Alois Pichler: Talks

Also see Alois Pichler: Publications.

The following table can be sorted according to Date, Place, Title, Context, and Field to which the presentation predominantly relates: Wittgenstein research and philosophy (i), Editorial philology, electronic publishing and digital humanities (ii), Management and representational functions (iii).

2019.02.22(P) LisbonAn introduction to the later Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language1st part of Masterclass on Wittgenstein’s epistemology of religion at Epistemology of Religious Belief: Wittgenstein, Grammar and the Contemporary World, Nova Institute of Philosophy (IFILNOVA), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, org. Nuno Venturinha, FCT-project: PTDC/FER-FIL/32203/2017.i
2019.02.22(P) LisbonAn application of the later Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language to the epistemology of religion2nd part of Masterclass on Wittgenstein’s epistemology of religion at Epistemology of Religious Belief: Wittgenstein, Grammar and the Contemporary World, Nova Institute of Philosophy (IFILNOVA), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, org. Nuno Venturinha, FCT-project: PTDC/FER-FIL/32203/2017.i
2024.11.21(PL) CracowParticipation in panel "Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Manuscript Collections: Opportunities, Benefits, and Threats"Conference Digital Authoring of the Berlin Collections in the Jagiellonian Library - (Meta-) Data orchestration: connecting manuscript collections for innovating research - 'Berlinka' in action, Jagiellonian University, org. R. Sapa, L. Szafranski, J. Kita-Huber.ii
2015.06.03-05(I) SienaForm-Oriented Approaches to Wittgenstein: Paying attention to the Tractatus' and Philosophical Investigations' specific formsCourse at VIII. Summer School in Mind and Language, University of Siena, Philosophy Department, org. Luciano Bazzocchi and Gabriele Usberti. Together with Luciano Bazzocchi. i
2017.04.21(A) InnsbruckParticipation in workshop and panel, with Max Hadersbeck (München), Herbert Hrachovec (Wien), Justus Piater (Innsbruck), Joseph Wang (Innsbruck), Ulrich Lobis (Innsbruck) Digitale Methoden in den Geisteswissenschaften, Forschungsinstitut Brenner-Archiv, Leopold Franzens Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, org. Joseph Wang and Ulrich Lobis. [Within the framework of LFUI Wittgenstein Guest Professorship] ii
2001.05.04(N) BergenPlato and so on. A Dialogue on Philosophical Dialogues [slides] prøveforelesingi
2012.07.03(D) MunichDas Wittgenstein-Archiv an der Universität Bergen (WAB) [slides]Erasmus exchange lecture at "Korpusbearbeitung in der Computerlinguistik", CIS, LMU München, org. Max Hadersbeck.ii
2013.10.31(BG) SofiaWittgenstein: no cultural relativistErasmus exchange lecture at Sveti Kliment Ochridski University of Sofia, org. Todor Polimenov & Maria Stoicheva.i
2013.10.31(BG) SofiaDigital Wittgenstein research: an updateErasmus exchange lecture at Sveti Kliment Ochridski University of Sofia, org. Todor Polimenov & Maria Stoicheva.ii
2006.04.11(PL) Wrocław On therapy and style in the PI, and what the Nachlass has to do with it / Terapia a styl w Dociekaniach filozoficznych Wittgensteina i wpływ rękopiśmiennej spuścizny [Nachlass] na interpretację DociekańErasmus exchange lecture at University of Lower Silesia / Dolnosląska Szkoła Wyzsza Edukacji Towarzystwa Wiedzy Powszechnej we Wrocławiu (DSWE), org. Piotr Dehnel.i
2006.04.19(PL) WrocławPerspectives on future electronic scholarly publishing and its implications, with the work of the Wittgenstein Archives as an example / Bergen Electronic Edition w kontekście innych standardowych wydań filozoficznej spuścizny WittgensteinaErasmus exchange lecture at University of Lower Silesia / Dolnosląska Szkoła Wyzsza Edukacji Towarzystwa Wiedzy Powszechnej we Wrocławiu (DSWE), org. Piotr Dehnel.ii
2004.04.07(PL) WrocławDebates in current Wittgenstein research / Współczesne badania nad filozofią Ludwiga WittgensteinaErasmus exchange lecture at University of Lower Silesia / Dolnosląska Szkoła Wyzsza Edukacji Towarzystwa Wiedzy Powszechnej we Wrocławiu (DSWE), org. Piotr Dehnel & Leszek Koczanowicz.i
2004.04.14(PL) WrocławHumanities computing / Metody informatyczne w humanistyceErasmus exchange lecture at University of Lower Silesia / Dolnosląska Szkoła Wyzsza Edukacji Towarzystwa Wiedzy Powszechnej we Wrocławiu (DSWE), org. Piotr Dehnel & Leszek Koczanowicz.ii
2010.03.30(PL) WrocławA critical assessment of the "contextual" argument against the "New Wittgenstein"Erasmus exchange lecture at Wittgenstein - nowe spojrzenie, University of Lower Silesia / Dolnosląska Szkoła Wyzsza (DSW), Wrocław, org. Piotr Dehnel.i
2016.08.12(A) Kirchberg a.W.IntroductionIntroduction to Wittgenstein Source and the New Nachlass Facsimile (org. A. Pichler) at the 39th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2016, org. Stefan Majetschak and Anja Weiberg. ii
2003.03.08(F) ParisThe Wittgenstein Papers: From Cambridge to XMLLecture and presentation at the University of Paris 1, Institute of History and Philosophy of Sciences and Technology (IHPST), org. Antonia Soulez. ii
2017.02.23(I) LecceWittgenstein on UnderstandingLecture at Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Lingue e Beni Culturali - Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, University of Salento, Lecce, org. Marco Brusotti. i
2019.03.22(B) LeuvenWittgenstein on Understanding in the Big Typescript (1933)Lecture at Husserl and Wittgenstein Workshop, Husserl Archives Leuven, KU Leuven, org. Deva Waal and Audun Bengtson.i
2017.04.26(A) InnsbruckWittgenstein und die philosophische Versuchung, Sprache als Kalkül zu betrachtenLecture at Institut für Christliche Philosophie, Leopold Franzens Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, org. Bruno Niederbacher. [Within the framework of LFUI Wittgenstein Guest Professorship] i
2017.04.28(A) InnsbruckWas sind Texte? [slides]Lecture at Institut für Christliche Philosophie, Leopold Franzens Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, org. Christian Kanzian. [Within the framework of LFUI Wittgenstein Guest Professorship] i
