A sortable table of Wittgenstein's works and Nachlass, with indication of (book) publications thereof

by Alois Pichler, Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen (also see "A sortable table of Wittgenstein's lectures").

The following table can be sorted according to
  • Item: name of the item, followed by the title given in the item or (in parentheses) by others, as well as (in brackets) the depository / depositories
  • Language of item
  • Date of item
  • Publication of item:
    • published during lifetime or by the trustees (not taking into account, except for Ts-246, 'Culture and Value' (CV))
    • was published / re-edited by others
    • included in Suhrkamp Werkausgabe (SW) / "Vortrag über Ethik und andere kleine Schriften" (SK)
    • included in the Wiener Ausgabe (WA)
    • included in the Bergen Electronic Edition (BEE) / Bergen Nachlass Edition (BNE) / WAB's IDP Nachlass transcriptions site (IDP)
Information about publication sources of 'works' is derived from Alois Pichler's catalogue in Biggs & Pichler 1993 (for browsing of the Nachlass by 'published works' use the "Published in"-facet on WAB's site for semantic faceted search and browsing of Wittgenstein metadata (SFB)).

Information about Wittgensteiniana in the Nachlässe of Moritz Schlick, Friedrich Waimsann and Rozalia Rand is derived from WWK 1967 ff, von Wright 1969 ff, Schulte 1979, Keicher 1998, Iven 2004, Fabian 2007, Iven 2009, McGuinness 2010, Manninen 2011, Pittsburgh ULS Guide to the Rose Rand Papers, Iven forthc.

For editors and bibliographic details see the bibliography in Pichler, Biggs & Uffelmann 2011 (updated 2019).

ItemLanguageDatePublished by the trustees in workPublished by othersSW/SKWABEE/BNE/IDP
311 (so-called Yellow Book) English1933-34 The Yellow Book (Selected Parts)Lectures Cambridge 1932-35 (AWL 1979)
Dictating Philosophy to Francis Skinner (DFS 2020)
Wittgenstein. Vorlesungen 1930-1935 (AWL 1984)
Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung / Tractatus logico-philosophicusGerman / English1922Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung / Tractatus logico-philosophicus (TLP)Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung, Tractatus logico-philosophicus: Kritische Edition (TLP 1989)
Logisch Philosophische Abhandlung: Entstehungsgeschichte und Herausgabe der Typoskripte und Korrekturexemplare (TLP 2004)
Tractatus Publication Materials (LPA 2016)
Ms "Heute Nacht ..."German1922Licht und Schatten (LS 2004)
Ms "Ich war ..."German1925?-1931?McGuinness 1988
Ms "Wenn man ..."German1925Licht und Schatten (LS 2004)
Ms-101 [WL]German1914Notebooks (NB)Geheime Tagebücher (GT 1991)SW1BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-102 [WL]German1914-15 Notebooks (NB)Geheime Tagebücher (GT 1991)SW1BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-103 [WL]German1916-17 Notebooks (NB)Geheime Tagebücher (GT 1991)SW1BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-104 (Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung, so-called Prototractatus) [Bodl]German1915/16/17-18 Prototractatus (PT)Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung, Tractatus logico-philosophicus: Kritische Edition (PT 1989)
Wittgenstein Source Prototractatus Tools (PT 2016)
Ms-105 (I, Philosophische Bemerkungen) [ÖNB]German1929WA1BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-106 (II) [ÖNB]German1929 WA1BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-107 (III, Philosophische Betrachtungen) [ÖNB]German1929-30 WA2BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-108 (IV, Philosophische Bemerkungen) [WL]German1929-30WA2BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-109 (V, Bemerkungen) [WL]German1930-31Philosophical Remarks (PR)
[Foreword taken from Ms-109,211ff]
SW2 [Vorwort aus Ms-109,211ff]WA3BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-110 (VI, Philosophische Bemerkungen) [WL]German1930-31 Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough, Part I (RF)Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough (RF 1993)
Observações sobre 'O Ramo Dourado' de Frazer (RF 2011)
Ms-111 (VII, Bemerkungen zur Philosophie) [WL]German1931 WA4BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-112 (VIII, Bemerkungen zur philosophischen Grammatik) [ÖNB]German1931 Philosophical Grammar (PG)SW4WA4BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-113 (IX, Philosophische Grammatik) [ÖNB]German1931-32 WA5BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-114 (X, Philosophische Grammatik) [WL]German1932-33 Philosophical Grammar (PG)SW4WA5BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-115 (XI, Philosophische Bemerkungen) [WL]German1933 and 1936 Philosophical Grammar (PG)
Eine Philosophische Betrachtung (EPB)
