External Relations | | London: Bloomsbury Academic | ii | EN |
2015 | Markewitz, Sandra (ed.) | Philosophie der Sprache im Vormärz | | Bielefeld: Aisthesis | ii | DE |
2015 | Moreno, Arley Ramos (ed.) | Wittgenstein e seus aspectos | Colecao CLE vol. 50 | Campinas: CLE | ii | PT |
2015 | Neuman, Yrsa | Standing before a sentence: Moore's paradox and a perspective from within language | | Åbo: Åbo Akademi | ii | DE |
2015 | | Der Freundschaft gewidmet - Zeugnisse der Literatur | Biblos: Beiträge zu Buch, Bibliothek und Schrift. Hg. Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. 64. | Wien: Böhlau | iii | DE |
2015 | Somavilla, Ilse (ed.) | Hermine Wittgenstein: Familienerinnerungen | | Innsbruck/Wien: Haymon | ii | DE |
2015 | Vargas, Mario Boero | Vida, pensamiento y mística de Ludwig Wittgenstein | | Madrid: Arcos | ii | ES |
2015 | Kanzian, Christian; Mitterer, Josef; Neges, Katharina (eds.) | BEITRÄGE DES 38. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2015 Papers of the 38th International Wittgenstein Symposium | Realism - Relativism - Constructivism | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2015 | Lütterfelds, W; Majetschak, St., Raatzsch R. & Vossenkuhl, W. (eds.), im Auftr. der ILWG | Wittgenstein-Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch für Wittgenstein-Forschung, 6 | | Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter | ii | DE/EN |
2014 | Apollon, D.; Bélisle, C. & Régnier P. (eds.) | Digital Critical Editions | | Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois Press | ii | EN |
2014 | Berg, Jonathan (ed.) | Naming, Necessity and More: Explorations in the Philosophical Work of Saul Kripke | | Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan | ii | EN |
2014 | Biesenbach, Hans | Anspielungen und Zitate im Werk Ludwig Wittgensteins. Erweiterte Neuausgabe | | Sofia: Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski University Press | ii | DE |
2014 | Brusotti, Marco | Wittgenstein, Frazer und die "ethnologische Betrachtungsweise" | Über Wittgenstein | Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter | ii | DE |
2014 | Dehnel, Piotr | Ludwig Wittgenstein: teoria a terapia. Od Traktatu do Dociekan filozoficznych - Studia | | Warszawa: PWN | ii | PL |
2014 | Hacker, P.M.S. | Wittgenstein: Rules, Grammar and Necessity | Volume 2 of an Analytical Commentary on the "Philosophical Investigations". Essays and Exegesis of §§185-242. 2nd edition: Extensively revised by P.M.S. Hacker. | Oxford: Wiley Blackwell | ii | EN |
2014 | Kloc-Konkolowicz, J. & Lipszyc, A. (eds.) | Jezyk i gra. Rozrachunki z Wittgensteinem | | Uniwersytet Warszawski Wydzial Filozofii i Socjologii | ii | PL |
2014 | Somavilla, Ilse; Bremer, Jozef; Rothhaupt, Josef G.F. (eds.) | Wittgenstein - filozof kultur | | München: LMU & Krakow: Akademia Ignatianum | ii | DE/EN/PL |
2014 | Rinofner-Kreidl, S.; Wiltsche, Harald A. (eds.) | BEITRÄGE DES 37. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2014 Papers of the 37th International Wittgenstein Symposium | Analytical and Continental Philosophy: Methods and Perspectives | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2014 | Lütterfelds, W; Majetschak, St., Raatzsch R. & Vossenkuhl, W. (eds.), im Auftr. der ILWG | Wittgenstein-Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch für Wittgenstein-Forschung, 5 | | Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter | ii | DE/EN |
2013 | De Iaco, Moira | Solipsismo e alterità. Wittgenstein e il mito dell'interiorità | | Lecce: Pensa Multimedia | ii | IT |
2013 | Engelmann, Mauro Luiz | Wittgenstein's Philosophical Development | Phenomenology, Grammar, Method, and the Anthropological View | Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan | ii | EN |
2013 | Fadda, Emanuele | Peirce | | Roma: Carocci editore | ii | IT |
2013 | Greif, Hajo; Weiss, Martin Gerhard (eds.) | Ethics, Society, Politics. Proceedings of the 35th International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria 2012 | Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. New Series Volume 20 | Berlin/Boston: Walter De Gruyter | ii | EN/DE |
2013 | Hareide, Lidun, Christer Johansson & Michael Oakes (eds.) | The many facets of corpus linguistics in Bergen - in honour of Knut Hofland. | Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies (BeLLS), Vol 3, No 1 | Bergen | ii | EN |
2013 | Maderthaner, Wolfgang & Hochedlinger, Michael (eds.) | Untergang einer Welt - Der Große Krieg 1914-1918 in Photografien und Texten | | Wien: Brandstätter | ii | DE |
2013 | Mazzeo, Marco | Le onde del linguaggio: Una guida alle «Ricerche filosofiche» di Wittgenstein | | Roma: Carocci editore | ii | IT |
2013 | Padilla-Gálvez, Jesús & Gaffal, Margit (eds.) | Formas de vida y juegos de lenguaje | | Madrid: Plaza y Valdés | ii | ES |
2013 | Polimenov, Todor | Substances, universals, propositions. Metaphysics and philosophy of language | | Sofia: Vulkan 4 | ii | BG |
2013 | Rothhaupt, Josef G.F; Vossenkuhl, W. (eds.) | Kulturen und Werte | Über Wittgenstein | Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter | ii | DE |
2013 | Schlick, Moritz | Nietzsche und Schopenhauer | Vorlesungen herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Mathias Iven. Band 5.1 der Moritz Schlick
Gesamtausgabe (MSGA) | Wien und New York: Springer | i | DE |
2013 | Schörkhuber, Franz | Wittgenstein und die geometrische Auffassung des Beweises | | Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang | ii | DE |
2013 | Venturinha, Nuno | The Textual Genesis of Wittgensteins Philosophical Investigations | | New York: Routledge | ii | EN |
2013 | Westergaard, Peter K. | Menneske er et ceremonielt dyr | | København: Anis | ii | DA |
2013 | Moyal-Sharrock, D.; Munz, Volker A.; Coliva, A. (eds.) | BEITRÄGE DES 36. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2013 Papers of the 36th International Wittgenstein Symposium | Mind, Language and Action | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2013 | | Literary and Linguistic Computing | Vol. 28 (2013)/Number 4 | Oxford: Oxford University Press | iii | EN |
2013 | Lütterfelds, W; Majetschak, St., Raatzsch R. & Vossenkuhl, W. (eds.), im Auftr. der ILWG | Wittgenstein-Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch für Wittgenstein-Forschung, 4 | | Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter | ii | DE/EN |
2013 | L. Soutif, L. C. Pereira, C. Jourdan (eds.) | Wittgenstein: Matematica, Linguagem, Percepcao | Cadernos do departamento de filosofia da Puc-Rio, Junho de 2013 | Rio de Janeiro: PUC | ii | EN |
2012- | | Nordic Wittgenstein Review | 1/2012; 2/2013; 3(1)/2014; 3(2)/2014; Special Issue "Wittgenstein and Forms of Life" 2015; 4(1)/2015; 4(1)/2015; 5(1)/2016; 5(2)/2016; 6(1)/2017; 6(2)/2017; 7(1)/2018; 7(2)/2018; Special Issue "Post-Truth" 2019; 8(1-2)/2019; 9/2020 | Nordic Wittgenstein Society | iii | EN |
2012 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig; Nedo, Michael | Ludwig Wittgenstein: Ein biographisches Album | | München: C.H. Beck | i | DE/EN |
2012 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Den blå og den brune bog | Transl. by M. Vernersen | Aarhus: Klim | i | DK |
2012 | Ariso, Jose Maria | Wahnsinn und Wissen | | Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann | ii | DE |
2012 | Busch, Wilhelm | Maz und Moritz auf Italienisch | | Stuttgart: Reclam | ii | IT |
2012 | Doxiadis, A., Papadimitriou, Chr. H. | Logicomix: Eine epische Suche nach Wahrheit | | Munich: Süddeutsche Zeitung | ii | DE |
2012 | Gorlée, Dinda L. | Wittgenstein in Translation. Exploring Semiotic Signatures | Paul Cobley; Kalevi Kull (eds.) Semiotics, Communication and Cognition volume 9 | Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter | ii | EN |
2012 | Jäger, Christoph; Löffler, Winfried (eds.) | Epistemology: Contexts, Values, Disagreement. Proceedings of the 34th International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria 2011 | Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. New Series Volume 19 | Heusenstamm: Ontos | ii | EN/DE |
2012 | Kross, Matthias; Esther Ramharter (eds.) | Wittgenstein übersetzen | Wittgensteiniana Bd. 9 | Berlin: Parerga | ii | EN, DE |
2012 | Krämer, Sybille; Cancik-Kirschbaum, Eva; Totzke, Rainer (eds.) | Schriftbildlichkeit. Wahrnehmbarkeit, Materialität und Operativität von Notationen | Schriftbildlichkeit Band 1 | Berlin: Akademie Verlag | ii | DE |
2012 | La Licata, Emiliano | Giocare sull'orlo del caos | | Milano: Mimesis | ii | IT |
2012 | Padilla-Gálvez, Jesús | Yo, máscara y reflexión. estudios sobre la autorreferencia de la subjetividad | | Madrid: Plaza y Valdés | ii | ES |
2012 | Schweizer, Monica | Ricerche su inediti relativi al rapporto Sraffa-Wittgenstein | | Milano/Udine: Mimesis | ii | IT |
2012 | Somavilla, Ilse (ed.) | Begegnungen mit Wittgenstein - Ludwig Hänsels Tagebücher 1918/1919 und 1921/1922 | | Innsbruck/Wien: Haymon | ii | DE |
2012 | Somavilla, Ilse; Thompson, James M. (eds.) | Wittgenstein und die Antike/Wittgenstein and Ancient Thought | Matthias Kross; Jens Kertscher (eds.) Wittgensteiniana Band 8 | Berlin: Parerga | ii | DE/EN |
2012 | Surovtsev V. | F.P. Ramsey and the Program of Logicism | | Tomsk State University Publishing House | ii | RU |
2012 | Ystad, Vigdis | Ord og arv - utvalgte artikler - festskrift til Vigdis Ystad på 70-årsdagen 13. januar 2012 | | Oslo: Novus forlag | ii | NO |
2012 | Weiss, Martin G.; Greif, Hajo (eds.) | BEITRÄGE DES 35. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2012 Papers of the 35th International Wittgenstein Symposium | Ethics - Society - Politics | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2012 | | biography: an interdisciplinary quarterly | 35-3/2012 | Honolulu: Center for Biographical Research | iii | EN |
2012 | | Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Mysli Spolecznej | Vol. 57/2012. Supplement | Warszawa/Torun: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika | iii | PL |
2012 | Lütterfelds, W; Majetschak, St., Raatzsch R. & Vossenkuhl, W. (eds.), im Auftr. der ILWG | Wittgenstein-Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch für Wittgenstein-Forschung, 3 | | Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter | ii | DE/EN |
2012 | Weber, Marcel; Keller, Philipp (eds.) | Dialectica. International Journal of Philosophy and Official Organ of the ESAP | Vol. 66 Fasc. 1 March 2012 | Oxford: Blackwell | iii | EN |
2012 | Konverskiy, Anatoliy (ed.) | Gumanitarni Studii [Humanitarian Studies] | Issue 14 | Kyiv: Kyivskiy Universitet | iii | UK/EN |
2011 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Observações sobre 'O Ramo Dourado' de Frazer | Coordenação Bruno Monteiro; Edição, tradução e notas João José de Almeida;
Introdução e revisão da tradução Nuno Venturinha. | Porto: Deriva | i | PT |
2011 | Andersson, B. | Ludwig Wittgensteins idévärld | | Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag | ii | SV |
2011 | Biesenbach, Hans | Anspielungen und Zitate im Werk Ludwig Wittgensteins | Publications from the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen, No. 22 | Bergen: WAB | ii | DE |
2011 | Boero Vargas, Mario | Wittgenstein: Religión, hermetismo y pensamiento oriental (A los 60 años de su fallecimiento) | CCXXIV | Real Monasterio de el Escorial, La Ciudad de Dios | ii | ES |
2011 | Dehnel, Piotr & Rasinski, Lotar | Ludwig Wittgenstein - konteksty i konfrontacje | | Wroclaw: DSW | ii | PL |
2011 | Drehmel, Jan & Jaspers, Kristina (ed.) | Wittgenstein-Vorträge: Annäherungen aus Kunst und Wissenschaft | | Berlin: Schwules Museum | ii | DE, EN |
2011 | Immler, Nicole L. | Das Familiengedächtnis der Wittgensteins | | Bielefeld: transcript | ii | DE |
2011 | Jensen, Tim & Rothstein, Mikael (ed.) | Den sammenklappelige tid | | København: Forlaget Chaos | ii | DK |
2011 | Klagge, James C. | Wittgenstein in Exile | | Cambridge:The MIT Press | ii | EN |
2011 | Kondrup, Johnny | Editionsfilologi | | Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanums Forlag | ii | DK |
2011 | Moreno, Arley Ramos | Introduction a une Epistemologie de l'Usage d'une Philosophie d'Activité Therapeutique a une Pragmatique philosophique | Colecao CLE vol. 50 | Paris: L'Harmattan | ii | FR |
2011 | Oxaal, I. | On the trail to Wittgenstein's Hut | | New Brunswick: Transaction | ii | EN |
2011 | Padilla-Gálvez, Jesús (ed.) | Antropología filosófica de Wittgenstein. Reflexionando con P.M.S. Hacker | | Madrid: Plaza y Valdés | ii | ES |
2011 | Read, R. & Lavery, M. | Beyond the Tractatus wars | | New York: Routledge | ii | EN |
2011 | Rogers, Brian | Philosophical Method in Wittgenstein's On