2017.04.06(A) InnsbruckEinführung in die Sprachphilosophie der Philosophischen UntersuchungenLecture at Institut für Christliche Philosophie, Leopold Franzens Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, org. Christian Kanzian. [Within the framework of LFUI Wittgenstein Guest Professorship] i
2004.05.20(BG) BlagoevgradOn Wittgenstein and the Bergen Wittgenstein ArchivesLecture at Wittgenstein conference at Neofit Rilski South-West University, org. Kamen Lozev.ii
2004.05.19(BG) SofiaOn Wittgenstein and the Bergen Wittgenstein ArchivesLecture at Wittgenstein conference at Sveti Kliment Ochridski University of Sofia, org. Dimitar Denkov, Kamen Lozev & Maria Stoicheva.ii
2004.04.25(USA) ChicagoEditions of the Wittgenstein Papers: Past, Present, and FutureLecture at session Philosophy and Computing: Wittgenstein Online and HyperNietzsche, The American Philosophical Association (APA) Central Division Meeting, org. APA Committee on Philosophy and Computing, David G. Stern.ii
1993.06.23(USA) ProvidenceText Encoding at the Wittgenstein ArchivesLecture at the Brown University seminar "Computer in the Humanities User's Group" (CHUG), org. Allen Renear. In co-operation with Ole Letnes.ii
2003.10.23(I) BolognaWittgenstein's Nachlass is published. What now, what next?Lecture at the University of Bologna Department of Philosophy, org. Dino Buzzetti & Edoardo Zamuner.ii
2002.01.08(FI) HelsinkiDrei Thesen zu der Entstehung und Eigenart der Philosophischen Untersuchungen: Fragment, Album, PolyphonieLecture at the University of Helsinki Philosophy Department, org. Risto Vilkko & Thomas Wallgren.i
2003.03.10(F) ParisWhy is Philosophical Investigations not PI:§§1-188 plus RFM: Part 1?Lecture at the University of Paris 1, Institute of History and Philosophy of Sciences and Technology (IHPST), org. Antonia Soulez. i
1994.12.07(PL) WrocławWittgensteins NachlaßLecture at the University of Wrocław Philosophy Department and Polish Philosophical Society, org. Leszek Koczanowicz.i
2006.09.28(P) LisbonCommentary on Nuno Venturinha's doctoral thesis "Lógica, Ética, Gramtica: Wittgenstein e o Método da Filosofia" [Logic, Ethics, Grammar: Wittgenstein and the Method of Philosophy]Nuno Venturinha's thesis defense ("disputatio") at the New University of Lisbon, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Philosophy of Language Institute, org. New University of Lisbon, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences.i
2001.12.12(N) BergenWittgenstein Research RevisitedOpening of the conference Wittgenstein Research Revisited: Reflecting upon 50 years of work on Wittgenstein and investigating future perspectives", org. Alois Pichler & Simo Säätelä. In co-operation with Simo Säätelä.i
2019.04.15(A) KlagenfurtParticipation in panel, with Gerrit Brüning (Weimar), Michael Nedo (Cambridge), Eckhart Arnold (München)Panel "Grundfragen des Edierens an der Nahtlinie von Denken und Schreiben", Robert-Musil-Institut, Universität Klagenfurt, org. Artur R. Boelderl. ii
2022.05.04(PL) CracowParticipation in panel "Philosophy and computational ontology", with Rune J. Falch, Grzegorz J. Nalepa, Andreas L. Opdahl. Chair: Jakub Gomulka.Panel "How to do things with Wittgenstein", Dep. of Philosophy and Sociology, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Cracow, org. Jakub Gomulka.ii
2019.11.05(PL) CracowParticipation in panel, with Józef Bremer, Jakub Gomulka, Michael Miller, Ray Monk, Volker Munz, Martin Pilch, Wojciech SadyPanel "Revisiting Wittgenstein and Religion", Jagiellonian University and Austriackie Forum Kultury, Krakow, org. Urszula Idziak. i
2019.12.10(A) ViennaParticipation in panel "Wittgenstein's significance today", with Enzo De Pellegrin (Vienna), Arthur Gibson (Cambridge), Jonathan Smith (Cambridge), Desiree Weber (Wooster). Chair: Alfred Schmidt.Panel "THE WITTGENSTEIN CORPUS", Diplomatic Academy Vienna, org. Radmila Schweitzer and Alfred Schmidt, Wittgenstein-Initiative.i
2016.12.15(A) ViennaParticipation in panel, with Walter Fanta (Klagenfurt), Max Hadersbeck (München), Herbert Hrachovec (Wien), Allan Janik (Innsbruck), Peter Keicher (Wien), Volker Munz (Klagenfurt), Michael Nedo (Cambridge), Martin Pilch (Wien), Nuno Venturinha (Lissabon), Joseph Wang (Innsbruck). Moderation: Alfred Schmidt (Wien).Panel Experten-Gespräch: Wittgenstein Editionen digital und analog - Status quo, BKI Haus Wittgenstein Vienna, org. Alfred Schmidt, Österreichische Nationalbibliothekt, and Radmila Schweitzer, Wittgenstein-Initiative. ii
2016.12.15(A) ViennaParticipation in panel, with Max Hadersbeck (München), Allan Janik (Innsbruck), Michael Nedo (Cambridge), Nuno Venturinha (Lissabon). Moderation: Herbert Hrachovec (Wien).Panel WITTGENSTEIN KOMPLETT: sein Nachlass, BKI Haus Wittgenstein Vienna, org. Herbert Hrachovec and Radmila Schweitzer, Wittgenstein-Initiative. ii
2019.08.31(UK) OxfordWittgenstein and Non-cognitivism about Religious Belief StatementsPaper at conference "Culture and Value after Wittgenstein", Queen’s College, Oxford, org. Sebastian Sunday and Ondrej Cerny. i
2019.05.07(I) RendeWittgensteinian crisscross ontologyPaper at conference "Philosophy of Language and Digital Humanities", Università della Calabria, Rende, org. G. Cosenza, E. Fadda, D. Gambarara and M. Mazzeo. ii
2019.06.26(D) LandauWittgenstein über den religiösen Glauben: Nicht-kognitiv und doch kognitivPaper at conference "Phänomen Leben: Zugänge – Perspektiven – Ausblicke", Graduiertenschule "Herausforderung Leben", Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau, org. Annika Hand and Christian Bermes. i
2024.11.21(PL) CracowWittgenstein in LLM - First Experiences from a Pilot, and Further ThoughtsPaper at conference Digital Authoring of the Berlin Collections in the Jagiellonian Library - (Meta-) Data orchestration: connecting manuscript collections for innovating research - 'Berlinka' in action, Jagiellonian University, org. R. Sapa, L. Szafranski, J. Kita-Huber.ii
