Issue | Title | |
(2005) Papers of the 28th IWS (eds. F. Stadler, M. Stöltzner) | „In unserer Sprache ist eine ganze Mythologie niedergelegt“. Bemerkungen zur Ethik Ludwig Wittgensteins | Abstract PDF HTML |
Thomas Wachtendorf | ||
(2005) Papers of the 28th IWS (eds. F. Stadler, M. Stöltzner) | A Note on a Remark in Philosophical Investigations | Abstract PDF HTML |
Peter K. Westergaard | ||
(2004) Papers of the 27th IWS (eds. J. Chr. Marek, M. E. Reicher) | Der Mensch in der roten Glasglocke. Ein Gleichnis von Ludwig Wittgenstein | Abstract PDF HTML |
Ilse Somavilla | ||
(2004) Papers of the 27th IWS (eds. J. Chr. Marek, M. E. Reicher) | The Necessity of the Ethical or Why Murder Must Be Wrong | Abstract PDF HTML |
Anne-Marie Christensen | ||
(2002) Papers of the 25th IWS (eds. Chr. Kanzian, J. Quitterer, E. Runggaldier) | Spuren Tolstois in Wittgensteins Tagebüchern von 1914-1916 | Abstract PDF HTML |
Ilse Somavilla | ||
26 - 30 of 30 Items | << < 1 2 |
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