Certainty | Dissertation | University of California, Irvine | ii | EN |
2011 | Richard Heinrich, Elisabeth Nemeth, Wolfram Pichler, David Wagner (eds.) | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 16 Proceedings of the 33rd International Wittgenstein Symposium 2010, Volume 1 | Image and Imaging in Philosophy, Science and the Arts | Frankfurt: Ontos | iii | DE/EN |
2011 | Richard Heinrich, Elisabeth Nemeth, Wolfram Pichler, David Wagner (eds.) | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 17 Proceedings of the 33rd International Wittgenstein Symposium 2010, Volume 2 | Image and Imaging in Philosophy, Science and the Arts | Frankfurt: Ontos | iii | DE/EN |
2011 | Jäger, Chr.; Löffler, Winfried (eds.) | BEITRÄGE DES 34. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2011 Papers of the 34th International Wittgenstein Symposium | Epistemology: Contexts, Values, Disagreement | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2011 | Lütterfelds, W; Majetschak, St., Raatzsch R. & Vossenkuhl, W. (eds.), im Auftr. der ILWG | Wittgenstein-Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch für Wittgenstein-Forschung, 2 | | Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter | ii | DE/EN/FR |
2011 | J. Drehmel & K. Jaspers (eds.) | Ludwig Wittgenstein: Verortungen eines Genies | | Berlin: Schwules Museum/Junius | i,ii | DE |
2011 | Schwules Museum (eds.) | Ludwig Wittgenstein: Verortungen eines Genies | Ausstellungsprospekt | Berlin: Schwules Museum | i,ii | DE |
2011 | Nergaard, Siri (ed.) | Translation. A transdisciplinary Journal | Inaugural Issue | St. Jerome Publishing/Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura | iii | EN |
2010 | Ariso, J.M. (ed.) | El yo amenazado | | Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva | ii | ES |
2010 | Bazzocchi, Luciano | L'albero del Tractatus |
| Milano: Mimesis | ii | IT |
2010 | Borisov E., Ladov V., Surovtsev V. | Language, Consciousness, World: Comparative Analysis of Phenomenology and Analytical Philosophy | | Vilnius: European Humanitarian University | ii | RU |
2010 | Crary, A. & Read, R. (eds.) | Wittgenstein - nowe spojrzenie | Polish translation of "The New Wittgenstein" | Wroclaw: DSW | ii | PL |
2010 | Erbacher, Chr. | Zur philosophischen Bedeutung der sprachlichen Gestaltung von Wittgensteins Logisch-Philosophischer Abhandlung | | Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen [Dissertation] | ii | DE |
2010 | Macha, Jakub | Analytische Theorien der Metapher: Untersuchungen zum Konzept der metaphorischen Beduetung | Band 5 - Sprache-Kommunikation-Wirklichkeit: Linguistische Studien zur Semantik und Pragmatik | Berlin: LIT Verlag | ii | DE |
2010 | Marras, Cristina | Metaphora translata voce | Lessico Intellettuale Europeo CVIII | Rome: Leo S. Olschki | ii | IT |
2010 | Soulez, Antonia (ed.) | Manifeste du cercle de Vienne et autres ecrits | | Paris | ii | FR |
2010 | Turner, Stephen P. | Explaining the Normative | Minnian He (trans.) | Zhejiang University Press | ii | CHIN |
2010 | Venturinha, Nuno | Logica, Etica, Gramatica: Wittgenstein e o metodo da filosofia | | Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda | ii | PT |
2010 | Munz, Volker & Puhl, Klaus & Wang, Joseph (eds.) | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 14 Proceedings of the 32nd International Wittgenstein Symposium 2009, Volume 1 | Language and World: Essays on the Philosophy of Wittgenstein | Frankfurt: Ontos | iii | DE/EN |
2010 | Munz, Volker & Puhl, Klaus & Wang, Joseph (eds.) | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 15 Proceedings of the 32nd International Wittgenstein Symposium 2009, Volume 1 | Language and World: Signs, Minds and Actions | Frankfurt: Ontos | iii | DE/EN |
2010 | Nemeth, E., Heinrich, R. & Pichler, W. (eds.) | BEITRÄGE DES 33. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2010/Papers of the 33rd International Wittgenstein Symposium 2010 | Image and Imaging in Philosophy, Science and the Arts | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2010 | Frogner, Mia; Løkken Reisop, Olav (red.) | BØYGEN. Litterært tidsskrift | 02 (2010) | Oslo: Univ. i Oslo | iii | NO |
2010 | Lütterfelds, W; Majetschak, St., Raatzsch R. & Vossenkuhl, W. (eds.), im Auftr. der ILWG | Wittgenstein-Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch für Wittgenstein-Forschung, 1 | | Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter | ii | DE/EN |
2010 | A. Marques & N. Venturinha (eds.) | Wittgenstein on forms of life and the nature of experience | Lisbon Philosophical Studies | Berlin: Peter Lang | ii | EN |
2010 | L. Baptista & E. Rast (eds.) | Meaning and context | Lisbon Philosophical Studies | Berlin: Peter Lang | ii | EN |
2010 | Teters, Daina (ed.) | Metamorphoses of the World: Traces, Shadows, Reflections, Echoes, and Metaphors | | Riga: Metamind | ii | EN |
2010 | Dostálová, Ludmila; Schuster, Radek (eds.) | Studie k filosofii L. Wittgensteina | Issue 8 | Prague: Filosofický časopis | iii | CZ |
2010 | McGuinness, Brian | Wittgenstein und Schlick | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Berlin: ParErga | ii | DE |
2009 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Los cuadernos azul y marrón | Transl. by Francisco Gracia Guillén | Madrid: Tecnos | i | ES |
2009 | Bremer, Józef & Rothhaupt, Josef (eds.) | Ludwig Wittgenstein: "przydzielony do Krakowa"/"Krakau zugeteilt" | | Krakau: Ignatianum/WAM | ii | PL, DE |
2009 | Gefwert, Christoffer & Lagerspetz, Olli | Wittgenstein and Philosophical Psychology: Essays in Honour of Lars Hertzberg | Uppsala Philosophcial Studies 55 | Uppsala, Sweden: Dept. of Philosophy Uppsala University | ii | EN |
2009 | Gorlée, Dinda L. | The Wittgenstein Illusion. | 18-22 | The New York Review of Books LVI, no. 10 (June 2009) | ii | EN |
2009 | Gustafsson, Y., Kronqvist, C., & McEachrane, M. | Emotions and Understanding: Wittgensteinian Perspectives | | Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Mcmillan | ii | EN |
2009 | Gustafsson, Ylva a.o. | The Language Game | Game | Åbo Akademi | iii | EN |
2009 | Hacker, P.M.S. | Wittgenstein: Understanding and Meaning | Volume 1 of an Analytical Commentary on the "Philosophical Investigations". Part I - Essays. 2nd edition: Extensively revised by P.M.S. Hacker. | Oxford: Wiley Blackwell | ii | EN |
2009 | Keicher, Peter | Denken in Archiven: Spoerri, Duchamp und Wittgenstein | in: Du. Harald Szeemanns Wunderkammer, Die Faszination der Archive. pp.38-39. Das Kulturmagazin - Du. 795 (April 2009) | | ii | DE |
2009 | Kellerwessel, Wulf | Wittgensteins Sprchphilosophie in den "Philosophischen Untersuchungen". Eine kommentierende Ersteinführung | Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. New Series Volume 9 | Heusenstamm: Ontos | ii | DE |
2009 | Kuhnle, Stein (ed.) | Stein Rokkan - Statesman of the Social Sciences | ISSC World Social Science Forum, 10-12 May, Bergen, Norway | Bergen: Norwegian Social Science Data Services & International Social Sciene Council | ii | EN |
2009 | Nordenstam, Tore | The Power of Example | | Stockholm: Santerus Academic Press | ii | EN |
2009 | Padilla-Gálvez, Jesús | Wittgenstein I. Lecturas tractarianas | | Madrid: Plaza y Valdés | ii | ES |
2009 | Pilch, Martin | Der Rahmen der Rechtsgewohnheiten | | Wien-Köln-Weimar: Böhlau Verlag | ii | EN |
2009 | Soares, M.L. Couto; Venturinha, N.; Santos, Gil de Costa; Faustino, Marta (eds.) | Expressoes da analogia | | Colibri | ii | PT/EN |
2009 | Vargas, Mario Boero | Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951): El cuerpo. La religion. La politica. Un ensayo tripartito. | | Madrid: Edita, Revista Estudios | ii | ES |
2009 | Munz, V.; Puhl, K. & Wang, J. (eds.) (eds.) | BEITRÄGE DES 32. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2009/Papers of the 32nd International Wittgenstein Symposium | Language and World | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2009 | | Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift | 1-4, 35. årg. (2000); 3, 36. årg. (2001); 4, 43. årg. (2008); 3-4, 44. årg. (2009) | | iii | DA/NO/SV/EN |
2009 | Mras, Gabriele M.; Neumaier, Otto; Pfisterer, Christoph C.; Stöltzner, Michael (eds.) | Conceptus. Zeitschrift für Philosophie | Nr. 94, Jahrgang XXXVIII | Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag | iii | DE |
2008 | Baldrich, Raimundo D. | Tesis y disertaciones sobre Ludwig Wittgenstein | | Madrid: Aporia. 2nd edition. | ii | ES |
2008 | Bengtsson, Gisela (ed.) | Wittgenstein and Dogmatism in Two Traditions | | Univ. of Oslo | ii | EN |
2008 | Bremer, Józef | Osoba - fikcja czy rzeczywistoscz Tozsamoscz i jednoscz Ja w swietle badan neurologicznych | | Kraków: Wydawnictwo Aureus | ii | PL |
2008 | Busch, Wilhelm | Sämtliche Werke und eine Auswahl der Skizzen und Gemälde in zwei Bänden. 2 Bde. Herausgegeben von Rolf Hochhuth | | C. Bertelsmann | ii | DE |
2008 | Gennip, Kim van | Wittgenstein's On Certainty in the Making | | Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | ii | EN |
2008 | Hagberg, Garry | Describing ourselves: Wittgenstein and autobiographical consciousness | | Oxford: Oxford University Press | ii | EN |
2008 | Kronqvist, Camilla | What we talk about when we talk about love | Phd dissertation | Åbo, Finnland; Åbo Akademi University Press | ii | EN |
2008 | Moreno, Arley Ramos (ed.) | Alguns aspectos do pensamento formal: Homenagem a Gilles-Gaston Granger | Colecao CLE vol. 72 | Campinas: CLE | ii | PT |
2008 | Narboux, J.-P- & Soulez, A. (ed.) | F. Waismann. Textures Logiques | Cahiers de Philosophie du Langage, vol. 6 | Paris: L'Harmattan | i, ii | FR |
2008 | Spreafico, Andrea | L'onestá dei forti: La potenza nella filosofia di Nietzsche | | Genova: il melangelo | ii | IT |
2008 | Surovtsev V., Ladov V. | Wittgenstein and Kripke: Rule Following, Sceptic Argument and Community Point of Veiw | | Tomsk State University Publishing House | ii | RU |
2008 | Thompson, James M. | Wittgenstein on Phenomenology and Experience: An Investigation of Wittgenstein's 'Middle' Period | Publications from the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen, No. 21 | Bergen: WAB | ii | EN |
2008 | Vargas, Mario Boero | Ludwig Wittgenstein: Fuentes, Contenidos y Aportes Mistico-religiosos | Separata de la Revista STUDIUM, Vol. XLVIII | Madrid: Institutos Pontificios de Teologia y Filosofia, O.P. | ii | ES |
2008 | Vargas, Mario Boero | Ludwig Wittgenstein: Fuentes, Contenidos y Aportes Mistico-religiosos | Separata de la Revista Estudios, Ano LXV Enero-Abril, Número 237 | Madrid: Revista cuatrimestral publicada por los frailes de la orden de la merced | ii | ES |
2008 | Wolcher, Louis | Law's Task: The Tragic Circle of Law, Justice, and Human Suffering | | Hampshire: Ashgate | ii | EN |
2008 | Pichler, Alois & Hrachovec, Herbert (eds.) | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 6 Proceedings of the 30th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2007, Volume 1 | Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Information | Frankfurt: Ontos | iii | DE/EN |
2008 | Hrachovec, Herbert & Pichler, Alois (eds.) | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 7 Proceedings of the 30th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2007, Volume 2 | Philosophy of the Information Society | Frankfurt: Ontos | iii | DE/EN |
2008 | Hieke, A.; Leitgeb, H. (eds.) | BEITRÄGE DES 31. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2008 Papers of the 31th International Wittgenstein Symposium | Philosophy of the Information Society | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2008 | Teters, Daina (ed.) | Metamorphoses of the Mind | | Riga: Latvian Academy of Culture | ii | EN |
2007> | Wernecke, Jörg | Handeln und Bedeutung | | Berlin: Duncker & Humblot | ii | DE |
2007 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Tractatus logico-philosophicus | Czech translation by P. Glombicek | Praha: Oikoymenh | i | CZ |
2007 | Andersson, B. | Ludwig Wittgenstein: Omvärldar och gränslöshet | Institutionen för Pedagogik och Didaktik, Raporter, Nr. 2007:02 | Göteborg: Göteborgs Universitet | ii | SV |
2007 | Appelqvist, H. | Wittgenstein and the conditions of musical communication | Acta Philosophical Fennica vol. 85 | Helsinki: Societas Philosophical Fennica | ii | EN |
2007 | Buchholz, Kai | Fünf Sprachspiele | | Universität des Saarlandes | ii | DE |
2007 | da Costa Cunha, R.D. | Existência, Sentido e Inferência: os princípios da filosofia da lógica do "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" de Ludwig Wittgenstein | | Lisboa: Arquimedes Livros | ii | PT |