2023.11.24(PL) CracowThe Wittgenstein Nachlass in Interactive Scholarly Edition [slides]Paper at conference Digital Authoring of the Berlin Collections in the Jagiellonian Library - Challenges and Perspectives (I), Jagiellonian University, org. J. Kita-Huber, J. Miszalska, G.J. Nalepa and R. Sapa.ii
2023.09.22(I) RendePerspicuous representation and its limitsPaper at conference XXVIII Convegno della Società italiana di filosofia del linguaggio: Regole, prassi e forme di vita. A partire dalle 'Ricerche filosofiche' di Wittgenstein settant'anni dopo, Università della Calabria, org. M. Mazzeo and F. Cimatti. i
2019.04.15(A) KlagenfurtDie digitale Edition schafft beides: Oberflächen und GrundlagePaper at workshop "Schema für das Schreiben", Robert Musil-Institut für Literaturforschung, Univ. Klagenfurt, org. Katharina Godler and Walter Fanta.ii
2024.02.01(D) WuppertalWie arbeitet Wittgenstein? Beispiele, Bedeutung und editorische BearbeitungPaper at workshop Philosophische Arbeitsweisen: Forschungsobjekte, Editionsgegenstände, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, org. Julian Polberg.ii
2023.12.15(P) LisbonUnderstanding Other People, Understanding Other CulturesPaper at workshop The Philosophical Investigations at 70, Nova Institute of Philosophy (IFILNOVA), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, org. Nuno Venturinha.i
2017.09.26(USA) BostonUsing WAB's online resources for Wittgenstein researchParticipation in discussion meeting at Andrew W. Mellon Sawyer project Humanities and Technology at the crossroads, Boston University, org. Juliet Floyd and Zeynep Soysal.ii
2014.11.27(A) ViennaThe New Biesenbach editionParticipation in panel at Allusions and Quotes in Ludwig Wittgenstein's Writings, BKI Haus Wittgenstein Vienna, org. Radmila Schweitzer, Wittgenstein-Initiative. i
2016.07.08(D) Munich"A Collection ...": Faksimile-Edition, BNE, Wittgenstein Source ... [slides]Presentation at "'A Collection of Remarks by Ludwig Wittgenstein' von Georg Henrik von Wright", CIS and Fakultät für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie und Religionswissenschaft, LMU München, org. Volker Munz, Josef Rothhaupt, Willhelm Vossenkuhl. Within the frame of Erasmus Mobility of Staff in higher education.ii
2013.07.25(D) MunichWittgensteinontologiePresentation at "Digital Wittgenstein Scholarship" Sommerschule, CIS, LMU München, org. Max Hadersbeck.ii
2014.06.05(D) MunichWork on Wittgenstein primary sources and Wittgenstein secondary sources metadata [slides]Presentation at "Digital Wittgenstein Scholarship" Sommerschule, CIS, LMU München, org. Max Hadersbeck. In co-operation with Rune Falch, Heinz W. Krüger & Deirdre Smith.ii
2009.10.02(D) MunichDigitale Edition am Beispiel der Arbeit des Wittgenstein-ArchivsPresentation at "Editionen für das 21. Jahrhundert", Tagung der "Arbeitsgemeinschaft philosophischer Editionen" (AGphE), org. Annette Sell, Walter Jaeschke & Marc-Aeilko Aris.ii
2021.04.28(UK) Norwich [online]Religion without beliefs?Presentation at "UEA Wittgenstein workshop", School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication, Univ. of East Anglia, org. Oskari Kuusela.i
2023.03.09(N) Stavanger, Bergen, Oslo [online]The SRDM Methodology for Sustainable Semantic Infrastructure: The Case of the Wittgenstein Archives Bergen and Its Related ResourcesPresentation at 7th Conference on Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries (DHNB 2023) "Sustainability: Environment - Community - Data": DT02: Infrastructures, org. DHNB. Together with James M. Fielding (presenter).ii
2023.03.10(N) Stavanger, Bergen, Oslo [online]A Complex Philosophical Oeuvre and its Complex User Community: The Case of the Wittgenstein Archives BergenPresentation at 7th Conference on Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries (DHNB 2023) "Sustainability: Environment - Community - Data": OT06: Encoding Worldviews, org. DHNB office. Together with Nivedita Gangopadhyay (presenter), Sebastian Sunday Grève (presenter), James M. Fielding.ii
2022.10.07(I) Milan30 years of editing Wittgenstein at the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen: Developments and future perspectivesPresentation at 7th ILWG Symposium "70 Years of Editing Wittgenstein - History, Challenges and Possibilities", University of Milan, Milan, 7-8 October 2022, org. Frederic Kettelhoit, Jasmin Trächtler, Michele Lavazza. ii
2014.03.20(I) RomeAGORA WP4: ContentsPresentation at AGORA Final project review meeting, Rome, org. CIP-ICT PSP.iiii
2013.02.20(B) BrusselsLaunch of the Nordic Wittgenstein Review and AGORA WP7: Public Private Partnership OA Business Models ExperimentsPresentation at AGORA project review meeting, Brussels, org. CIP-ICT PSP. In co-operation with Yrsa Neuman.iiii
2024.02.29(N) BergenWittgenstein og NorgePresentation at Bergenhus Rotaryklubb.i
2010.11.05(D) AachenIst Wittgenstein ein "Puzzle-Schreiber" (Hanspeter Ortner)?Presentation at Brain/Concept/Writing conference "Cognitive Functions of Writing", HumTec (Human Technology Centre), RWTH Aachen, org. Karin Herrmann, Dirk van Hulle & Axel Gellhaus.i
2009.05.25(S) GöteborgWittgensteinSOURCE, with examples of "Dynamic" and "Interactive dynamic editing" [slides]Presentation at COST Action A32 workshop Conceiving and building research platforms on the Web, Univ. of Göteborg, org. Hans Walter Gabler.ii
2010.09.30(D) Munich"Life in the archives!": (still) Five things (at least) to be donePresentation at COST Action A32 conference In Our End are Fresh Beginnings, MüZE (Münchner Zentrum für Editionswissenschaft), LMU München, org. Hans Walter Gabler.ii
2010.05.03(IRL) MaynoothCurrent trends in Bergen Wittgenstein projectPresentation at COST Action A32 workshop Critical editions, An Foras Feasa Institute for Research in Irish Historical and Cultural Traditions, National University of Ireland, org. Hans Walter Gabler & Aja Teehan.ii
2010.04.14(FI) HelsinkiTrends and Developments in Digital Publishing at the Wittgenstein ArchivesPresentation at Current Trends and Developments in Digital Publishing in the Humanities, with special reference to Wittgenstein's Nachlaß, von Wright and Wittgenstein Archives (WWA) at the University of Helsinki, org. Thomas Wallgren.ii