Ms-116 (XII, Philosophische Bemerkungen) [WL]German1937-38 and 1945 Philosophical Grammar (PG)SW4BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-117 (XIII, Philosophische Bemerkungen) [WL]German1937-38 and 1940 Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics (RFM)SW6BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-118 (XIV, Philosophische Bemerkungen) [WL]German1937BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-119 (XV) [WL]German1937 Cause and Effect: Intuitive Awareness (CE)Cause and Effect: Intuitive Awareness (CE 1993)SKBEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-120 (XVI) [WL]German1937-38 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-121 (XVII, Philosophische Bemerkungen) [WL]German1938-39 Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics (RFM)SW6BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-122 (XVIII, Philosophische Bemerkungen) [WL]German1939-40 Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics (RFM)SW6BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-123 (Philosophische Bemerkungen) [WL]German1940-41 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-124 [WL]German1941 and 1944 Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics (RFM)SW6BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-125 [WL]German1941-42 Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics (RFM)SW6BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-126 [WL]German1942-43 Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics (RFM)SW6BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-127 (F, Mathematik und Logik) [WL]German1943-44 Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics (RFM)SW6BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-128 [WL]German1944 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-129 [WL]German1944 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-130 [WL]German1944? and 1946 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-131 [WL]German1946 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-132 [WL]German1946 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-133 [WL]German1946-47 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-134 [WL]German1947 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-135 [WL]German1947 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-136 (Q) [WL]German1947-48 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-137 (R) [WL]German1948-49 Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology vol. 1 (LW)SW7BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-138 (S) [WL]German1949 Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology vol. 1 (LW)SW7BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-139a (so-called Lecture on Ethics) [WL]English1929Lecture on Ethics (LE 2007)BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-139b (so-called Lecture on Ethics) [ÖNB]English1929Lecture on Ethics (LE 2007)BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-140 (Grosses Format) [WL]German1933/34 and 1936 Philosophical Grammar (PG)SW4BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-141 [WL]German1933/34 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-142 (Philosophische Untersuchungen) [ÖNB]German1936-37Philosophische Untersuchungen: Kritisch-genetische Edition (PI 2001)BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-143 [WL]German1948?-50? Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough, Part II (RF)Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough (RF 1993)
Observações sobre 'O Ramo Dourado' de Frazer (RF 2011)
Ms-144 [WL]German1949Philosophical Investigations, Part II (PI)Philosophische Untersuchungen: Kritisch-genetische Edition (PI 2001)
Philosophy of Psychology - A Fragment (PI 2009)
Ms-145 (so-called C1) [WL]German1933 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-146 (so-called C2) [WL]German1933-33/34 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-147 (so-called C3) [WL]German with parts in English1934 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-148 (so-called C4) [WL]German with parts in English1934/35-35 Notes for Lectures on Private Experience and Sense Data (LPE)Notes for Lectures on Private Experience and Sense Data (LPE 1993)SKBEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-149 (so-called C5) [WL]German with parts in English1935/36-36 Notes for Lectures on Private Experience and Sense Data (LPE)Notes for Lectures on Private Experience and Sense Data (LPE 1993)SKBEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-150 (so-called C6) [WL]German with parts in English1934-34/35 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-151 (so-called C7) [WL]German with parts in English1935/36-36 Notes for Lectures on Private Experience and Sense Data (LPE)Notes for Lectures on Private Experience and Sense Data (LPE 1993)SKBEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-152 (so-called C8) [WL]German1936 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-153a (Anmerkungen) [WL]German1931 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-153b [WL]German1931-32 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-154 [WL]German1932 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-155 [WL]German1931 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-156a [WL]German1932-33 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-156b [WL]German1933/34-34 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-157a [WL]German1934 and 1937 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-157b [WL]German1937 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-158 [WL]German with parts in English1938 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-159 [WL]German with parts in English1937-38 Cause and Effect: Intuitive Awareness (CE)Cause and Effect: Intuitive Awareness (CE 1993)SKBEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-160 [WL]German with parts in English1938 Cause and Effect: Intuitive Awareness (CE)Cause and Effect: Intuitive Awareness (CE 1993)SKBEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-161 [WL]German with parts in English1939 and 1941 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-162a [WL]German1938-39 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-162b [WL]German1939-40 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-163 [WL]German1941 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-164 [WL]German1941?-44? Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics (RFM)SW6BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-165 [WL]German1941?-44? BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-166 (Notes for the 'Philosophical Lecture') [WL]English1941? Notes for the 'Philosophical Lecture' (NPL 1993)BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-167 [WL]German1947?-48? BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-168 [WL]German1949 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-169 [WL]German1948?-49? Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology vol. 2 (LW)BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-170 [WL]German1949? Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology vol. 2 (LW)BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-171 [WL]German1949?-50?Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology vol. 2 (LW)BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-172 [WL]German1949?-50?On Certainty (OC)
Remarks on Colour (ROC)
Ms-173 [WL]German1950 Remarks on Colour (ROC)
Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology vol. 2 (LW)
Ms-174 [WL]German1950 On Certainty (OC)
Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology vol. 2 (LW)
Ms-175 [WL]German1950-51 On Certainty (OC)SW8BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-176 [WL]German1950-51 On Certainty (OC)
Remarks on Colour (ROC)
Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology vol. 2 (LW)
Ms-177 [WL]German1951 On Certainty (OC)BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-178a [WL]German1931? BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-178b [WL]German1934? BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-178c [WL]German1939? BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-178d [WL]German1940? BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-178e [WL]German1937? BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-178f [WL]German1940? BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-178g [WL]German1947? BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-178h [WL]German1931? BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-179 [WL]German1944 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-180a [WL]German1944 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-180b [WL]German1944/45-44/45 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-181 (Privacy of sense data) [WL]English1935/36-35/36BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-182 [WL]German1945-45/46 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-183 [ÖNB]German1930-32 and 1936-37 Denkbewegungen (DB 1997)BEE/BNE/IDP
Ms-301 (Wittgenstein on Logic, April 1914)English1914 Notes dictated to G.E. Moore (NM)SW1BEE/IDP
Ms-305 [NHA Schlick Archives MS 184/D.12]German1930? BEE/IDP
Ms-312 "Gesang an Filù"German1925Familienbriefe (1996)BNE/IDP
Review of P. Coffey's 'The Science of Logic'English1913Review of P. Coffey's 'The Science of Logic' (RC)
Skinner Archives MS 407/I Pink Book [WL]English1933Dictating Philosophy to Francis Skinner (DFS 2020)
Skinner Archives MS 407/II Communication of Personal Experience [WL]English1935?Dictating Philosophy to Francis Skinner (DFS 2020)
Skinner Archives MS 407/III Philosophy [WL]English1934?Dictating Philosophy to Francis Skinner (DFS 2020)
Skinner Archives MS 407/IV Visual Image in his Brain [WL]English1933?Dictating Philosophy to Francis Skinner (DFS 2020)