2007 | Gilje, N. & Grimen, H. | Discursive Modernity | Festschrift to Prof. Gunnar Skirbekk | Oslo: Universitetsforlag | ii | EN |
2007 | Goppelsröder, F. | Zwischen Sagen und Zeigen | | Bielefeld: transcript | ii | DE |
2007 | Kahane, G., Kanterian, E. & Kuusela, O. (eds.) | Wittgenstein and his Interpreters | | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
2007 | Kanzian, Christian, Munz, Volker & Windholz, Sascha (eds.) | Wir hofften jedes Jahr noch ein weiteres Symposium machen zu können | | Frankfurt: ontos | ii | EN/DE |
2007 | Padilla-Gálvez, Jesús | Verdad y demostración | | Madrid: Plaza y Valdés | ii | ES |
2007 | Paul, Denis | Wittgenstein's Progress 1929-1951 | Publications from the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen, No. 19 | Bergen: WAB | ii | EN |
2007 | Roinila, Markku | Leibniz on Rational Decision-Making | Philosophical Studies from the University of Helsinki 16 | Helsinki: Department of Philosophy, Department of Social and Moral Philosophy | ii | EN |
2007 | Kopytko, Roman | Philosophy and pragmatics: A language-game with Ludwig Wittgenstein | Journal of Pragmatics 39 | Elsevier | iii | EN |
2007 | Hrachovec, H., Pichler, A. & Wang, Joseph (eds.) | BEITRÄGE DES 30. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2007 Papers of the 30th International Wittgenstein Symposium | Philosophy of the Information Society | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2007 | Padilla-Gálvez, Jesús (ed.) | WITTGENSTEIN STUDIEN 13 | Idealismus und sprachanalytische Philosophie | Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang | ii | DE |
2007 | Lindskog, Dale | WITTGENSTEIN STUDIEN 14 | Diagnosis and Dissolution | Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang | ii | EN |
2007 | Lütterfelds, Wilhelm & Majetschak, Stefan (eds.) | WITTGENSTEIN STUDIEN 15 | "Ethik und Ästhetik sind Eins": Beiträge zu Wittgensteins Ästhetik und Kunstphilosophie | Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang | ii | DE |
2007 | Lütterfelds, Wilhelm (ed.) | WITTGENSTEIN STUDIEN 16 | Das Sprachspiel der Freiheit | Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang | ii | DE |
2006 | Bazzocchi, Luciano | Il codice segreto di Wittgenstein | Studi Kantiani, XIX, 2006, pp. 131-140
| Pisa/Roma: Istituto editoriali e poligrafici internazionali | iii | IT |
2006 | Buchholz, Kai | Ludwig Wittgenstein | | Frankfurt: Campus Verlag | ii | DE |
2006 | Iven, Mathias (ed.) | "Ludwig sagt..." Die Aufzeichnungen der Hermine Wittgenstein | | Berlin: Parerga | ii | DE |
2006 | Jarman, Derek | Wittgenstein | DVD -- with booklet "Jarmans Wittgenstein, Wittgensteins Lehre" by Stefan Majetschak | Berlin: Salzgeber & Co. Medien GmbH | ii | DE/EN |
2006 | Kenny, Anthony (ed.) | What I Believe | | London: Continuum | ii | EN |
2006 | Markewitz, Sandra | Das Schweigen. Kafka, Wittgenstein und die Tautologizität des Gegebenen | | München: Wilhelm Fink | ii | DE |
2006 | Paavola, Sami | On the Origin of Ideas: An Abductivist Approach to Discovery | Philosophical Studies from the University of Helsinki 15 | Helsinki: Department of Philosophy, Department of Social and Moral Philosophy | ii | EN |
2006 | Pichler, A. & Säätelä, S. (eds.) | Wittgenstein: The Philosopher and his Works | | Frankfurt: Ontos | ii | EN |
2006 | Sahavirta, Harri | Karl Popper's Philosophy of Science - And the Evolution of the Popperian Worlds | Philosophical Studies from the University of Helsinki 12 | Helsinki: Department of Philosophy, Department of Social and Moral Philosophy | ii | EN |
2006 | Steinsholt, Kjetil | Oppdragelse som dressur? Innføring i Ludwig Wittgensteins pedagogik | | Trondheim: Tapir | ii | NO |
2006 | Venturinha, Nuno | As Origens do Tractatus de Wittgenstein | pp. 113-138 | Revista Filosófoca de Coimbra, n. 29 | ii | PT |
2006 | Wittusen, Cato | Lost Surroundings: Inquiries into Central Themes of Wittgenstein's Later Philosophy | Dr. art degree | Bergen: University of Bergen | ii | EN |
2006 | Wolcher, Louis | How Legal Language Works | 91-125 | 2 Harv. J. Leg. Left | ii | EN |
2006 | Wolcher, Louis | A Philosophical Investigation into Methods of Constitutional Interpretation in the United States and the United Kingdom | 238-88 | 13 Va. J. Soc. Pol'y & L. | ii | EN |
2006 | Stadler, Friedrich & Stöltzner, Michael (eds.) | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 1 Proceedings of the 28th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2005 | Time and History | Frankfurt: Ontos | iii | DE/EN |
2006 | Multiple authors | BEITRÄGE DES 28. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2005 Papers for the 28th International Wittgenstein Symposium | Time and History | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2006 | Multiple authors | BEITRÄGE DES 29. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2006 Papers for the 29th International Wittgenstein Symposium | Cultures: Conflict-Analysis-Dialogue | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2005, 2006, 2007 | | CARTEVIVE | Periodico dell'Archivio Prezzolini, Biblioteca cantonale Lugano, 37 (2005) - Pane e cultura, 38 (2006) - Spazi nuovi per l'Archivio Prezzolini, 40 (2007) - Dal Fondo senza fondo 50 testimonianze per Guido Ceronetti, 41 (Dec. 2007), 42 (May 2008) | Lugano: Archivio Prezzolini | ii | IT |
2005 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Big Typescript | | Oxford: Blackwell | i | EN/DE |
2005 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Sidste skrifter om den filosofiske psykologi II | Transl. by Peter K. Westergaard | Aarhus: Klim | i | DK |
2005 | Baker, Gordon | Wittgenstein's Method. Neglected Aspects | | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
2005 | Bremer, Józef | Jak to jest byc swiadomym: Analityczne teorie umyslu a problemneuronalnych podstaw swiadomosci | | Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN | ii | PL |
2005 | Chatterjee, Ranjit | Wittgenstein and Judaism: A Triumph of Concealment | | New York: Peter Lang | ii | EN |
2005 | Entzenberg, C. & Säätelä, S. (eds.) | Perspectives on Aesthetics, Art and Culture | | Stockholm: Thales | ii | EN/SV/DA/NO |
2005 | Leinfellner, E. & Windholz, S. | Ludwig Wittgenstein: Ein Volksschullehrer in Niederösterreich | | Erfurt | ii | DE |
2005 | Monk, Ray | How to read Wittgenstein | | London: Granta | ii | EN |
2005 | Niiniluoto, I. & Vilkko, R. | Philosophical essays in memoriam Georg Henrik von Wright | | Helsinki | ii | EN |
2005 | Oku, Masahiro | Report on "Philosophico-Philological Studies on Wittgenstein's Nachlass | | Osaka | ii | EN |
2005 | Pichler, A. & Säätelä, S. (eds.) | Wittgenstein: The Philosopher and his Works | | Bergen: WAB | ii | EN |
2005 | Schmidt, Alfred | Wittgenstein-Originale in der Sammlung von Handschriften und Alten Drucken der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek | | Österreichische Nationalbibliothek | iii | DE |
2005 | Stoicheva, Maria (ed.) | Ludvig Vitgentajn i analitiènata filosofija: nauèna konferencija, posvetena na 115 godini ot rodenieto mu/Ludwig Wittgenstein and Analytic Philosophy: Papers of the Conference on the Occasion of the 115th Anniversary of his Birth | | Sofia: KYTY | ii | DE/EN/BG |
2005 | Toulmin, Stephen | Kosmopolis: ukryty projekt nowoczensnosci | Tomasz Zarebski (trans.) | Wydawniclwo Naukowe | ii | PL |
2005 | Vilkko, Risto> | Bibliotheca Wrightiana | | Helsinki: Dark Oy | ii | FI |
2005 | Windholz, Sascha & Feigl, Walter (eds.) | Wissenschaftstheorie, Sprachkritik und Wittgenstein: In memoriam Elisabeth und Werner Leinfellner | | Frankfurt: ontos | ii | DE |
2005 | Wipling, Manfred Andreas | Philosophische Untersuchungen §§ 1-18: Edition und Interpretation | Diplom Arbeitet | Univ. Wien | ii | DE |
2005 | Wolcher, Louis | Beyond Transcendence in Law and Philosophy | | London: Birkbeck Law Press | ii | EN |
2005 | Zarebski, Tomasz | Od paradygmatu do kosmopolis: Filozofia Stephena E. Toulmina | Dissertationes Inaugurales Selectae | Wroclaw: Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT | ii | PL |
2005 | Stadler, F. & Stöltzner, M. (eds.) | BEITRÄGE DES 28. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2005/Papers of the 28th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2005 | Time and History | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2005 | Majetschak, St. (ed.) | WITTGENSTEIN STUDIEN 12 | Wittgensteins 'grosse Maschinschrift' | Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang | ii | DE |
2005 | | Nordisk Netværk for Editionsfilologer | Skrifter 6: Læsemåder | København: Dahl & Kondrup & Kynde | iii | DA |
2005 | M. H. de Freitas & N. Venturinha (eds.) | MARGENS E CONFLUENCIAS | no 1: A Expressao do Indizivel | Brasilia | iii | PT |
2005 | Guilherme, Alex and Smith, Deirdre (eds.) | Proceedings of the Durham-Bergen Postgraduate Philosophy Seminar | | Department of Philosophy University of Durham, Durham, U.K. and Department of Philosophy, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway | iii | EN |
2004-2007 | | Philosophical Studies from the University of Helsinki | 5, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16 | Helsinki: Department of Philosophy | iii | EN |
2004 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung | Gerd Grasshoff & Timm Lampert (eds.) | Wien/New York: Springer | i | DE |
2004 | Ammereller, E. & Fischer, E. (eds.) | Wittgenstein at Work | | London: Routledge | ii | EN |
2004 | Belisle, Claire (ed.) | La lecture numerique: réalités, enjeux et perspectives | | L'enssib | ii | FR |
2004 | Bilat, Andrzej | ONTOLOGINICZNA INTERPRETACJA LOGIKI: U podstaw ontologii logicznej | | Lublin: Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej | ii | PL |
2004 | Carnap, Rudolf | Scheinprobleme in der Philosophie | | Hamburg: Felix Meiner | ii | DE |
2004 | Demeter, Tamas (ed.) | Essays on Wittgenstein and Austrian Philosophy | | Amsterdam: Rodopi | ii | EN |
2004 | Floridi, Luciano (ed.) | The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Computing and Information | | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
2004 | Gelbmann, Gerhard | Wittgenstein Archived: Bergenser Essays | | Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang | ii | EN |
2004 | Gelbmann, Gerhard | Sprachphilosophie und Sprachpsychologie | | Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang | ii | DE |
2004 | Kastberger, K. & Liessmann, K.P. (ed.) | Die Dichter und das Denken | | Wien: Paul Zsolnay | ii | DE |
2004 | Oittinen, Vesa (ed.) | Sinoza in Nordic Countries/Spinoza im Norden | Philosophical Studies from the University of Helsinki 5 | Helsinki: Department of Philosophy, Department of Social and Moral Philosophy | ii | EN/DE |
2004 | Thams B. Passin | Explorer's Guide to the Semantic Web | | Greenwich: Manning | ii | EN |
2004 | Pichler, Alois | Wittgensteins Philosophische Untersuchungen: Vom Buch zum Album | | Amsterdam: Rodopi | ii | DE |
2004 | Stern, David G. | Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations | | Cambridge | ii | EN |
2004 | Vargas, Mario Boero | La Novia de Wittgenstein | | Madrid: Vision Net | ii | ES |
2004 | Marek, J. Chr. & Reicher, M. E. (eds.) | BEITRÄGE DES 27. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2004/Papers of the 27th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2004 | Experience and Analysis | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2003, 2005 | | SLAGMARK: TIDSSKRIFT FOR IDEHISTORIE | 38/2003. 42/2005, 60/2011 | Århus | iii | DA |
2003 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Filosofiske Undersøkelser | Knut Olav Åmås (innl.) Mikkel B. Tin (overs.) | Oslo: Pax | i | NO |
2003 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | The Voices of Wittgenstein: The Vienna Circle, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Friedrich Waismann | Gordon Baker (ed.), Gordon Baker & Michael Mackert , John Connolly & Vasilis Politis (trans.) | London: Routledge | i | DE/EN |
2003 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Public and Private Occasions | James C. Klagge & Alfred Nordmann (eds.) | Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield | i | DE/EN |
2003 | David Avison & Guy Fitzgerald | Information Symstems Development | | London: McGraw-Hill | ii | EN |
2003 | Heyes, Cressida J. (ed.) | The Grammar of Politics: Wittgenstein and Political Philosophy | | Ithaca, London: Cornell University Press | ii | EN |
2003 | Luntley, Michael | Wittgenstein. Meaning and Judgement | | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
2003 | Motturi, Aleksander | Filosofi vid Mörkets Hjärta: Wittgenstein, Frazer och Vildarna | Logos Pathos Skriftserie Nr. 2 | [Göteborg]: Glänta produktion | ii | SV |