2007.11.30(LU) LuxembourgWittgensteinSourcePresentation at DISCOVERY 1st intermediate project review meeting, Luxembourg, org. eContentplus.iiii
2008.11.12(LU) LuxembourgWittgensteinSourcePresentation at DISCOVERY 2nd intermediate project review meeting, Luxembourg, org. eContentplus.iiii
2009.12.04(F) ParisWittgenstein Research before and after DISCOVERYPresentation at DISCOVERY Final project review meeting, Paris, org. eContentplus.iiii
2009.12.03(F) ParisPublishing and "Ontologizing" Wittgenstein's Nachlass for the WebPresentation at DISCOVERY conference Towards a semantic web of philosophy, CNRS-ENS, Item, org. Paolo D'Iorio and Manuel Dries.ii
2009.05.06(UK) Oxford5000 pages of the Wittgenstein Nachlass onlinePresentation at DISCOVERY workshop Philosophy in the Digital Era, Maison Française d'Oxford, org. Paolo D'Iorio.ii
2013.01.21(D) BerlinThe Wittgenstein Incubator and Swicky Notes / Pundit [slides]Presentation at DM2E Digital Humanities Advisory Board meeting at Humboldt Univ., Berlin, org. Stefan Gradmann.ii
2013.06.11(UK) LondonUsing Pundit in the Wittgenstein Incubator pilot: First results [slides]Presentation at DM2E meeting at King's College London, org. DM2E and Open Knowledge Foundation.ii
2013.04.16(N) BergenLinked data: metadata-ekstrahering og ontologigenerering ved WittgensteinarkivetPresentation at Digitale fulltekstarkiv seminar "Status og framblikk for en ny bibliotektjeneste", org. Karin Rydving and Rune Kyrkjebø, Seksjon for digitale systemer og tjenester, Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen.ii
2014.03.19(I) RomePresentation of the Wittgenstein Archives' Agora resourcesPresentation at Digitizing Philosophy: Towards new paradigms and methods in editing, publishing, and querying philosophical texts. Final conference of Agora project, Rome, org. Antonio Lamarra. In co-operation with Heinz Wilhelm Krüger, Simo Säätelä, Rune J. Falch, Sindre Sørensen and Deirdre C. P. Smith.ii
2017.02.24(I) LecceThe Wittgenstein Nachlass and Nachlass research toolsPresentation at Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Lingue e Beni Culturali - Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, University of Salento, Lecce, org. Marco Brusotti. ii
2017.04.05(A) InnsbruckDigitale Edition am Wittgenstein-Archiv BergenPresentation at Forschungsinstitut Brenner-Archiv, Leopold Franzens Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, org. Ulrike Tanzer. [Within the framework of LFUI Wittgenstein Guest Professorship] ii
2018.03.22(D) MunichFreude an der digitalen Wittgenstein Edition [slides]Presentation at Freud’ und Leid mit digitalen Editionswerkzeugen, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, München, org. Max Hadersbeck, Eckhart Arnold, Daniel Bruder.ii
2016.06.06(D) GöttingenIs XML suitable for the transcription and editing of complex manuscript materials? A philosophical solution to an ongoing debate about text encoding [slides]Presentation at Göttingen Dialog in Digital Humanities, Göttingen State and University Library, org. Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH). ii
2019.03.23(B) LeuvenWittgenstein Source and other WAB online resourcesPresentation at Husserl Archives Leuven, KU Leuven, org. Emanuele Caminada.ii
2014.05.19(BR) PirenópolisHow does the sign get to its symbol?Presentation at IV. Middle Wittgenstein Symposium, IPHAN, Pirenópolis, org. Araceli Velloso, Guilherme Ghisoni, André Porto (Federal University of Goiânia).i
2012.12.07(N) OsloWittgenstein - en fremmed i vår kultur og filosofi?Presentation at Idéhistorisk lunsjseminar at Univ. i Oslo, Institutt for filosofi, ide- og kunsthistorie og klassiske språk, org. Martin Fjeld.i
2015.11.17(A) ViennaDigitale Editionsphilologie am Wittgenstein-Archiv an der Universität BergenPresentation at Institut Wiener Kreis, org. Christoph Limbeck-Lilienau. ii
2015.11.16(A) ViennaWittgenstein SourcePresentation at Neue Quellen zu Ludwig Wittgenstein, Grillparzerhaus, org. Radmila Schweitzer, Wittgenstein-Initiative. ii
2017.06.27(N) BergenWittgenstein's distinction between acting and behavingPresentation at Norwegian-Brazilian SPIRE workshop "Wittgenstein In / On Translation", Bergen, 25.-27.6.2017, org. Alois Pichler and Paulo Oliveira.i
2014.08.28(N) BergenParatext in editing Wittgenstein's writingsPresentation at Paratext in Digital Culture: Is Paratext Becoming the Story?, Univ. of Bergen, Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies; org. Daniel Apollon. ii
2017.01.12(CH) GenèveThe Wittgenstein Nachlass Online: Edition(s) and Research Possibilities [slides]Presentation at Saussure's manuscripts, among others: Problems, strategies and publishing solutions for digital archives. Workshop at "Le cours de linguistique générale 1916-2016", University of Geneva, org. Giuseppe Cosenza (Université de Genève), Giuseppe D'Ottavi (CNRS/ENS, Paris) and Luka Nerima (Université de Genève). ii
2023.03.15(N) BergenLudwig Wittgenstein i NorgePresentation at Senioruniversitetet.i
2018.06.08(CZ) PraguePhilosophical works, or: Why do we need genetic editions? [slides]Presentation at The Wording of Thought: Philosophy from the Standpoint of its Manuscripts and Archives, French Institute of Prague, Prague, org. Benedetta Zaccarello (CNRS-CEFRES) and Thomas C. Mercier (CEFRES / FHS UK).ii
2009.11.01(A) ViennaWhat Wittgenstein's Philosophical Remarks and Philosophical Investigations have to do with CarnapPresentation at To be or not to be influenced: Wittgenstein's case when reading his predecessors, Austrian-Norwegian-French Wittgenstein seminar in Vienna, org. Esther Ramharter.i
2016.09.08(N) BergenWhat is Text? [slides]Presentation at Univ. of Bergen Philosophy Department, Instituttseminar, org. Richard Sørli. i
2016.03.23(PL) Wrocławwww.wittgensteinsource.orgPresentation at University of Lower Silesia / Dolnosląska Szkoła Wyzsza (DSW), Wrocław, org. Piotr Dehnel.ii
2018.05.24(BR) Belo HorizonteTwo contrasting accounts of human intelligencePresentation at V. Middle Wittgenstein Colloquium, UFMG, Belo Horizonte, org. Mauro Engelmann (Federal University of Minas Gerais).i
