Alois Pichler: CV




  • Surname: Pichler
  • First name: Alois
  • Birth date: 1966 in Meran/Merano (Südtirol/Alto Adige/South Tyrol), Italy
  • Citizenship: Norwegian (until 2015: Italian)
  • Postal address: Department of Philosophy v/Alois Pichler, University of Bergen, Postboks 7800, 5020 BERGEN, Norway
  • Telephone: +47-55589474, E-mail:, WWW page:


The following table can be sorted according to date, fact, place of affiliation and category (education / employment / project management (PM) / teaching and supervision).

2024Co-Organizer (together with Claus Huitfeldt) of international workshop "Wittgenstein-Schlick-Scholz Workshop", Bergen (the workshop took place June 11-13, 2024)(N) BergenPM
2023Co-Organizer (together with Esther Heinrich-Ramharter and Friedrich Stadler) of 44th ALWS International Wittgenstein Symposium: 100 Years of Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus - 70 Years after Wittgenstein's Death. A Critical Assessment, August 6-12, 2023, Kirchberg a. W. (A) Kirchberg a. W.PM
2022Co-Organizer (together with Lotar Rasinski and Thomas Wallgren) of international seminar "Wittgenstein and Democratic Politics II", University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw (ULS). (Poland National Science Centre project "Wittgenstein and Democratic Politics"; the seminar took place June 29-July 1, 2022)(PL) WroclawPM
2022Co-Organizer (together with Rune Falch and Volker Munz) of international workshop WABe RI 2nd evaluation meeting, Skjolden (the workshop took place June 3-4, 2022)(N) SkjoldenPM
2022Co-Organizer (together with Simo Säätelä) of international workshop Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence: Towards an update, Skjolden (the workshop took place June 1-3, 2022)(N) SkjoldenPM
2021Co-Organizer (together with Lotar Rasinski and Thomas Wallgren) of international workshop "Wittgenstein and Democratic Politics I", Philosophy Department, University of Helsinki. (Poland National Science Centre project "Wittgenstein and Democratic Politics"; the workshop took place August 16-18, 2021)(FIN) HelsinkiPM
2019-23Member (together with Lotar Rasinski and Thomas Wallgren) of Board of Poland National Science Centre project "Wittgenstein and Democratic Politics" at DSW, Wroclaw(PL) Warsaw / WroclawPM
2020Co-Organizer (together with Simo Säätelä) of Norwegian workshop "Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence - Attempt at an update. Part I: Wittgenstein, Semantic technologies and Artificial Intelligence", Øystese (the workshop took place September 4-5, 2020)(N) ØystesePM
2018-22Coordinator of RCN and University of Bergen Humanities Faculty HUMEVAL project "Forskergruppe VIII: Text technology and Wittgenstein's philosophy"(N) BergenPM
2018Co-Organizer (together with Joseph Wang, Volker Munz and Thomas Wallgren) of workshop WAB's and FIBA's Wittgenstein Editions - An Inventory: A workshop in honour of Bernard Francis (Brian) McGuinness [incl. "WABe RI 1st evaluation meeting"], Certosa di Pontignano, Siena (the workshop took place December 13.-15, 2018)(I) SienaPM
2009-Curator of Wittgenstein Source platform ( (31.10.2009-)(N) BergenPM
2017Co-Organizer (together with Paulo Oliveira) of Norwegian-Brazilian SPIRE workshop Wittgenstein In / On Translation at the University of Bergen Philosophy Department (the workshop took place June 25.-27, 2017)(N) BergenPM
2016Organizer of workshop Wittgenstein Source and the New Nachlass Facsimile at the 39th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2016 (the workshop took place August 12, 2016)(A) Kirchberg a.W.PM
2014-Co-Founder and member of Editorial Board of NWS Nordic Wittgenstein Studies (D) Berlin: SpringerPM