2003 | Seekircher, Monika | Literatur Naturwissenschaft Philosophie: Ludwig Wittgensteins und Robert Musils "Zwischenwelten" | | Innsbruck | ii | DE |
2003 | Wasson, Barbara, Ludvigsen, Sten & Hoppe, Ulrich (eds.) | Designing for Change in Networked Learning Environments: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative Learning 2003 | | Dordrecht: Kluwer | ii | EN |
2003 | Löffler, W. & Weingartner, P. (eds.) | BEITRÄGE DES 26. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2003/Papers of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2003 | Knowledge and Belief | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2003 | | FORUM PHILOSOPHICUM | Studia a facultate philosophica scholae universitariae philosophiae et paedagogiae Ignatianum: Vol. 8 | Ignatianum Cracovie edita, Ignatianum Krakow | iii | PL |
2003 | | GRADUATE FACULTY PHILOSOPHY JOURNAL | Vol. 24, No. 1 | New School for Social Research | iii | EN |
2003 | | REVUE DE METAPHYSIQUE ET DE MORALE: Matiere et devenir dans les philosophies anciennes | 1-2003 | | iii | FR |
2003 | | PROSPERO | 9/2003 | | iii | EN |
2003 | | Forum Philosophicum: Studies Published by the Faculty of Philosophy of the University School of Philosophy and of Education Ignatianum in Cracow | 8 (2003) | Kraków: WAM Press | ii | PL/EN |
2002-2004 | | CADERNOS DE FILOSOFIA | Vol 12 (2002), 13 (2003), 14 (2003), 15 (2004), 21 (2007), 22 (2007) | Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem, Universidade Nova de Lisboa | iii | PT |
2002 | Busch, Wilhelm | Maz und Moritz | | Stuttgart: Reclam | ii | DE |
2002 | Chandra, Suresh | Wittgenstein: New Perspectives | | New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research | ii | EN |
2002 | The Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (ed.) | Die Wittgenstein-Landschaft in Niederösterreich: Zum 25. Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg am Wechsel | | Kirchberg am Wechsel | ii | DE/EN |
2002 | Gelbmann, Gerhard | Observations on Transaction | | Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang | ii | EN |
2002 | Hagemus, Nadine | Wenn die Sprache mit der Zeit speilt: Ludwig Witgenstein und Peter Janich über Bebrauch des Zeitbegriffs | | Universität Essen | ii | DE |
2002 | Hyder, David | The mechanics of meaning: Propositional content and the logical space of Wittgenstein's Tractatus | in series: Quellen und Studien zur Philosophie Bd. 57 | Berlin: Walter Gruyter | ii | EN |
2002 | Iven, Mathias | Die Ethik im Leben Ludwig Wittgensteins | | Berlin: Schibri-verlag | ii | DE |
2002 | McGuinness, Brian | Approaches to Wittgenstein: Collected papers | | London: Routledge | ii | EN |
2002 | Miller, A. & Wright, C. (eds.) | Rule-Following and Meaning | | Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's UP | ii | EN |
2002 | Oksala, Johanna | Freedom in the Philosophy of Michel Foucault | Philosophical Studies from the University of Helsinki 2 | Helsinki: Department of Philosophy, Department of Social and Moral Philosophy | ii | EN |
2002 | Westergaard, Peter K. | John Wisdoms Guder: En religions filosofisk analyse | | København: Museum Tusculanums Forlag | ii | DA |
2002 | Multiple authors | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 30 Proceedings of the 24th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2001 | Wittgenstein and the Future of Philosophy: A Reassessment after 50 Years | Wien | iii | DE/EN |
2002 | Kanzian, Chr.; Quitterer, J. & Runggaldier E. (eds.) (eds.) | BEITRÄGE DES 25. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2002/Papers of the 25th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2002 | Persons. An Interdisciplinary Approach | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2002 | | Literary and Linguistic Computing | Vol 17 | | ii | EN |
2002 | | GOND | Vol 34 (2002) | | iii | HU |
2002 | | zuur vrij. Berichten uit het amvc-letterenhuis | nummer twee | | iii | NL |
2001, 2002 | | samtiden | 4 (2000); 4 (2001); 4 (2002) | | iii | NO |
2001 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Philosophische Untersuchungen. Kritisch genetische Edition | J. Schulte, H.Nyman, E. von Savigny & G.H. von Wright (eds.) | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | i | DE |
2001 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Zettel | Øystein Hide (overs.) | Oslo: Humanist Forlag | i | NO |
2001 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Philosophische Untersuchungen. Kritisch genetische Edition | J. Schulte, H. Nyman, E. von Savigny, G.H. von Wright (eds.) | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | i | DE |
2001 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Philosophical Investigations | G.E.M. Anscombe & R. Rhees (eds.) G.E.M. Anscombe (trans.); 50th anniversary commemorative edition | Oxford | i | DE/EN |
2001 | Alarcón, Joaquín J. | Religión y Relativismo en Wittgenstein | Ariel Filosofía | Barcelona: Ariel | ii | ES |
2001 | Arnswald, Ulrich & Weiberg, Anja (eds.) | Der Denker als Seiltänzer. Ludwig Wittgenstein über Religion, Mystik und Ethik | | Düsseldorf: Parerga | ii | DE |
2001 | Bremer, Józef | Ludwig Wittgenstein a religia - wprowadzenie | | Kraków: Wyzsza Szkola Filozoficzno-Pedagogiczna Ignatianum | ii | PL |
2001 | Charles, D. & Child, W. (eds.) | Wittgensteinian Themes. Essays in honour of David Pears | | Oxford: OUP | ii | EN |
2001 | Geschkowski, Andreas | Die Entstehung von Wittgensteins Prototractatus | | Bern | ii | DE |
2001 | Glock, Hanjo (ed.) | Wittgenstein: A critical reader | | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
2001 | Hacker, P.M.S. | Wittgenstein: Connections and Controversies | | Oxford: Clarendon Press | ii | EN |
2001 | Klagge, James C. (ed.) | Wittgenstein: Biography and Philosophy | | Cambridge:CUP | ii | EN |
2001 | Lütterfelds, W.; Roser, A. & Raatzsch, R. (hg.) | Wittgenstein-Jahrbuch 2000 | Redaktion: Djavid Salehi | Frankfurt | ii | DE |
2001 | Martinich, A.P. & Sosa, D. (eds.) | Analytic Philosophy: An Anthology | Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
2001 | McCarthy, T. G. & Stidd, S. C. (eds.) | Wittgenstein in America | | Oxford: OUP | ii | EN |
2001 | Schweizer (Svaizer), Monica | L'influenza di Sraffa sul pensiero di Wittgenstein | | Padova | ii | IT |
2001 | Surovtsev V. | Autonomy of Logic: Sources, Genesis and System of Philosophy of Early Wittgenstein | | Tomsk State University Publishing House | ii | RU |
2001 | von Wright, Georg Henrik | Mitt liv som jag minns det | | Söderström & Co. Förlag | ii | SV |
2001 | Multiple authors | BEITRÄGE DES 24. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2001 Papers for the 24th International Wittgenstein Symposium (2 volumes) | Wittgenstein and the Future of Philosophy: A Reassessment after 50 Years | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2001 | | PHILOSOPHICAL INVESTIGATIONS | October 2001 vol. 24 no.4., October 1994 vol. 17 no. 4 | Oxford | iii | EN |
2001 | Olivieri, Gianluigi (ed.) | WITTGENSTEIN STUDIEN 2 | From the Tractatus to the Tractatus and Other Essays | Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang | ii | EN |
2001 | Geschkowski, Andreas | Die Entstehung von Wittgensteins Prototractatus | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Bern: Bern Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science | ii | DE |
2000- | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wittgenstein's Nachlass: Transkribiert von Hans Biesenbach | Quellen des "Big Typescript": Ts 208, Ts 210. Quellen des "Big Typescript": Ts 211/1. Quellen des "Big Typescript": Ts 211/2. "The Big Typescript" Ts 213. Anhaenge und Ueberarbeitungen des "Big Typescript". Mss 141-144. Ms 116. Ms 117. Tss 219-225. Ts 228. Ts 229. Tss 230-232. Ts 233 [zwei Exemplare]. Ts 235-243 | | i | DE |
2000 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wittgenstein's Nachlass: The Bergen Electronic Edition | 6 CDs | Oxford: OUP | i | DE/EN |
2000 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Bemerkninger om fargene | Stian GrØgaard (overs.; etterord) | Oslo:Artes/Pax | i | NO |
2000 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Filosofi | Lars Hertzberg & Aleksander Motturi (overs.) | Glnta Produktion | i | SV |
2000 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wiener Ausgabe. The Big Typescript | M. Nedo (ed.) | Frankfurt a.M.: Zweitausendeins | i | DE |
2000 | Åmås, Knut Olav | Ludwig Wittgenstein | | Oslo: Gyldendal | ii | NO |
2000 | Austermühl, Frank & Apollon, Daniel (eds.) | Humanities education and the challenge of E-learning | | Bergen | ii | EN |
2000 | Crary, A. & Read, R. (eds.) | The New Wittgenstein | | London and New York: Routledge | ii | EN |
2000 | Multiple authors | Digital Resources for the Humanities | Univ. of Sheffield 10-13 sept. 2000. DRH Conference abstracts. | | ii | EN |
2000 | Goeres, Ralf | Die Entwicklung der Philosophie Ludwig Wittgensteins unter besonderer Berücksichtigung seiner Logikkonzeption | | Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann | ii | DE |
2000 | Hockey, S. | Electronic texts in the humanities | | Oxford | ii | DE |
2000 | Liburdi, Annarita | Per una storia del Lessico Intellettuale Europeo | | Roma: Lessico Intellettuale Europeo | ii | IT |
2000 | Majetschak, Stefan | Ludwig Wittgensteins Denkweg | Symposion; 114 | Münich: Alber | ii | DE |
2000 | Muhall, Stephen | Inheritance & Originality: Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Kierkegaard | | Oxford: OUP | ii | EN |
2000 | Neumer, Katalin | Die Relativität der Grenzen | | Amsterdam: Rodopi | ii | DE |
2000 | Pichler, Alois | Wittgensteins Philosophische Untersuchungen: Vom Buch zum Album | | Bergen | ii | DE |
2000 | Steinsiek, Annette (ed.), Janik, Allan (trans.) | Life in the Archives! | Finds from the Brenner Archives Research Institute | Innsbruck: Brenner Archives Research Institute | ii | EN |
2000 | Westergaard, Peter K. | Hele Billedlyheden i vor udtryksmåde | | Århus: Slagmarks skyttergravsserie | ii | DA |
2000 | Multiple authors | BEITRÄGE DES 23. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 2000 Papers for the 23rd International Wittgenstein Symposium (2 volumes) | Rationality and Irrationality | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
2000 | Neumer, Katalin (ed.) | WITTGENSTEIN STUDIEN 1 | Das Verstehen des Anderen | Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang | ii | DE/EN |
2000 | Neumer, Katalin (ed.) | Kep, beszed, iras | | Budapest: Gondolat | ii | HU |
2000 | | Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur (mit Geographie), 44/5 | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Wien: Institut für Österreichkunde | iii | DE |
1999 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wiener Ausgabe. Studien Texte Band 1-5: 1 - Philosophische Bemerkungen; 2 - Philosophische Betrachtungen. Philosophische Bemerkungen; 3 - Bemerkungen: Philosophische Bemerkungen; 4 - Bemerkungen zur Philosophie. Bemerkungen zur philosophischen Grammatik; 5 - Philosophische Grammatik | M. Nedo (ed.) | Wien, New York: Springer | i | DE |
1999 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Tractatus-Logico Philosophicus | Terje Ødegaard (overs. fra tysk; etterord) | Oslo | i | NO |
1999 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Tractatus-Logico Philosophicus | Terje Ødegaard (overs. fra tysk; etterord) | Oslo | i | DE |
1999 | Burke, Mary | Organization of Multimedia Resources: Principles and Practice of Information Retrieval | | Hampshire: Gower | ii | EN |
1999 | Goldstein, Laurence | Clear and Queer Thinking: Wittgenstein's Development and His Relevance to Modern Thought | | London: Duckworth | ii | EN |
1999 | Goldstein, Laurence | Clear and Queer Thinking: Wittgenstein's Development and His Relevance to Modern Thought | | London: Duckworth | ii | EN |
1999 | Hemecker, W. (ed.) | Handschrift | | Wien: Paul Zsolnay | ii | DE |
1999 | Oku, Masahiro | Wittgenstein's later philosophy up to "PI": Report on the Grant-In-Aid by the Ministry of Education in 1996-97 fiscal years | | | ii | JA |
1999 | Ormell, Christopher | Some reflections on predictive impossibility | | London: Per/mag Ashby | ii | EN |
1999 | Savickey, Beth | Wittgenstein's Art of Investigation | | Routledge | ii | EN |
1999 | Schmidt, Alfred | Wittgenstein an Rush Rhees. Neue Wittgenstein-Briefe in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek | Biblos: Beiträge zu Buch, Bibliothek und Schrift. Hg. Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. 48.1, S.137-144 | Wien: Böhlau | iii | DE |