2016.09.23(UK) Cambridge50 years after G.H. v. Wright, 1966: Open Access to the Wittgenstein Nachlass TodayPresentation at Von Wright and Wittgenstein in Cambridge, org. Th. Wallgren and B. Österman. ii
2018.12.13(I) PontignanoThe Bergen Wittgenstein Archives: A stock-taking December 2018Presentation at WAB's and FIBA's Wittgenstein Editions - An Inventory: A workshop in honour of Bernard Francis (Brian) McGuinness, Certosa di Pontignano, Siena, org. Alois Pichler (WAB) in cooperation with Joseph Wang (FIBA), Volker Munz (ILWI and ALWS) and Thomas Wallgren (WWA).ii
2016.04.12(A) ViennaWittgenstein in Norway, Autumn 1936Presentation at Wittgenstein and Norway, Grillparzerhaus, org. Radmila Schweitzer, Wittgenstein-Initiative. i
2012.11.01(UKR) Open Access to Wittgenstein primary sourcesPresentation at Wittgenstein workshop at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, org. Anna Laktionova & Iurii Kozik. ii
2015.05.22(USA) Iowa CityTwo Voices in the Middle WittgensteinPresentation at Wittgenstein's Lectures, Cambridge 1930-1933: Text & Context, University of Iowa Philosophy Department and Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, org. David Stern. i
2015.04.01(A) KlagenfurtThe Exact, the Amorphous and the HumanPresentation at Wittgenstein's Whewell's Court Lectures, University of Klagenfurt, Philosophy Department, org. Volker Munz, Bernhard Ritter. i
2023.08.07(A) Kirchberg a.W.The 'Diktat für Schlick'Presentation at book presentation panel Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle, org. Friedrich Stadler. 44th International Wittgenstein Symposium, org. Esther Heinrich-Ramharter, Alois Pichler, Friedrich Stadler.i
2013.03.21(P) LisbonThe Wittgenstein Archives' Wittgenstein ontologyPresentation at concluding meeting of project Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations: Re-Evaluating a Project, New University of Lisbon, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Philosophy of Language Institute, org. Nuno Venturinha.ii
2013.03.21(P) LisbonWittgenstein's writing strategies and the role of the example in his philosophyPresentation at concluding meeting of project Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations: Re-Evaluating a Project, New University of Lisbon, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Philosophy of Language Institute, org. Nuno Venturinha.i
2022.07.29(UK) LondonWittgenstein: Philological and Semantic [slides]Presentation at conference "11th British Wittgenstein Society Conference: Wittgenstein and AI", New College of the Humanities (London), 29-31 July 2022, org. Brian Ball, Alessandro Rossi.ii
2020.10.06(E) Madrid [online]CLARINO+ Optimization of Wittgenstein Research Tools (hands-on exercise [slides]Presentation at conference "CLARIN Annual Conference 2020", Session Repositories and Workflows, org. CLARIN office, Costanza Navarretta and Maria Eskevich. ii
2019.11.04(PL) WarsawTractatus’s genesis and Tractatus’s publication in hypertext Presentation at conference "Ludwig Wittgenstein and his Tractatus: Text, Biographical Setting, and Contemporary Perspectives", Austriackie Forum Kultury, Warszawa, org. Adam Lipszyc, Urszula Idziak and Radmila Schweitzer. Together with Frederic Kettelhoit.ii
2019.12.09(A) Vienna"Tracing all the connections".Presentation at conference "THE WITTGENSTEIN CORPUS", Diplomatic Academy Vienna, org. Radmila Schweitzer and Alfred Schmidt, Wittgenstein-Initiative. ii
2022.05.13(I) RomeWhat is a work by Wittgenstein? [slides]Presentation at conference "The Tractatus Odyssey: Conference on the 100th anniversary of the TLP", Forum Austriaco di Cultura, Rome, org. Rosaria Egidi, Giovanna Corsi, Radmila Schweitzer.i
2021.06.12(A) Vienna [online]Some ways of using the Bergen Wittgenstein Archives' resources and tools for Tractatus Nachlass research. With an addendum on how computational ontology can be utilized for researching the Vienna Circle's reception of the Tractatus [slides]Presentation at conference "Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle - After 100 Years", Vienna Circle Society and Institute Vienna Circle, Univ. of Vienna, org. Friedrich Stadler.ii
2013.05.21(D) Göttingen"The spirit of this civilization is a spirit that is alien and uncongenial to the author..." (CV, 1998, 8e)Presentation at conference "Wittgenstein in Relation to Philosophical Traditions", org. Sebastian Greve and James Conant, Lichtenberg-Kolleg, University of Göttingen.i
2019.11.21(N) BergenA new tool for studying Wittgenstein's Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics Presentation at conference "Wittgenstein: Naturalism and Necessity", Dep. for Philosophy, Univ. of Bergen, org. Sorin Bangu and Kevin Cahill. Together with Frederic Kettelhoit.ii
2008.09.18(BR) CampinasWas Philosophical Investigations Wittgenstein's only album?Presentation at conference How to read the album?, Campinas, IFCH, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), org. Arley Ramos Moreno.i
2010.09.09(N) SogndalThe Wittgenstein Archives: From Manuscripts to Semantic Web Representations [slides] Presentation at conference ISO 15926 and Semantic Technologies, Vestlandsforsking, org. Terje Aaberge.ii
2011.11.11(FI) HelsinkiThe JNU VWAB projectPresentation at conference JNU VWAB concluding conference in Helsinki, Helsinki, von Wright and Wittgenstein Archives (WWA) at the University of Helsinki, org. Bernt Österman, Thomas Wallgren & Alois Pichler.iii
2008.04.14(PL) Cracow"Wittgenstein MS101 from September 1914" und andere Wittgenstein-Nachlass Web-RessourcenPresentation at conference Ludwig Wittgenstein - "assigned to Cracow"/"Krakau zugeteilt"/"przydzielony do Krakowa", Cracow, University School of Philosophy and Education, Institute of Philosophy, org. Jozef Bremer & Stanislaw Lucarz.ii
2013.01.17(I) CortonaWittgenstein Source: Content and SemanticsPresentation at conference Open Platforms for Digital Humanities at Palazzone della Scuola Normale Superiore, Cortona, org. by ERC AdG EUROCORR - The European Correspondence to Jacob Burckhardt.ii