Skinner Archives MS 407/V The Norwegian Notebook [WL]English1938?Dictating Philosophy to Francis Skinner (DFS 2020)
Skinner Archives MS 407/VI Self-Evidence and Logic [WL] English1935?Dictating Philosophy to Francis Skinner (DFS 2020)
Skinner Archives MS 407/VIII Brown Book [WL]English1934-35
Some Remarks on Logical FormEnglish1929Some Remarks on Logical Form (RLF)SK
To the Editor of "Mind"English1933Letter to the Editor (CEM)
Ts-201a1 (Notes on Logic) [BRA]English1913-14 (TS from 1913 and MS from 1914, based on notes dictated 1913)Notes on Logic (NL)Notes on Logic (NL 1996)
Notes on Logic (NL 2009)
Ts-201a2 (Notes on Logic) [BRA]English1914 (TS from 1914, based on notes dictated 1913)Notes on Logic (NL)Notes on Logic (NL 1996)
Notes on Logic (NL 2009)
Ts-201b (Notes on Logic, so-called Costello version)English?Notes on Logic (NL)Notes on Logic (NL 1957)
Ts-202 (Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung, so-called Engelmann Ts.) [Bodl]German1918Tractatus logico-philosophicus (TLP)Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung, Tractatus logico-philosophicus: Kritische Edition (TLP 1989)
Logisch Philosophische Abhandlung: Entstehungsgeschichte und Herausgabe der Typoskripte und Korrekturexemplare (TLP 2004)
Ts-203 (Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung, so-called Vienna Ts.) [ÖNB]German1919Tractatus logico-philosophicus (TLP)Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung, Tractatus logico-philosophicus: Kritische Edition (TLP 1989)
Logisch Philosophische Abhandlung: Entstehungsgeschichte und Herausgabe der Typoskripte und Korrekturexemplare (TLP 2004)
Ts-204 (Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung, so-called Gmunden Ts.) [ÖNB]German1918Tractatus logico-philosophicus (TLP)Logisch Philosophische Abhandlung: Entstehungsgeschichte und Herausgabe der Typoskripte und Korrekturexemplare (TLP 2004)SW1BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-205 (Geleitwort zum Wörterbuch für Volksschulen)German1925 Preface to the Dictionary for Elementary Schools (PDE 1977)BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-206 Wittgenstein an Ramsey (so-called On identity) [WL]English1927 Wittgenstein to Ramsey (WAR)BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-207 (so-called Lecture on Ethics) [WL]English1929 Lecture on Ethics (LE)Lecture on Ethics (LE 2007)SKBEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-208 [WL]German1930 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-209 (Philosophische Bemerkungen) [WL]German1930 Philosophical Remarks (PR)SW2BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-210 [WL]German1930-30/31 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-211 [WL]German1931-31/32 Philosophical Grammar
Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough (RF)
Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough (RF 1993)
Observações sobre 'O Ramo Dourado' de Frazer (RF 2011)
Ts-212 [WL]German1932-32/33 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-213 (so-called Big Typescript) [WL]German1933Philosophical Grammar (PG)
Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough (RF)
Philosophy (PH 1989)
Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough (RF 1993)
The Big Typescript: TS 213 (BT 2005)
Observações sobre 'O Ramo Dourado' de Frazer (RF 2011)
Ts-214a1 (Komplex und Tatsache) [WL]German1932/33-33 Philosophical Remarks (PR)
Philosophical Grammar (PG)
Ts-214a2 (Komplex und Tatsache) [WL]German1932/33-33 Philosophical Remarks (PR)
Philosophical Grammar (PG)
Ts-214b1 (Begriff und Gegenstand) [WL]German1932/33-33 Philosophical Grammar (PG)SW4BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-214b2 (Begriff und Gegenstand) [WL]German1932/33-33 Philosophical Grammar (PG)SW4BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-214c1 (Gegenstand) [WL]German1932/33-33 Philosophical Grammar (PG)SW4BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-214c2 (Gegenstand) [WL]German1932/33-33 Philosophical Grammar (PG)SW4BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-215a (Unendlich lang) [WL]German1932/33-33 Philosophical Remarks (PR)SW2BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-215b (Unendliche Möglichkeit) [WL]German1932/33-33 Philosophical Remarks (PR)SW2BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-215c (Einen Satz im Ernst oder Spaß meinen ...) [WL]German1932/33-33 BEE/IDP