1999 | Smedt, Konrad de; a.o. (eds.) | Computing in Humanities Education | | Bergen | ii | EN |
1999 | Multiple authors | BEITRÄGE DES 22. INTERNATIONALES WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUMS 1999 Papers for the 22nd International Wittgenstein Symposium (2 volumes) | Metaphysics in the Post-metaphysic age | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
1999 | Schanz, Hans-Jørgen | Selvfølgeligheder | | Århus: Modtryk | ii | DA |
1998 (1928, 1961) | Carnap, Rudolf | Der logische Aufbau der Welt | | Hamburg: Felix Meiner | ii | DE |
1998 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Den ukjente dagboken | Ilse Somavilla (red.) Knut Olav Åmås (overs.) | Oslo | i | NO |
1998 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Uwagi o Zlotej Galezi Frazera | Andrzej Orzechowski (trans.; intro) | Warszawa: Instytut Kultury | i | PL |
1998 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Notebooks 1914-1916 | G.E.M. Anscombe & G.H. von Wright (eds.). G.E.M. Anscombe (trans), E. D. Klemke (index) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | DE/EN |
1998 | Padilla-Gálvez, Jesús & Baldrich, Raimundo D. (eds.) | Wittgenstein y el circulo de Viena/ Wittgenstein und der Wiener Kreis | | Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha: Cuenca | ii | ES |
1998 | Baldrich, Raimundo D. | Wittgenstein | | Madrid: Ediciones del Orto | ii | ES |
1998 | Boero Vargas, Mario | Lo indecible y el zen en la vida de Wittgenstein | Revista de Filosofia 77 | | ii | ES |
1998 | Boero Vargas, Mario | Ludwig Wittgenstein. Biografía y Mística de un pensador | | Madrid: Biblioteca Estudios Skolar | ii | ES |
1998 | Buchholz, Kai | Sprachspiel und Semantik | | München: Wilhelm Fink | ii | DE |
1998 | Janik, Allan | Wittgenstein in Wien | | Wien, New York: Springer | ii | EN |
1998 | Skirbekk, Gunnar | Nihilism? | | Bergen | ii | EN |
1998 | Soulez, Antonia (ed.) | Ludwig Wittgenstein. Leçons sur la liberté de la volonté | | Paris | ii | FR |
1998 | Valen, Tor | Pedagogisk teori og Wittgensteins senfilosofi | | Bergen: Høgskolen i Bergen | ii | NO |
1998 | Wolcher, Louis | A Meditation on Wittgenstein's Lecture on Ethics | 3-35 | 9 L. & Crit. | ii | EN |
1998 | Multiple authors | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 26 Proceedings of the 20th International Wittgenstein Symposium 1997 | The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy | Wien | iii | DE/EN |
1998 | Multiple authors | BEITRÄGE DES 21. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 1998 Papers for the 21st International Wittgenstein Symposium (2 volumes) | Applied Ethics | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
1998 | | The Philosopher's Index | Vol. 32, No. 1 - 4 | Bowling Green: The Philosophy Documentation Center | iii | EN |
1997, 2002 | | Nachrichten | No. 3/1992, 4/1993, 6/1995, 7/1996, 8/1997, 9/1998, 10/2002 | Forschungsstelle und Dokumentationszentrum für österreichische Philosophie Graz | iii | DE |
1997, 1998, 2001 | | AGORA. Journal for Metafysisk Spekulasjon | 3/4-1997 (2), 3/4-1998 (4), 2/3-2001 | | iii | NO |
1997 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Culture and Value. A Selection from the Posthumous Remains | G.H. von Wright, H. Nyman, A. Pichler (eds.) P. Winch (trans.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | DE/EN |
1997 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Denkbewegungen. Tagebücher 1930-1932/1936-1937 | Ilse Somavilla (ed.); (Normalized and Diplomatic editions) | Innsbruck: Haymon | i | DE |
1997 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Dictees a Waismann et pour Schlick I | Antonia Soulez (ed.) | Paris: Presses universitaires de france | i | FR |
1997 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Dictees a Waismann et pour Schlick II | Antonia Soulez (ed.) | Paris: Presses universitaires de france | i | FR |
1997 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Filosofiske Undersøkelser | Øyvind Rabbås (innl.) Mikkel B. Tin (overs.) | Oslo: Pax | i | NO |
1997 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wiener Ausgabe. Konkordanz zu den Bnden 1-5 | M. Nedo (ed.) | Wien, New York: Springer | i | DE |
1997 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Cambridge Letters | B.F. McGuinness & G.H. von Wright (eds.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | DE/EN |
1997 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Philosophical Investigations | G.E.M. Anscombe & R. Rhees (eds.) G.E.M. Anscombe (trans.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | DE/EN |
1997 | Distaso, Leonardo | Attraverso Wittgenstein | | Roma: Pagano | ii | IT |
1997 | Fjelland, R.; Gilje, N.; Grimen, H.; Skirbekk, G. & Tong, S. (eds.) | Philosophy Beyond Borders | | Bergen: SVT | ii | EN |
1997 | Parrinder, P. & Chernaik, W. (eds.) | Textual Monopolies: Literary Copyright and the Public Domain | | OHC | ii | EN |
1997 | Pichler, Alois | Wittgenstein und das Schreiben: Ansätze zu einem Schreiberporträt | Diplomarbeit (Germanistik) | Innsbruck | ii | DE |
1997 | Wolcher, Louis | Ronald Dworkin's Right Answers Thesis through the Lens of Wittgenstein | 43-65 | 29 Rutgers L. J. | ii | EN |
1997 | Koller, P.; Puhl, K. (eds.) | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 25 Proceedings of the 19th International Wittgenstein Symposium 1996 | Current Issues in Political Philosophy | Wien | iii | DE/EN |
1997 | Multiple authors | BEITRÄGE DES 20. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 1997 Papers for the 20th International Wittgenstein Symposium (2 volumes) | The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
1997 | | Dialoger | 22-3 (1992) - Arvet efter Turing, 38 (1996) - Göran Printz-Påhlson, 39 (1996) - Metaforer och analogier, 40 (1997) - Den kokta grodan, 41 (1997) - Bachtin, 55 (2000) - Descartes och Galileo, 61 (2001) - Minne och fantasi | | iii | SV |
1997 | | Human IT: Tidskrift för studier av IT ur ett humanvetenskapligt perspektiv | 1/97, 3/97 | Bibliotekshögskolan, Högskolan i Borås | ii | SV |
1996, 2000 | Hacker, P.M.S. | Wittgenstein: Mind and Will | Volume 4 of an Analytical Commentary on the "Philosophical Investigations". Exegesis. | Oxford: Blackwell Publishers | ii | EN |
1996, 2000 | Hacker, P.M.S. | Wittgenstein: Mind and Will | Volume 4 of an Analytical Commentary on the "Philosophical Investigations". Essays | Oxford: Blackwell Publishers | ii | EN |
1996 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Familienbriefe | McGuinness, Ascher & Pfersmann (eds.) | Wien: HPT | i | DE |
1996 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wiener Ausgabe. Bd. 5: Philosophische Grammatik | M. Nedo (ed.) | Wien, New York: Springer | i | DE |
1996 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Cambridge Letters | B.F. McGuinness & G.H. von Wright (eds.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | DE/EN |
1996 | Åmås, Knut Olav | Wittgenstein, "kultur" og "sivilisasjon" | Hovedoppgåve i filisofi | UiB | ii | NO |
1996 | Arnold, H.L. & Detering, H. (eds.) | Grundzüge der Literaturwissenschaft | | München | ii | DE |
1996 | Buchholz, Kai | Jeux de jeux de langage ou les modèles de la sémantique pragmatique de Ludwig Wittgenstein | | Universität des Saarlandes | ii | FR |
1996 | Buchholz, Kai | Jeux de langage et la signification des prédicateurs dans les lettres et les sciences humaines | | Universität des Saarlandes | ii | FR |
1996 | Forland, A., & Haaland, A. | Universitetet i Bergens historie | Bind I | Bergen:University of Bergeen | ii | NO |
1996 | Glock, Hanjo | A Wittgenstein Dictionary | | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
1996 | Hacker, P.M.S. | Wittgenstein: Mind and Will | Volume 4 of an Analytical Commentary on the "Philosophical Investigations". Exegesis. | Oxford: Blackwell Publishers | ii | EN |
1996 | Hacker, P.M.S. | Wittgenstein's place in twentieth century analytic philosophy | | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
1996 | McDowell, John | Mind and World | | Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press | ii | EN |
1996 | Roll-Hansen, N. & Goksøyr, J. et. al. | Universitetet i Bergens historie | Bind II | Bergen:University of Bergeen | ii | NO |
1996 | Rothhaupt, Josef G.F. | Farbthemen in Wittgensteins Gesamtnachlaß | | Weinheim: Beltz Athenäum | ii | DE |
1996 | Savigny, Eike von | Der Mensch als Mitmensch. Wittgensteins "Philosophische Untersuchungen" | | München: DTV | ii | DE |
1996 | Sluga, H. & Stern, D. (eds.) | The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein | | Cambridge | ii | EN |
1996 | Wolcher, Louis | The Man in a Room: Remarks on Derrida's Force of Law | 35-64 | 7 L. & Crit. | ii | EN |
1996 | | ALLC-ACH '96: Conference Abstracts | | Bergen | iii | EN |
1996 | Johannessen, K.S.; Nordenstam, T. | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 24 Proceedings of the 18th International Wittgenstein Symposium 1995 | Culture and Value: Philosophy and the Cultural Sciences | Wien | iii | DE/EN |
1996 | Zapffe, Peter Wessel | Om det tragiske | | Oslo: Pax | ii | NO |
1995 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig [Liudvigas Vitgensteinas] | Rinktiniai rastai | | Vilnius: Mintis | i | LT |
1995 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wiener Ausgabe. Bd. 3: Bemerkungen. Philosophische Bemerkungen | M. Nedo (ed.) | Wien, New York: Springer | i | DE |
1995 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wiener Ausgabe. Bd. 4: Bemerkungen zur Philosophie. Bemerkungen zur philosophischen Grammatik | M. Nedo (ed.) | Wien, New York: Springer | i | DE |
1995 | Bilat, Andrzej | Prawda i Stany Rzeczy: Z przedmowa Jana Wolenskiego | photocopy | Lublin: Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej | ii | PL |
1995 | Cavell, Stanley | Philosophical Passages: Wittgenstein, Emerson, Austin, Derrida | | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
1995 | Genova, Judith | Wittgenstein: A Way of Seeing | | London: Routledge | ii | EN |
1995 | Honderich, Ted (ed.) | The Oxford Companion to Philosophy | | Oxford: OUP | ii | EN |
1995 | Kenna, Stephanie & Ross, Seamus (eds.) | Networking in the Humanities | | London: Bowker Saur | ii | EN |
1995 | Kross, Matthias | Klarheit als Selbstzweck: Wittgenstein über Philosophie, Religion, Ethik und Gewißheit | | Berlin: Akademieverlag | ii | DE |
1995 | Pedersen, V. & vrljuga, . (eds.) | Performances in American Literature and Culture. Essays in Honor of Prof. Orm Øverland on His 60th Birthday | | Bergen: University of Bergen | ii | EN |
1995 | Savigny, E. von & Scholz, O. R. (eds.) | Wittgenstein über die Seele | | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | ii | DE |
1995 | Schulte, Joachim | Experience & Expression: Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Psychology | | Oxford: Clarenden | ii | EN |
1995 | Stern, David G. | Wittgenstein on Mind and Language | | Oxford | ii | EN |
1995 | Wolcher, Louis | Critical Legal Doubts about Language | 1-38 | 30 New England L. Rev. | ii | EN |
1995 | Wolcher, Louis | What We Do Not Doubt: A Critical Legal Perspective | 1783-1861 | 46 Hastings L. J. | ii | EN |
1995 | Multiple authors | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 22 Proceedings of the 17th International Wittgenstein Symposium 1994 | The British Tradition in 20th Century Philosophy | Wien | iii | DE/EN |
1995 | Multiple authors | BEITRÄGE DES 18. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 1995 Papers for the 18th International Wittgenstein Symposium (2 volumes) | Culture and Value: Philosophy and the Cultural Sciences | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
1995 | | tacho - Zeitschrift für Perspektivenwechsel | No. 5 - Jean-François Lyotard (2 copies) | Karlsrue: Engelhardt & Bauer | ii | DE |
1995 | | Studia Philosophica | II (38) | Tartu, Estonia: University of Tartu Department of Philosophy | ii | EN |
1994-1997 | | Wittgenstein Studien Diskette | 1-1994, 2-1994, 1-1995, 2-1995, 1-1996, 2-1996, 1-1997, 2-1997 | | iii | DE |
1994- | | Mitteilungen aus dem Brenner-Archiv | 10/1994, 13/1994, 15/1996, 16/1997, 17/1998, 18/1999, 19/2000, 20/2001, 21/2002, 22/2003, 23/2004, 24-25/2005-06,
26/2007, 27/2008, 28/2009, 29/2010, 30/2011, 31/2012, 32/2013, 33/2014, 34/2015, 35/2016, 36/2017, 37/2018, 38-39/2019-20, 40/2021, 42/2023 | Innsbruk: Brenner-Archiv | iii | DE |
1994, 2001 | Kenny, Anthony (ed.) | The Wittgenstein Reader | | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
1994, 1995, 2000 | | Nordisk estetisk tidskrift | 11-12 (1994); 13 (1995); 20-21 (2000) | | iii | DA/NO/SV/EN |
1994 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Filosofi og kultur. Spredte bemerkninger | | Oslo: Cappelen | i | NO |