2008.05.02(P) LisbonThe New Bergen Electronic Edition and Web-Based Collaborative Wittgenstein ResearchPresentation at conference Wittgenstein After His Nachlass, Lisbon, Institute of Philosophy of Language, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at New University of Lisbon, org. Nuno Venturinha.ii
2011.06.27(P) LisbonWittgenstein's Later Critique of the Tractatus Presentation at conference Wittgenstein's Early Investigations, Lisbon, Institute of Philosophy of Language, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at New University of Lisbon, org. Nuno Venturinha.i
2008.12.15(N) Ose-Research Infrastructures in the HumanitiesPresentation at meeting CLARIN-Språkbanken, Os, org. Koenraad De Smedt (UiB), Torbjørg Breivik (Språkrådet), Eli Hagen (Unifob AKSIS (since 2009 "Uni Digital") ), Gisle Andersen (NHH).ii
2017.09.25(USA) BostonScenarios for future digital Wittgenstein researchPresentation at seminar "Philosophical Platforms: Arendt, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein - Preserving the Diversity of Interpretations in an Age of Hypermedia" in Andrew W. Mellon Sawyer project Humanities and Technology at the crossroads, Boston University, org. Juliet Floyd.ii
2021.10.03(N) SolvornFilosofi som aktivitet i Wittgensteins skrift og verk. Med særleg vekt på forfattararbeidet hans i SkjoldenPresentation at seminar "Wittgensteins verd. Nye blikk på Wien og wienerkulturen", Walaker Hotell, org. Knut Olav Åmås and Ole Henrik Walaker.i
1995.08.17(A) Kirchberg a.W.Advantages of a Machine-Readable Version of Wittgenstein's NachlaßPresentation at the 18th International Wittgenstein Symposium "Culture and Value: Philosophy and the Cultural Sciences", org. Kjell S. Johannessen & Tore Nordenstam.ii
1995.08.19(A) Kirchberg a.W.Transcriptions, Texts and InterpretationPresentation at the 18th International Wittgenstein Symposium "Culture and Value: Philosophy and the Cultural Sciences", org. Kjell S. Johannessen & Tore Nordenstam.ii
2005.05.26(N) BergenOn the reception of the Bergen Electronic EditionPresentation at the 1st AKSIS (since 2009 "Uni Digital") (Bergen) - LIRE-ISH-CNRS (Lyon) AURORA network meeting Digital publishing and reading: Challenges and processes in critical editions and reading activities: State of the art and political economy of scholarly digital editions at AKSIS (since 2009 "Uni Digital") (Bergen), org. Daniel Apollon, Claire Bélisle & Philippe Régnier.ii
1999.08.17(A) Kirchberg a.W.The Wittgenstein Archives and the Bergen Electronic Edition of Wittgenstein's NachlassPresentation at the 22nd International Wittgenstein Symposium Metaphysics in the Post-Metaphysical Age, org. Uwe Meixner & Peter Simons.ii
1999.08.20(A) Kirchberg a.W.Wittgenstein und die Suche nach dem treffenden WortPresentation at the 22nd International Wittgenstein Symposium Metaphysics in the Post-Metaphysical Age, org. Uwe Meixner & Peter Simons.i
2001.08.13(A) Kirchberg a.W.5 Thesen zu der Entstehung und Eigenart der Philosophischen UntersuchungenPresentation at the 24th International Wittgenstein Symposium Wittgenstein and the Future of Philosophy: A Reassessment after 50 Years, org. Rudolf Haller & Klaus Puhl.i
2001.08.16(A) Kirchberg a.W.The Bergen Electronic EditionPresentation at the 24th International Wittgenstein Symposium Wittgenstein and the Future of Philosophy: A Reassessment after 50 Years, org. Rudolf Haller & Klaus Puhl.ii
2005.08.12(A) Kirchberg a.W.Outline of an argument for a 'therapeutic' reading of Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations [slides]Presentation at the 28th International Wittgenstein Symposium Time and History, org. Friedrich Stadler & Michael Stöltzner.i
2006.08.12(A) Kirchberg a.W.What can/shall the next Bergen Electronic Edition(s) look like?Presentation at the 29th International Wittgenstein Symposium Cultures: Conflict-Analysis-Dialogue, org. Georg Gasser, Christian Kanzian & Edmund Runggaldier.ii
2005.09.05(F) LyonTowards the next Bergen Electronic EditionPresentation at the 2nd AKSIS (since 2009 "Uni Digital") (Bergen) - LIRE-ISH-CNRS (Lyon) AURORA network meeting Digital publishing and reading: Challenges and processes in critical editions and reading activities: State of the art and political economy of scholarly digital editions at ENS-LSH (Lyon), org. Daniel Apollon, Claire Bélisle & Philippe Régnier.ii
2004.10.25(D) SeeonOn the potential of Wittgenstein's Eine Philosophische Betrachtung for use in (e-)learningPresentation at the 2nd Hyper-Learning workshop From HyperNietzsche to Hyper-Learning, org. Paolo D'Iorio & Hans-Walter Gabler.ii
2007.08.07(A) Kirchberg a.W.Utilizing OWL for Wittgenstein's TractatusPresentation at the 30th International Wittgenstein Symposium Philosophie der Informationsgesellschaft / Philosophy of the Information Society, org. Alois Pichler & Herbert Hrachovec. In co-operation with A. Zöllner-Weber.ii
2009.08.11(A) Kirchberg a.W.DISCOVERY and Wittgenstein SourcePresentation at the 32nd International Wittgenstein Symposium Language and World, org. Volker Munz, Klaus Puhl & Joseph Wang. In co-operation with Deirdre C. P. Smith.ii
2011.08.08(A) Kirchberg a.W.Open Access Web Resources for Wittgenstein ResearchPresentation at the 34th International Wittgenstein Symposium Epistemology: Contexts, Values, Disagreement , org. Christoph Jäger & Winfried Löffler. In co-operation with Deirdre C. P. Smith & Rune Falch.ii
2012.08.09(A) Kirchberg a.W.AGORA: Interlinking Wittgenstein researchPresentation at the 35th International Wittgenstein Symposium Ethics - Society - Politics, org. Martin G. Weiss & Hajo Greif. In co-operation with Heinz Wilhelm Krüger, Deirdre C. P. Smith & Rune Falch.ii
2013.08.13(A) Kirchberg a.W.A list of correspondences between Wittgenstein Ts-310 and Ms-115iiPresentation at the 36th International Wittgenstein Symposium Mind, Language and Action, org. Danièle Moyal-Sharrock, Annalisa Coliva & Volker Munz. In co-operation with Deirdre C. P. Smith.i
2014.08.15(A) Kirchberg a.W.New Wittgenstein Nachlass Facsimile, Open Access [slides]Presentation at the 37th International Wittgenstein Symposium Analytical and Continental Philosophy: Methods and Perspectives, org. Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl, Harald A. Wiltsche. ii