Ts-216 (Gleichungen und Ungleichungen ...) [WL]German1932/33-33 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-217 (Allgemeinheit einer Demonstration) [WL]German1932/33-33 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-218 (Wie kann uns ein allgemeiner Beweis ...) [WL]German1932/33-33 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-219 [WL]German1932-32/33 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-220 [WL]German1937 Philosophische Untersuchungen: Kritisch-genetische Edition (PI 2001)BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-221 [WL]German1938 Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics (RFM)Philosophische Untersuchungen: Kritisch-genetische Edition (PI 2001)SW6BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-222 [WL]German1938 Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics (RFM)SW6BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-223 [WL]German1938BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-224 [WL]German1938 Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics (RFM)SW6BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-225 [WL]German1938 Philosophische Untersuchungen: Kritisch-genetische Edition (PI 2001)BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-226 [WL]English1938-38/39 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-227a (Philosophische Untersuchungen) [WL]German1944-46Philosophical Investigations (PI)Philosophische Untersuchungen: Kritisch-genetische Edition (PI 2001)SW1BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-227b (Philosophische Untersuchungen) [WL]German1944-46Philosophical Investigations (PI)Philosophische Untersuchungen: Kritisch-genetische Edition (PI 2001)SW1BEE/IDP
Ts-228 (Bemerkungen I) [WL]German1945 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-229 [WL]German1947 Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology vol. 1 (RPP)SW7BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-230a (Bemerkungen II) [WL]German1945-45/46 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-230b (Bemerkungen II) [WL]German1945-45/46 BEE/IDP
Ts-230c (Bemerkungen II) [WL]German1945-45/46 BEE/IDP
Ts-231 [WL]German1945-45/46 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-232 [WL]German1948 Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology vol. 2 (RPP)SW7BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-233a (Zettel, I) [WL]German1930-48 Zettel (Z)SW8BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-233b (Zettel, II) [WL]German1930-48 Zettel (Z)SW8BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-234 [missing] [WL]German1949Philosophical Investigations, Part II (PI)SW1
Ts-235 [WL]German1945? BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-236 [WL]German1931-31/32 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-237 [WL]German1937 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-238 [WL]German1937 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-239 [WL]German1937 Philosophische Untersuchungen: Kritisch-genetische Edition (PI 2001)BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-240 [WL]German1938 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-241a [WL]German1944-44/45 Philosophische Untersuchungen: Kritisch-genetische Edition (PI 2001)BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-241b [WL]German1944-44/45 Philosophische Untersuchungen: Kritisch-genetische Edition (PI 2001)BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-242a [WL]German1944-44/45 BEE/IDP
Ts-242b [WL]German1944-44/45
Ts-243 [WL]German1945 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-244 [WL]German1945-47 Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology vol. 1 (RPP)SW7BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-245 [WL]German1945-47BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-246 "Wirfst Du mir der treuen Liebe ..."German1925?Vermischte Bemerkungen (VB) / Culture and Value (CV)BNE/IDP
Ts-246 (so-called A Poem) [WL]German?A PoemBNE
Ts-247 [ÖNB]English1938/39 Wittgenstein's 1938 Preface (PFP 2010)BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-248 [WL]German1938 BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-302 (so-called Diktat für Schlick) [WL; other exemplars and versions at NHA Schlick Archives TS 183/D.3, typescript of MS 183/D.1; Bodl Waismann Archives MSS F 4-7, 15, 18, 39, 47, 84-87, 89, 91, 93, 99, 101-102; Pittsburgh Rand Archives MS RR 11-16-3]German1933-33/34?The Voices of Wittgenstein (VOW 1993)BEE/IDP
Ts-303 [NHA Schlick Archives TS 183/D.4, typescript of MS 183/D.2; Pittsburgh Rand Archives MS RR 11-16-4]German1933? BEE/IDP
Ts-304 [NHA Schlick Archives TS 184/D.14]German1932? BEE/IDP
Ts-306 [WL; typescript of loose page "ad 71)" in MS 183/D.1]German?BEE/IDP
Ts-307 (so-called Mulder II) German1926?-1934?
Ts-308 (so-called Mulder V) [NHA Schlick Archives TS 184/D.5; Pittsburgh Rand Archives MS RR 11-7-2]German1934?
Ts-309 (so-called Blue Book) [WL; several other exemplars incl. at ÖNB) English1934 (TS of handwritten notes dictated 1933-34) The Blue and Brown Books (BBB)SW5BEE/BNE/IDP
Ts-310 (so-called Brown Book) [WL; several other exemplars incl. at ÖNB) English1935 (TS of handwritten notes dictated 1934-35) The Blue and Brown Books (BBB)SW5BEE/BNE/IDP
Wörterbuch für VolksschulenGerman1926Dictionary for Elementary Schools (WB)