1994 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics | G.E.M. Anscombe & R. Rhees and von Wright (eds.), G.E.M. Anscombe (trans.); (3rd edition) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | EN |
1994 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wiener Ausgabe. Bd. 1: Philosophische Bemerkungen | M. Nedo (ed.) | Wien, New York: Springer | i | DE |
1994 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wiener Ausgabe. Bd. 2: Philosophische Betrachtungen. Philosophische Bemerkungen | M. Nedo (ed.) | Wien, New York | i | DE |
1994 | Deleuze, Gilles | Foucault | Gusin, Michal (trans.) | Wroclawiu: DSW | ii | PL |
1994 | DeRose, Steven & Durand, David | Making Hypermedia Work:: A User's Guide to HyTime | | Boston: Kluwer | ii | EN |
1994 | Frederiksson, Gunnar | Wittgenstein | | Oslo: Forlaget Oktober | ii | NO |
1994 | Gefwert, Christoffer | Wittgenstein on Philosophy and Mathematics: An Essay in the History of Philosophy | | Åbo, Finnland; Åbo Akademi University Press | ii | EN |
1994 | Gorlée, Dinda L. | Semiotics and the Problem of Translation. With special reference to the semiotics of Charles S. Peirce. | | Amsterdam: Rodopi | ii | EN |
1994 | Hanfling, Oswald (ed.) | Philosophical Aesthetics: An Introduction | | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
1994 | Johannessen, Kjell S. | Kunst, språk og estetisk praksis | | Uppsala: Uppsala universitet | ii | NO |
1994 | Johannessen, Kjell S. & Åmås, Knut Olav | Wittgenstein in Norway | | Oslo: Solum Forlag | ii | EN |
1994 | Schmidt, Alfred | Die Wittgenstein-Manuskripte in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek | Biblos: Beiträge zu Buch, Bibliothek und Schrift. Hg. Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. 43.1-2, S.91-101, Abb. 39-40 | Wien: Böhlau | iii | DE |
1994 | von Wright, Georg Henrik | Myten om Fremskrittet: Tanker 1987-1992, med en intellektuell selvbiografi | Knut Olav Åmås (overs.) | Cappelen | ii | NO |
1994 | Casati, R.; Smith, B.; White, G. (eds.) | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 21 Proceedings of the 16th International Wittgenstein Symposium 1993 | Philosophy and the Cognitive Sciences | Wien | iii | DE/EN |
1994 | Senger, H.-G. (ed.). | Philosophische Editionen | Erwartungen an sie - Wirkungen durch sie | Tübingen | iii | DE |
1994 | | Dialoger | 30-32 (1994) | | iii | SE |
1993/1996 | Kuhlthau, Carol Collier | Seeking Meaning: A Process Approach to Library and Information Services | | Norwood, N.J.: Ablex | ii | EN |
1993, 1999 | | Nordisk Estetisk Tidsskrift | 10 (1993) - 18 (1999) | | iii | EN / SE |
1993, 1994 | Robinson, Peter | Office for Humanities Communication Pulblications | No. 4 (1993) - The Digitization of Primary Textual Sources, No. 6 (1994) - The transcription of Primary Textual Sources Using SGML | Oxford: Office for Humanities Communication | ii | EN |
1993 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Philosophical Occasions 1912-1951 | James C. Klagge & Alfred Nordmann (eds.) | Indianapolis, Cambridge: Hackett | i | DE/EN |
1993 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Philosophical Occasions 1912-1951 | James C. Klagge & Alfred Nordmann (eds.), 3rd printing | Indianapolis, Cambridge: Hackett | i | DE/EN |
1993 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wiener Ausgabe. Einführung/Introduction | M. Nedo (ed.) | Wien, New York: Springer | i | DE |
1993 | Bartley, William W. | Wittgenstein | | London: Quartet | ii | EN |
1993 | Chernaik, W.; Davis, C. & Deegan, M. (eds.) | The Politics of the Electronic Text | | OHC | ii | EN |
1993 | Eagleton, Terry | Wittgenstein: The Terry Eagleton Script. The Derek Jarman Film | | London: BFI Publishing | ii | EN |
1993 | Glebe-Møller, J. & Westergaard, P. K. | Ludwig Wittgenstein | | Fredriksberg, DK: Anis | ii | DA |
1993 | Göranzon, Bo | The practical intellect: Computers and Skills | | London: Springer | ii | EN |
1993 | Gorlée, Dinda L. | Semiotics and the Problem of Translation. With special reference to the semiotics of Charles S. Peirce | | Alblasserdam: Offsetdrukkerij Kanters B.V. | ii | EN |
1993 | Haller, R. & Stadler, F. (eds.) | Wien Berlin Prag | | Wien: HPT | ii | DE |
1993 | Jarman, Derek | Wittgenstein | Video -- Script by Terry Eagleton and Ken Butler | | ii | EN |
1993 | McKnight, C., Dillon, A. & Richardson, J. | Hypertext: A Psychological Perspective | | New York: Ellis Horwood | ii | EN |
1993 | Monk, Ray | Wittgenstein. Das Handwerk des Genies | | Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta | ii | DE |
1993 | Nordenstam, Tore | Från konst til vetenskap | | Carlssons | ii | SV |
1993 | Skirbekk, Gunnar | Rationality and Modernity | | Oslo | ii | EN |
1993 | Puhl, K. (ed.) | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 20/I-II Proceedings of the 15th International Wittgenstein Symposium 1992 | Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics | Wien | iii | DE/EN |
1993 | Multiple authors | BEITRÄGE DES 16. INTERNATIONALEN WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM 1993 Papers for the 16th International Wittgenstein Symposium | Philosophy and the Cognitive Sciences | Kirchberg a.W.: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society | iii | DE/EN |
1993 | | Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift | 4 (1993) | | iii | DA |
1993 | Perzanowski, Jerzy & Pietruszczak, Andrzej (eds.) | Logic and Logical Philosophy | | Torun: Nicholas Copernicus University Press | ii | EN |
1992 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology: The Inner and the Outer (Vol. 2); Letzte Bemerkungen über die Philosophy der Psychologie: Das Innere und das Äussere (Band 2) | G.H. von Wright & Heikki Nyman (eds.), C.G. Luckhardt & M.A.E. Aue (trans.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | DE/EN |
1992 | Baldrich, Raimundo D. | Bibliografia sobre Ludwig Wittgenstein. Literatura secundaria (1921-1985) | | Madrid: Aporia | ii | ES |
1992 | Göranzon, B. & Florin, M. (eds.) | Skill and Education: Reflection and Experience | | London: Springer | ii | EN |
1992 | Sebestik, J. & Soulez, A. (eds.) | Wittgenstein et la philosophie aujourd'hui | | Epistemologie Meridiens Klincksieck | ii | FR |
1992 | Skirbekk, Gunnar | Eco-Philosophical Manuscripts | | Bergen | ii | EN |
1992 | Skirbekk, Gunnar | Vernunft und Verantwortung | | Bergen | ii | DE |
1992 | Haller, R (ed.) | Grazer Philosophische Studien: Internationale Zeitschrift für Analytische Philosophie | Vol 42: Criss-Crossing a Philosophical Landscape. Essays on Wittgensteinian Themes. J. Schulte & G. Sundholm (eds.) | Rodopi | iii | EN |
1991-1998 | | Information Philosophie | Vol 2-5/1991, 1-5/1992, 1-5/1993, 1-5/1994, 1-5/1995, 1-5/1996, 1-5/1997, 1-5/1998, 1-5/1999 | | iii | DE |
1991, 2000 | | MERKUR. Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken | 501 (1990), 502-513 (1991) | Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta | ii | DE |
1991, 1992, 2003 | | Rue Descartes | 1(1991) - Des Grecs, 3 (1992) - Citoyenneté, démocratie, république, 4 (1992) - Le théologico-politique, 39 (2003) - Wittgenstein et l'art | Paris: Albin Michel | ii | FR |
1991 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Geheime Tagebücher (1914-1916) | Wilhelm Baum (ed.) | Wien: Turia & Kant | i | DE |
1991 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Vortrag über Ethik | Joachim Schulte (ed.) | Frankfurt a.M.:Suhrkamp | i | DE |
1991 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Book series of primary texts translated into Chinese | Vol. 2 - B. F. McGuinness, Vol. 3 - R. Rhees, Vol. 4 - R. Rhees, Vol. 5 - D. Lee & A. Ambrose, Vol. 6 - R. Rhees, Vol. 9 - G.E.M. Anscombe, G. H. von Wright, H. Nyman, Vol. 10 - G.E.M. Anscombe, G. H. von Wright, H. Nyman, Vol. 11 - G.E.M. Anscombe, G. H. von Wright, H. Nyman, Vol. 12 - J. C. Klagge, A. Nordmann, C. Barrett (Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough, Philosophy - chapter from the Big Typescript, Notes for Lectures on "Private Experience" and "Sense Data", Cause and Effect: Intuitive Awareness - with Appendices A-C, Lectures and Coversations on Aesthetics, Psychology and Religious Belief, The Wittgenstein Papers - von Wright's catalogue of Wittgenstein's Nachlass) | Sower | ii | ZH |
1991 | Barrett, Cyril | Wittgenstein on Ethics and Religious Belief | | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
1991 | Göranzon, B. & Florin, M. (eds.) | Dialogue and Technology: Art and Knowledge | | London: Springer | ii | EN |
1991 | Kapfinger, Otto | Haus Wittgenstein: Eine Dokumentation | | Wien: Kulturabteilung der Botschaft der Republik Bulgarien | ii | DE |
1991 | Kruntorad, Paul (ed.) | Jour fixe der Vernunft: Der Wiener Kreis und de Folgen | | Wien: HPT | ii | DE |
1991 | Pettersen, Helge | Nietzsche - Lidelse og menneskedannelse | | Bergen: Ariadne | ii | NO |
1991 | | Reports from the Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki | 2 (1991) | | iii | EN |
1990, 1998 | Hacker, P.M.S. | Wittgenstein: Meaning and Mind | Volume 3 of an Analytical Commentary on the "Philosophical Investigations". Exegesis. | Oxford: Blackwell Publishers | ii | EN |
1990, 1998 | Hacker, P.M.S. | Wittgenstein: Meaning and Mind | Volume 3 of an Analytical Commentary on the "Philosophical Investigations". Essays. | Oxford: Blackwell Publishers | ii | EN |
1990, 1997 | Hacker, P.M.S. | Wittgenstein: Meaning and Mind | Volume 3 of an Analytical Commentary on the "Philosophical Investigations". [Hardback] | Oxford: Blackwell Publishers | ii | EN |
1990 | Brock, S. & Schanz, H-J. (eds.) | Imod forstandens forhekselse - en bog om Wittgenstein | | Modtruk | ii | DA |
1990 | | dtv-Atlas zur Mathematik | 2 Bde | München:DVT | ii | DE |
1990 | Frongia, G. & McGuinness, B. | Wittgenstein: A Bibliographical Guide | | Oxford:Blackwell | ii | EN |
1990 | Hark, Michel ter | Beyond the Inner and the Outer: Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Psychology | | Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer | ii | EN |
1990 | Kraft, Herbert | Editionsphilologie | | Darmstadt | ii | DE |
1990 | Mellor, D.H. (ed.) | F.P. Ramsey: Philosophical Papers | | Cambridge: CUP | ii | EN |
1990 | Monk, Ray | Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius. | | London: Jonathan Cape | ii | EN |
1990 | Redpath, Theodore | Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Student's Memoir | | London: Duckworth | ii | EN |
1990 | von Wright, Georg Henrik (ed.) | A Portrait of Wittgenstein as a Young Man: From the Diary of David Hume Pinsent 1912-1914 | Anne Keynes (Intro.) | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
1989, 2001 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung. Tractatus logico-philosophicus. Kritische Edition | McGuinness, B. & Schulte, J. (eds.) | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | i | DE |
1989, 2001 | Travis, Charles | The Uses of Sense: Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Language | | Oxford: OUP | ii | EN |
1989, 1992-96, 1999-2000, 2002-03 | | Skriftserie fra Filosofisk institutt ved Universitetet i Bergen | 3/1989 (Rønning/Venneslan), 4/1992 (Mahdi), 5/1992 (Venneslan), 6/1993 (Tong), 8/1993 (Johnsen), 9/1994 (Kolflaath), 10/1994 (Semen), 11/1995 (Skilleås), 12/1996 (Skjervheim), 13/1996 (Johannessen & Nordenstam, 2 eks.), 15/1999 (Skirbekk), 17/2000 (Johnsen), 18/2000 (Johannessen), 19/2000 (Songe-Møller), 20/2002 (Skirbekk), 21/2003 (Brown), 22/2003 (Johansen & Lid) | Bergen | ii | EN/NO |
1989, 1992 | Nordenstam, Tore | Fra kunst til vitenskap | | Oslo: Sigma | ii | NO |
1989, 2001 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung. Tractatus logico-philosophicus. Kritische Edition | McGuinness, B.F. & Schulte, J. (eds.) | Frankfurt a.M. | i | DE |
1989 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Vorlesungen 1930-1935. Cambridge | Desmond Lee [1930-2] & Alice Ambrose [1932-5] (eds.), Joachim Schulte (trans.) | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | i | DE |
1989 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Werkausgabe in 8 Bnden | | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | i | DE |
1989 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung. Tractatus logico-philosophicus. Kritische Edition | B.F. McGuinness. & J. Schulte (eds.) | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | i | DE |
1989 | Cavell, Stanley | This New Yet Unapproachable America. Lectures after Emerson after Wittgenstein | | Albuquerque, N.M. : Living Batch Press | ii | EN |
1989 | Huitfeldt, C. & Rossvær, V. | The Norwegian Wittgenstein Project Report 1988 | | Bergen | ii | EN |