2006.06.15(N) BergenTools for scholarly digital editingPresentation at the 3rd AKSIS (since 2009 "Uni Digital") (Bergen) - LIRE-ISH-CNRS (Lyon) AURORA network meeting Digital publishing and reading: Challenges and processes in critical editions and reading activities: Limitiations and possibilities of scholarly digital editing. at AKSIS (since 2009 "Uni Digital") (Bergen), org. Daniel Apollon, Claire Bélisle & Philippe Régnier. In co-operation with Tone Merete Bruvik.ii
2018.08.09(A) Kirchberg a.W.WiTTFind: Online Text Search of the Entire Wittgenstein Nachlass Presentation at the 41st International Wittgenstein Symposium Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics, org. Gabriele M. Mras, Paul Weingartner, Bernhard Ritter. Together with Max Hadersbeck.ii
2006.12.08(F) LyonScholarly electronic editing and the principle of separating representation from presentationPresentation at the 4th AKSIS (since 2009 "Uni Digital") (Bergen) - LIRE-ISH-CNRS (Lyon) AURORA network meeting Digital publishing and reading: Challenges and processes in critical editions and reading activities: State of the art and political economy of scholarly digital editions at ENS-LSH (Lyon), org. Daniel Apollon, Claire Bélisle & Philippe Régnier. In co-operation with Tone Merete Bruvik.ii
2006.06.24(D) MunichApplying XML and TEI-P5 to Wittgenstein's NachlassPresentation at the 4th Hyper-Learning workshop Scholarly Editions on the Web, org. Matteo d'Alfonso, Paolo D'Iorio & Hans-Walter Gabler. In co-operation with Tone Merete Bruvik, Vemund Olstad & Øystein Reigem.ii
2006.09.29(P) LisbonTexts in electronic contexts, or: What can we learn from Wittgenstein for understanding better digital text practices?Presentation at the New University of Lisbon, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Philosophy of Language Institute, org. Antonio Marques & Nuno Venturinha.ii
2004.12.09(P) LisbonThe Wittgenstein Archives at the University of BergenPresentation at the New University of Lisbon, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Philosophy of Language Institute, org. Antonio Marques & Nuno Venturinha.ii
2004.12.10(P) LisbonOutline of an argument for a therapeutic reading of Wittgenstein's Philosophical InvestigationsPresentation at the New University of Lisbon, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Philosophy of Language Institute, org. Antonio Marques & Nuno Venturinha.i
2003.10.12(DK) SandbjergKombinerte utgaver: Dynamisk elektronisk utgivelse som resept for å kombinere forskjellige utgavetyper og målgrupperPresentation at the Nordisk Netværk for Editionsfilologer conference Udgavetyper og målgrupper, org. Per Dahl, Johnny Kondrup & Karsten Kynde.ii
2002.06.09(N) MarifjøraA polyphonic reading of PI: §§156-178Presentation at the Norwegian-French Wittgenstein seminar Rules and expressions: The grammar of use and the expressiveness of meaning in Wittgenstein's late philosophy, org. Arild Utaker & Antonia Soulez.i
2003.09.21(F) Moulin d'AndéA polyphonic reading of PI: §§1-18Presentation at the Norwegian-French-Austrian Wittgenstein seminar "Thought-experiment: Between Art and Science", org. Arild Utaker & Antonia Soulez.i
2004.05.21(BG) SofiaOm Wittgenstein og WittgensteinarkivetPresentation at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bulgaria, org. Ole Johan Bjørnøy.ii
2012.01.18(F) ParisWriting theory, philosophical albums, and digital humanitiesPresentation at the University of Paris 8 / Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Séminaire Langage et vie, org. Antonia Soulez. i
1998.04.22(PL) WrocławThe Bergen Electronic Edition of Wittgenstein's NachlassPresentation at the University of Wrocław Philosophy Department and Polish Philosophical Society, org. Andrzej Orzechowski.ii
2003.10.24(I) BertinoroOn the genesis and character of Part I of the Philosophical InvestigationsPresentation at the conference "Reading Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations Fifty Years Later", org. Walter Cavini & Edoardo Zamuner.i
2004.09.25(A) Innsbruck"... the development of a theory is not one of Wittgenstein's aims" (Brian McGuinness)Presentation at the conference "The interpretation of limits - the limits of interpretation", org. Allan Janik, Arild Utaker & Antonia Soulez.i
1992.05.26(N) MarifjøraWittgenstein's Later Manuscripts: Some Remarks on Style and WritingPresentation at the conference "Wittgenstein and Contemporary Theories of Language", org. Paul Henry & Arild Utaker.i
1991.05.10(HR) DubrovnikLudwig Wittgenstein, Culture and ValuePresentation at the conference "Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Culture", org. Kjell S. Johannessen & Tore Nordenstam.i
1993.06.19(USA) Washington DCWhat Is Transcription, Really?Presentation at the conference ACH-ALLC93, org. Michael Neuman.ii
2001.05.26(A) Reichenau a.d.R.Encoding Wittgenstein: Some remarks on Wittgenstein's Nachlass, the Bergen Electronic Edition, and future electronic publishing and networkingPresentation at the conference Knowledge Networking in Cultural Studies, org. Andrea Rosenauer & Herbert Arlt.ii
2012.03.02(D) JenaWittgenstein as a Topic for Writing ResearchPresentation at the conference Sincere hand and faithful eye: Kognitive Praktiken in naturwissenschaftlichen und populärwissenschaftlichen Texten des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts, org. Jens Loescher, Jutta Heinz & Olaf Breidbach. i
2013.09.09(UK) London"Suppose you came as an explorer to an unknown country with a language quite unknown to you ..." (PI §206)Presentation at the conference The Too Early Wittgenstein?, Birkbeck University of London, org. Sebastian Greve (Birkbeck/Oxford), Nathan Hauthaler (Birkbeck/Stanford) & Sarah Anna Szeltner (Bergen/Kassel/Chicago). i
2011.05.05(A) InnsbruckBiography and Philosophy: The Nature of Writing and the Nature of Philosophical InvestigationPresentation at the conference Wittgenstein - Personal Belief & Philosophical Problems, Research Institute Brenner-Archives, Universität Innsbruck, org. Allan Janik, Ulrich Lobis, Joseph Wang.i