1989 | Phillips, D.Z. & Winch, P. (eds.) | Wittgenstein: Attention to Particulars | Essays in honour of Rush Rhees (1905-89) | London: MacMillan | ii | EN |
1989 | Schulte, Joachim | Wittgenstein. Eine Einführung | | Stuttgart | ii | DE |
1989 | Multiple authors | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 17 Proceedings of the 13th International Wittgenstein Symposium 1988 | Philosophy of the Natural Sciences | Wien | iii | DE/EN |
1989 | Multiple authors | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 18 | Reports of the 13th International Wittgenstein Symposium 1988 | Wien | iii | DE/EN |
1989 | Multiple authors | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 19/I-III Proceedings of the 14th International Wittgenstein Symposium 1989 | Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Re-evaluation Centenary Celebration | Wien | iii | DE/EN |
1989 | | Wittgenstein: Biographie - Philosophie - Praxis: Eine Aussstellung der Wiener Secession | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Wien: Wiener Secession. | i | DE |
1988-2002 | | Zentrum Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie, Universität Konstanz | Forschungsbericht: 1988-90, 1991-93, 1994-96, 1997-1999, 2000-02 | Universität Konstanz | ii | DE |
1988 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wittgenstein's Lectures on Philosophical Psychology 1946-47 | Peter T. Geach (ed.) | New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Tokyo | i | DE |
1988 | Barrett, Edward (ed.) | Text, ConText, and HyperText: Writing with and for the Computer | | Cambridge, Ma.: MIT | ii | EN |
1988 | Bryan, Martin | SGML: An Author's Guide to the Standard Generalized Markup Language | | Wokingham: Addison-Wesley | ii | EN |
1988 | Haller, Rudolf | Questions on Wittgenstein | | London: Routledge | ii | EN |
1988 | Malcolm, Norman | Wittgenstein: Nothing is Hidden | | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
1988 | McGuinness, Brian | Wittgensteins frühe Jahre | | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | ii | DE |
1988 | Olle, T. Williman | Information Systems Methodologies: A Framework for Understanding | | Wokingham: Addison-Wesley | ii | EN |
1988 | Savigny, Eike von | Wittgensteins "Philosophische Untersuchungen". Ein Kommentar für Leser | Bd. 1+2 | Frankfurt a.M.: Vittorio Klostermann | ii | DE |
1988 | Savigny, Eike von | Wittgensteins "Philosophische Untersuchungen". Ein Kommentar für Leser | Bd. 1+2 | Frankfurt a.M.: Vittorio Klostermann | ii | DE |
1988 | Volpi, Franco; Nida-Rümelin, Julian (eds.) | Lexikon der philosophischen Werke | | Stuttgart: Alfred Kröner | ii | DE |
1988 | Multiple authors | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 15 Proceedings of the 12th International Wittgenstein Symposium 1987 | Philosophy of Law, Politics, and Society | Wien | iii | DE/EN |
1988 | Multiple authors | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 16 Reports of the 12th International Wittgenstein Symposium 1987 | Law - Politics - Society | Wien | iii | DE/EN |
1988 | McGuinness, Brian | Wittgensteins frühe Jahre | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | ii | DE |
1987 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Portrts und Gesprche | Hg. von Rush Rhees, Übers. Joachim Schulte | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | i | DE |
1987 | Fogelin, Robert J. | Wittgenstein | | London & New York: Routledge | ii | EN |
1987 | Oxaal, I.; Pollak, M. & Botz, G. (eds.) | Jews, Antisemitism and Culture in Vienna | | London: Routledge | ii | EN |
1987 | Oxaal, I.; Pollak, M. & Botz, G. (eds.) | Jews, Antisemitism and Culture in Vienna | | London: Routledge | ii | EN |
1987 | Weingartner, P. and Schurz, G. (eds.) | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 13 Proceedings of the 11th International Wittgenstein Symposium 1986 | Recent Developments in Epistemology and Philosophy of Science | Wien | iii | DE/EN |
1986 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wittgenstein: Conversations 1949-1951 | from the notes of O.K. Bouwsma; J.L. Craft & Ronald Hustwit (eds.; intro.) | Indianapolis: Hackett | i | EN |
1986 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Critical Assessments. A Wittgenstein Bibliography | V.A. and S.G. Shanker (eds.) | London, Sydney, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire: Croom Helm | i | EN |
1986 | Ficker, Ludwig von | Briefwechsel 1909-1914 | | Salzburg | ii | DE |
1986 | Haller, Rudolf | Fragen zu Wittgenstein | | Amsterdam | ii | DE |
1986 | Shanker, V.A. and S.G. (eds.) | Wittgenstein, Ludwig: Critical Assessments. A Wittgenstein Bibliography | | London, Sydney, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire: Croom Helm | ii | EN |
1986 | Sterling, L. & Shapiro, E. | The Art of Prolog: Advanced Programming Techniques | | Cambridge, Ma.: MIT | ii | EN |
1986 | Multiple authors | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT VOL. 12/I-II Proceedings of the 10th International Wittgenstein Symposium 1985 | The Tasks of Contemporary Philosophy | Wien | iii | DE/EN |
1986 | Berkowitz, Luci; Squitier, Karl A. (eds.) | Thesaurus Lingua Gracae. Canon of Greek Authors and Works | second edition | New York: Oxford University Press | iii | EN |
1985, 2000 | Baker, G.P. & Hacker, P.M.S | Wittgenstein: Rules, Grammar and Necessity | An Analytical Commentary on Wittgensteins "Philosophical Investigations". Exegesis. Vol. 2 | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
1985, 2000 | | Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur mit Geographie | 4 (1985), 5 (2000) | Institut für Österreichkunde | ii | DE |
1985, 1988 | Baker, G.P. & Hacker, P.M.S | Wittgenstein: Rules, Grammar and Necessity | An Analytical Commentary on Wittgensteins "Philosophical Investigations". Exegesis. Vol. 2 | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
1985 | Ayer, Alfred .J. | Wittgenstein | | Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press | ii | EN |
1985 | McGuinness, Brian (ed.) | Zurück zu Schlick | | Wien: HPT | ii | DE |
1985 | Multiple authors | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT. VOL. 11 Proceedings of the 9th International Wittgenstein Symposium 1984 | Philosophy of Mind Philosophy of Psychology | Wien | iii | DE/EN |
1984/1989 | Landau, Sidney I. | Dictionaries. The Art and Craft of Lexicography | 1989 paperback edition | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press | ii | EN |
1984 | Rhees, Rush (ed.) | Recollections of Wittgenstein | | Oxford, New York: OUP | ii | EN |
1984 | Jervell, H. R. & Olsen, K. A. (ed.) | Hva datamaskiner ikke kan | | Oslo: Universitetsforlaget | ii | NO |
1984 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Vorlesungen 1930-1935 | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | i | DE |
1983 | Hintikka, Jaakko; Kulas, Jack | The Game of Language. Studies in Game-Theoretical Semantics and Its Applications | Synthese Language Library. Texts and Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy Volume 22 | Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company | ii | EN |
1983 | Skirbekk, Gunnar (ed.) | Praxeology | | Oslo | ii | EN |
1983 | Multiple authors | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT. VOL. 9 Proceedings of the 7th International Wittgenstein Symposium 1982 | Epistemology and Philosophy of Science | Wien | iii | DE/EN |
1982, 1998 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology: Preliminary Studies for Part II of the Philosophical Investigations. Letzte Bemerkungen über die Philosophy der Psychologie. Vol. 1 | G.H. von Wright & H. Nyman (eds.), C.G. Luckhardt & M.A.E. Aue (trans.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | DE/EN |
1982, 1990 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology. Preliminary Studies for Part II of Philosophical Investigations. Letzte Bemerkungen über die Philosophy der Psychologie. Vol. 1 | G.H. von Wright & H. Nyman (eds.), C.G. Luckhardt & M.A.E. Aue (trans.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | DE/EN |
1982 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wittgenstein's Lectures. Cambridge 1932-1935 | Alice Ambrose (ed.), from notes of same | Oxford: Blackwell | i | EN |
1982 | Kripke, Saul A. | Wittgenstein on rules and private language | | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
1981, 1989, 1990, 1994 | | Acta Philosophica Fennica | 32 (1981); 45 (1989); 46 (1989); 49 (1990); 56 (1994); 85 (2007) | | iii | EN |
1981 | Johannessen, Kjell S. & Nordenstam, Tore (eds.) | Wittgenstein - Aesthetic and Transcendental Philosophy. Wittgenstein - Ästhetik und Tranzendentale Philosophie | | Vienna: HPT | ii | EN/DE |
1981 | Multiple authors | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT. VOL. 6 Proceedings of a symposium at Bergen 1980 | Proceedings of a symposium at Bergen 1980 | Wien | iii | DE /EN |
1981 | Multiple authors | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT. VOL. 7 Proceedings of the 5th International Wittgenstein Symposium 1980 | Ethics: Foundations, Problems, and Applications | Wien | iii | DE/EN |
1980, 1998 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology. Bemerkungen über die Philosophy der Psychologie. Vol. 1 | G.E.M. Anscombe & G.H. von Wright (eds.), G.E.M. Anscombe (trans.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | DE/EN |
1980, 1998 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology. Bemerkungen über die Philosophy der Psychologie. Vol. 2 | G.H. von Wright & Heikki Nyman (eds.), C.G. Luckhardt & M.A.E. Aue (trans.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | DE/EN |
1980, 1997 | Baker, G.P. & Hacker, P.M.S. | Essays on the "Philosophical Investigations". Wittgenstein. Meaning and Understanding | Vol. 1 | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
1980, 1990 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology. Bemerkungen über die Philosophy der Psychologie. Vol. 1 | G.E.M. Anscombe & G.H. von Wright (eds.), G.E.M. Anscombe (trans.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | DE/EN |
1980, 1990 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology. Bemerkungen über die Philosophy der Psychologie. Vol. 2 | G.H. von Wright & H. Nyman (eds.), C.G. Luckhardt & M.A.E. Aue (trans.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | DE/EN |
1980, 1988 | Baker, G.P. & Hacker, P.M.S | An Analytical Commentary on Wittgensteins "Philosophical Investigations" | Exegesis. Vol. 1 | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
1980 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Mikrofilm der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek | ÖNB Mikrofilm | Wien: ÖNB | i | DE |
1980 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Briefe | B.F. McGuinness, G.H. von Wright (eds.) | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | i | DE |
1980 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Culture and Value. Vermischte Bemerkungen | G.H. von Wright (ed.), P. Winch and H. Nyman (trans.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | DE/EN |
1980 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wittgenstein's Lectures. Cambridge 1930-1932 | Desmond Lee (ed.), from notes of same | Oxford: Blackwell | i | EN |
1980 | Ebner, Jakob | Duden Taschenbücher: Wie Sagt man in Österreich? | Wörterbuch der österreichischen Besonderheiten | Mannheim: Duden | ii | DE |
1980 | LaPointe, François H. | Ludwig Wittgenstein. A Comprehensive Bibliography | | London: Greenwood Press | ii | EN |
1980 | Wright, Crispin | Wittgenstein on the Foundations of Mathematics | | Aldershot, Hampshire: Gress Revivals | ii | EN |
1980 | Multiple authors | SCHRIFTENREIHE DER WITTGENSTEINGESELLSCHAFT. VOL. 4. Proceedings of the 4th International Wittgenstein Symposium 1979 | Language, Logic and Philosophy | Wien | iii | DE/EN |
1980 | Wahrig, Gerhard | Deutsches Wörterbuch mit einem "Lexikon der deutschen Sprachlehre" | völlig überarbeitete Neuausgabe | Mosaik Verlag | iii | DE |
1980 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Briefe: Briefwechsel mit B. Russell, G. E. Moore, J. M. Keynes, F. P. Ramsey, W. Eccles, P. Engelmann und L. von Ficker | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | i | DE |
1980 | Schaefer, C. | Hommage Paul Wittgenstein | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Wien: freibord sonderreihe nr. 14 | iii | DE |
1979ff | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Helsinki-Ausgabe der Philosophischen Untersuchungen | not published | Helsinki | i | DE |
1979, 1983 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle. Conversations recorded by Friedrich Waismann | Brian McGuinness (ed.), Joachim Schulte & Brian McGuinness (trans.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | DE |
1979 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Bemerkungen über Frazers "Golden Bough". Remarks on Frazer's "Golden Bough" | Rush Rhees (ed.), A. C. Miles (trans.) | Gringley-on-the-hil:l Brynmill Press | i | DE/EN |
1979 | Luckhardt, C.G. (ed.) | Wittgenstein. Sources and Perspectives | | Bristol: Thoemmes | ii | EN |
1978 | Kraus, Karl (ed.) | Die Fackel | 12 Bände | Frankfurt a.M.: Zweitausendein | ii | DE |
1978 | Schächter, Josef | Prolegomena zu einer kritischen Grammatik | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam jun. | ii | DE |
1977, 1994 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Vermischte Bemerkungen. Eine Auswahl aus dem Nachlass | Georg Henrik von Wright (ed.) | Frankfurt a.M. | i | DE |
1977, 1990 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Remarks on Colour. Bemerkungen über die Farben | G.E.M. Anscombe (ed.), Linda L. McAlister & Margarete Schülte (trans.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | DE/EN |
1977 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wörterbuch für Volksschulen | | Wien:HPT | i | DE |
1977 | Hallett, Garth | A Companion to Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations | | Ithaca: Cornell University Press | ii | EN |
1977 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Vermischte Bemerkungen | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | i | DE |
1977 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Wörterbuch für Volksschulen | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky | i | DE |
1976, 1977 | Watzlawick, Paul | How Real is Real? Confusion, Disinformation, Communication: an anecdotal introduction to communications theory | | New York: Vintage | ii | EN |
1976 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics: Cambridge 1939 | Cora Diamond (ed.) | Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press | i | EN |
1976 | Hintikka, Jaakko (ed.) | ESSAYS ON WITTGENSTEIN IN HONOUR OF G.H. VON WRIGHT | | Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co. | ii | EN |
1976 | Kaufman, Walter | Existentialism, Religion and Death: Thirteen Essays | | New York: New American Library | ii | EN |
1976 | Langefors, B. & Samuelson, K. | Information and Data in Systems | | New York: Petrocelli/Charter | ii | EN |
1976 | Waismann, Friedrich | Logik, Sprache, Philosophie | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam jun. | i | DE |
1975, 1998 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Philosophical Remarks | Rush Rhees (ed.), R. Hargreaves and R. White (trans.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | EN |
1975, 1990 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Philosophical Remarks | Rush Rhees (ed.), R. Hargreaves and R. White (trans.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | EN |
1975 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Philosophical Remarks | Japanese Translation by Masahiro Oku | Tokyo: Taishukan Publishing Co. | i | JP |
1975 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Tractatus logico-philosophicus, 1961. Notebooks 1914-1916, 1961. Some Remarks on Logical Form, 1966 | Japanese Translation by Masahiro Oku | Tokyo: Taishukan Publishing Co. | i | JP |
1975 | Hacker, P.M.S. | Insight and Illusion - Wittgenstein on Philosophy and the Metaphysics of Experience | | Oxford: Blackwell | ii | EN |
1975 | Langvik -Johannessen, Kåre | Im Namen kaiserlicher Majestät. Zur inneren Handlung in Grillparzers "Ein Bruderzwist in Habsburg" | | Wien: Bergland | ii | DE |
1974, 1990 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Philosophical Grammar | Rush Rhees (ed.), Anthony Kenny | Oxford: Blackwell | i | EN |
1974 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Tractatus-Logico Philosophicus | D.F. Pears and B.F. McGuinness (trans.) | London | i | EN |
1974 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Schriften Band 6. Bemerkungen über die Grundlagen der Mathematik | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | i | DE |
1973 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Letters to C.K. Ogden | G.H. von Wright (ed.), R. P. Ramsey (Appendix of letters) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | DE/EN |
1973 | Janik, A. & Toulmin, S. | Wittgenstein's Vienna | | New York: Touchstone | ii | EN |
1973 | Waismann, Friedrich | Was ist logische Analyse? | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Frankfurt a.M.: Athenäum | ii | DE |
1972 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Lectures & Conversations on Aesthetics, Psychology and Religious Belief | Cyril Barrett (ed.) | Berkeley/Los Angeles | i | EN |
1972 | Bensch, Rudolf | Ludwig Wittgenstein: die apriorischen und mathematischen Sätze in seinem Spätwerk | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Bonn: Bouvier | ii | DE |
1972 | Keyserling, Arnold | Der Wiener Denkstil | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Graz, Wien: Stiasny | ii | DE |
1972 | McKinnon, Alastair | Ausgewählte Konkordanz zu Wittgensteins Philosophischen Untersuchungen | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Oxford: Basil Blackwell | ii | DE |
1971-2001 | Ritter, Joachim, Karlfried Gründer & Gottfried Gabriel (ed.) | Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie | Vol. 1-11 | Basel: Schwabe Verlag | ii | DE |
1971 | Solniensis, Petrus (ed.) | Forord til Søren Kierkegaards Billedbog. Alvorlig Læsning i Travle Tider af Frater Polysemus. | | Cophenhagen: Munksgaard | ii | DA |
1970 | Rhees, Rush | Discussions of Wittgenstein | | London: Routledge & Kegan Paul | ii | EN |
1970 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Schriften Band 4. Philosophische Grammatik | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | i | DE |
1970 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Paul Engelmann: Briefe und Begegnungen | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Wien, München: R. Oldenbourg | i | DE |
1969, 1997 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | On Certainty. Über Gewissheit | G.E.M. Anscombe & G.H. von Wright (eds.), D. Paul & G.E.M. Anscombe (trans.) | Oxford:Blackwell | i | DE/EN |
1969 | Specht, Ernst Konrad | The Foundations of Wittgenstein's Late Philosophy | | New York | ii | EN |
1969 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Schriften Band 5. Das Blaue Buch; Eine Philosophische Betrachtung; Zettel | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | i | DE |
1967, 1998 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Zettel | G.E.M. Anscombe & G.H. von Wright (eds.), G.E.M. Anscombe (trans.); 2nd edition | Oxford: Blackwell | i | EN |
1967, 1993 | Russell, Bertrand | Autobiography | | London, New York: Routledge | ii | EN |
1967, 1990 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Zettel | G.E.M. Anscombe & G.H. von Wright (eds.), G.E.M. Anscombe (trans.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | EN |
1967 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | The Wittgenstein Papers | Cornell Microfilm, paper copy | Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Library | i | DE/EN |
1967 | Hallett, Garth | Wittgenstein's Definition of Meaning as Use | | New York: Fordham University Press | ii | EN |
1967 | Watzlawick, Paul, Bavelas, Janet B & Jackson, Don D. | Pragmatics of Human Communication: A Study of Interactional Patterns, Pathologies, and Paradoxes | | New York: W. W. Norton & Co. | ii | EN |
1967 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Ludwig Wittgenstein und der Wiener Kreis | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Oxford: Basil Blackwell | i | DE |
1967 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Schriften Band 3. Wittgenstein und der Wiener Kreis, von Friedrich Waismann | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | i | DE |
1966 | Pitcher, George (ed.) | Wittgenstein: A Collection of Critical Essays | | Garden City, NY: Anchor Books | ii | EN |
1965 | Akhmanova, O. S., Smirnitsky, A. I. et. al. | Russian-English Dictionary | appr. 50,000 words | Moscow: Soviet Encyclopaedia Publishing House | vi | RU/EN |
1964 | Pitcher, George | The Philosophy of Wittgenstein | | Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall | ii | EN |
1964 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Schriften Band 2. Philosophische Bemerkungen | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | i | DE |
1963 | Benjamin, Walter | Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit | | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | ii | DE |
1963 | Zapffe, Peter Wessel | Om det tragiske | | Oslo: Aventura | ii | NO |
1963 | Specht, E.K. | Die sprachphilosophischen und ontologischen Grundlagen im Spätwerk Ludwig Wittgensteins | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Köln: Kölner Universitätsverlag | ii | DE |
1961 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Notebooks 1914-1916 | G.E.M. Anscombe & G.H. von Wright (eds.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | DE/EN |
1960, 1963 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Schriften [Band 1]. Tractatus logico-philosophicus; Tagebücher 1914-1916; Philosophische Untersuchungen | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp | i | DE |
1960 | Kierkegaard, Sören | Philosophische Brocken | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Düsseldorf: Eugen Diederichs | ii | DE |
1958, 2001 | Malcolm, Norman | Oudwig Wittgenstein: A Memoir | | Oxford: Clarendon | ii | EN |
1958, 2000 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | The Blue and Brown Books. Preliminary Studies for the Philosophical Investigations | 2nd edition | Oxford: Blackwell | i | EN |
1958, 1989 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | The Blue and Brown Books. Preliminary Studies for the Philosophical Investigations | | Oxford: Blackwell | i | EN |
1958 | Pole, David | The Later Philosophy of Wittgenstein | | London: Athlone Press | ii | EN |
1957 | Hänsel, Ludwig | Begegnungen und Auseinandersetzungen mit Denkern und Dichtern der Neuzeit | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Wien: Österreichischer Bundesverlag | ii | DE |
1956 | Graf, A.E. | 6000 deutsche und russische Sprichwörter | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Halle: Max Niemeyer | ii | DE |
1953, 2009 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Philosophical Investigations | G.E.M. Anscombe & R. Rhees (eds.) G.E.M. Anscombe, P.M.S. Hacker and J. Schulte (trans.) | Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell | i | EN |
1953, 1991 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Philosophical Investigations | G.E.M. Anscombe & R. Rhees (eds.) G.E.M. Anscombe (trans.) | Oxford: Blackwell | i | EN |
1953, 1958 | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | Philosophical Investigations / Philosophische Untersuchungen | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Oxford: Basil Blackwell | i | DE/EN |
1951 | Kraft, Victor | Die Grundlagen einer wissenschaftlichen Wertlehre | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Wien: Springer | ii | DE |
1950 | James, William | The Principles of Psychology | Vol. 1 | New York: Dover Publications | ii | EN |
1949 | Reidemeister, Kurt | Das exakte Denken der Griechen | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Hanmburg: Claassen und Goverts | ii | DE |
1941 | Zapffe, Peter Wessel | Om det tragiske | | Oslo: Gyldendal norsk forlag | ii | NO |
1939 | Nohl, Hermann | Bertha Nohl und ihre Eltern Johann und Josephise Oser | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | | iii | DE |
1930 | Weininger, Otto | Über die letzten Dinge | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Wien: Wilhelm Braumüller | ii | DE |
1913 | Wittgenstein, Karl | Zeitungsartikel und Vorträge | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | Wien: Gottlieb Gistel und Cie | ii | EN |
1910-13, 2009 | Russell, Bertrand & Whitehead, A.N. | Principia Mathematica - Vol. I-III | | London: Merchant Books | ii | EN |
1903, 1992 | Russell, Bertrand | The Principles of Mathematics | | London: Routledge | ii | EN |
| | Collins English Dictionary and Thesaurus | | | ii | EN |
| | | | | ii | |
| | Also see the University of Bergen library holdings, JSTOR, Intelex, a.o. | | | | |
| | Bernard Quaritch Catalogue 1350: Wittgenstein | [From Brian McGuinness' library] | London: Bernard Quaritch | iii | EN |