2011.05.27(N) MarifjøraThe PI's 'syncretistic' conception of philosophyPresentation at the conference Wittgenstein's conception of philosophy and aesthetics, org. Kjell S. Johannessen, Simo Säätelä & Terje Aaberge.i
2002.11.08(N) OsloDen elektroniske utgivelsen av Wittgensteins NachlassPresentation at the workshop "Henrik Ibsens Skrifter" at the Ibsen Museum (Oslo), org. Christian Janss. ii
2004.10.23(D) SeeonText encoding at the Wittgenstein ArchivesPresentation at the workshop From HyperNietzsche to Hyper-Learning, org. Paolo D'Iorio & Hans-Walter Gabler.ii
2018.10.04(A) ViennaWittgenstein online - Eine Präsentation und Diskussion der Webressourcen des Wittgenstein-Archivs der Universität BergenPresentation at wittgen-steine. Lecture series on Ludwig Wittgenstein, Univ. of Vienna, Faculty of Philosophy and Education, org. Esther Ramharter and Anja Weiberg.ii
2008.02.16(UK) Norwichwww.hyperwittgenstein.netPresentation at workshop "Backwards and Forward: Questions of Method", Norwich, School of Philosophy, UEA, org. Nordic Network for Wittgenstein Research.ii
2021.10.14(A) ViennaWittgensteins Nachlass und die Frage "Was ist ein Werk Wittgensteins": Schreiben, Werke und 'Gedankenbewegungen'Presentation at workshop "Die Zeit der Unkultur: Ludwig Wittgenstein im Österreich der Zwischenkriegszeit", Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Wien, org. Karoly Kokai.i
2022.05.04(PL) CracowTowards an ontology for the Wittgenstein domainPresentation at workshop "How to do things with Wittgenstein", Dep. of Philosophy and Sociology, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Cracow, org. Jakub Gomulka.ii
2022.09.09(I) Venice [online]Perspicuous representation, intermediate links, and intercultural understanding: From linear gapless series to crisscross album and participatory understandingPresentation at workshop "On Übersichtlichkeit: Wittgenstein's Perspicuous Representation and its Historical Genealogy", University Ca' Foscari, Venice, 8-9 September 2022, org. Marco Marchesin (University of East Anglia), Beatrice Beccari (University of Ferrara and PUCPR).i
2017.06.09(D) SiegenBeispiele für digitale Forschungspraktiken aus der Arbeit mit dem Wittgenstein-NachlassPresentation at workshop "Textpraktiken: Studieren und Edieren", Siegen, SFB 1187 - Medien der Kooperation, org. Moritz Ahrens and Christian Erbacher.ii
2024.12.12(A) ViennaTowards a chatbot for the Wittgenstein Nachlass [slides]Presentation at workshop "The Wittgenstein Corpus 2.0", Bulgarian Cultural Institute "Haus Wittgenstein", org. Radmila Schweitzer, Wittgenstein-Initiative. ii
2022.04.28(N) BergenWAB: History and ResourcesPresentation at workshop "Wittgensteinarkiv", University of Bergen Library, DH-nettverk, Digital Lab and Clarino+, Bergen, org. Juliane Tiemann, Rune Falch.ii
2024.04.12(CH) ZürichWas ist ein Werk Wittgensteins, und warum die Frage wichtig istPresentation at workshop Reading Philosophy, Universität Zürich / Deutsches Seminar, Zürich, org. Alexander Berg and Frauke Berndt.i
2016.03.09(FI) HelsinkiWittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations: From Style to Ethics [slides]Presentation at workshop Wittgenstein and Political Philosophy, Helsinki, von Wright and Wittgenstein Archives (WWA) at the University of Helsinki, org. Thomas Wallgren.i
2024.06.11(N) BergenDocuments and Texts in TEI XML: Representing Wittgenstein's Text Alternatives [slides]Presentation at workshop Wittgenstein-Schlick-Scholz, University of Bergen, Philosophy Department, Bergen, org. Claus Huitfeldt.ii
2017.09.25(USA) BostonFrom the scholarly edition to research platformsPresentation at workshop in Andrew W. Mellon Sawyer project Humanities and Technology at the crossroads, Boston University, org. Juliet Floyd.ii
2021.06.17(UK) Wolverhampton [online]Wittgenstein resources and tools offered by the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen [slides]Presentation for Digital Humanities Reading Group, Univ. of Wolverhampton, org. Michael Oakes.ii
2022.06.21(D) Rostock [online]Das Wittgenstein-Archiv an der Universität Bergen (WAB) und seine OntologiearbeitPresentation for Moritz-Schlick-Forschungsstelle - Institut für Philosophie, Univ. Rostock, org. Matthias Wunsch und Martin Lemke.ii
2006.11.17(I) La BanditaWAB in DISCOVERYPresentation of WAB's contribution to the DISCOVERY project at the DISCOVERY Kick-off meeting in La Bandita, Sassetta, org. Paolo D'Iorio & Federico Ruberti. In co-operation with Tone Merete Bruvik, Eldbjørg Gunnarson & Sindre Sørensen.iiii
2007.10.18(I) RomeStructural and semantic enrichment in DISCOVERY WAB (II)Presentation of WAB's structural and semantic enrichment activities and tools at the DISCOVERY workshop "Software Tools for Structural and Semantic Enrichment", Rome, org. CNR ILIESI - Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle Idee. In co-operation with the DISCOVERY WAB team.ii
2007.06.14(N) OsStructural and semantic enrichment in DISCOVERY WABPresentation of WAB's structural and semantic enrichment activities at the DISCOVERY workshop "Semantic labelling of philosophy texts and computational ontologies", Os, org. Stefano David, Christian Morbidoni & Alois Pichler. In co-operation with the DISCOVERY WAB team.ii
2012.06.22(LU) LuxembourgAGORA Content; AGORA PPP; AGORA ImpactPresentations at AGORA Mid-term project review meeting, Luxembourg, org. CIP-ICT PSP.iiii
2002.10.11(USA) ChicagoText Encoding Initiative Consortium report 2002Report at the Text Encoding Initiative Consortium 2002 Annual Members Meeting, org. Martin Mueller & M. Claire Stewart.iii
2014.01.26(UK) NorwichA study of Wittgenstein's usage of 'Handlung', 'Benehmen', 'Verhalten' - 'Handlungsweise'University of East Anglia Wittgenstein workshops, org. Oskari Kuusela.i
2019.05.21(N) BergenDigitale tekstutgaver med XML: Workshop med Alois Pichler (Bergen) og Max Hadersbeck (München)Workshop at "Nettverk for digital humaniora ved UiB", University of Bergen, org. Julia King and Hannah Ackermans. Together with Max Hadersbeck.ii