2014Co-Organizer (together with Max Hadersbeck) of 2nd Digital Wittgenstein Summer School at the Center for Information and Language Processing (CIS), LMU Munich (the summer school takes place June 5-6, 2014)(D) MunichPM
2013Co-Organizer (together with Max Hadersbeck) of 1st Digital Wittgenstein Summer School at the Center for Information and Language Processing (CIS), LMU Munich (the summer school took place July 25-26, 2013)(D) MunichPM
2014-15Member of Advisory Board for NEH & DFG - Diachronic Markup and Presentation Practices for Text Editions in Digital Research Environments (1.1.2014-31.12.2015)(D) Frankfurt a.M. / (USA) LincolnPM
2012-13Coordinator of WAB's participation in NB - Digitale fulltekstarkiv UBB (1.1.2012-31.12.2013)(N) BergenPM
2012-16Coordinator of WAB's participation in RCN CLARINO - Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure Norway (4.6.2012-31.12.2016)(N) OsloPM
2012-14Member of EU DM2E Digital Humanities Advisory Board (DHAB) (1.1.2012-31.12.2014)EUPM
2012-14Coordinator of WAB's participation in EU DM2E - Digitised Manuscripts to Europeana (1.1.2012-31.12.2014)EUPM
2011-Section editor of Nordic Wittgenstein Review (NWR) section "From the Archives"(N) BergenPM
2011-13Co-Editor of Nordic Wittgenstein Review (NWR)(N) BergenPM
2011Organizer of international workshop The Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen - A stocktaking, Bergen (the workshop took place September 29-October 1, 2011)(N) BergenPM
2011Co-Founder and member of Editorial Board of Nordic Wittgenstein Review (NWR)(N) BergenPM
2011Co-Organizer (together with Bernt Österman and Thomas Wallgren) of JNU VWAB Concluding conference at the Helsinki von Wright and Wittgenstein Archives (WWA) (the conference took place November 11-12, 2011)(FIN) HelsinkiPM
2010Co-Organizer (together with Dov Winer and Hans Walter Gabler) of EU COST Action A32 workshop Our communities, with a view towards e-Learning at Uni Digital (the meeting took place May 28-30, 2010)EUPM
2007Co-Organizer (together with Stefano David and Christian Morbidoni) of EU DISCOVERY workshop Semantic labelling of philosophy texts and computational ontologies at AKSIS (the meeting took place June 14-17, 2007)EUPM
2008-10Member of Board of Uni Research (earlier "Unifob") (12.6.2008-21.5.2010)(N) BergenPM
2006-11Editor of series Publications from the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen [The series was continued in the NWS Nordic Wittgenstein Studies.](N) BergenPM
2010-12Coordinator of WAB's participation in FCT Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations: Re-Evaluating a Project (1.1.2010-31.12.2012)(P) LisbonPM
2006-08Coordinator of WAB's participation in FWF Culture and Value Revisited (1.10.2006-30.9.2008)(A) InnsbruckPM
2007-09Member of Avdelingsrådet for Centre of Culture, Language and Information Technology (AKSIS (since 2009 "Uni Digital") ) (29.11.2007-09)(N) BergenPM
2007Co-Organizer (together with Herbert Hrachovec) of of 30th ALWS International Wittgenstein Symposium: Philosophy of the Information Society - Philosophie der Informationsgesellschaft, August 5-11, 2007, Kirchberg a. W. (A) Kirchberg a. W.PM
2010-22Member of Wissenschaftlicher Beirat of ILWG Wittgenstein-Studien (D) Berlin: De GruyterPM
2009-Member of Board of Nordic Wittgenstein Society (NWS) (28.3.2009-)(FIN) ÅboPM
2006-Member of Executive Committee for Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (ALWS) (9.8.2006-)(A) Kirchberg a. W.PM
2006-09Member of Coordinating Group for NordForsk NNWR - Nordic network for Wittgenstein research (27.10.2006-27.10.2009)(N) OsloPM
2011-13Coordinator of WAB's participation in EU AGORA - Scholarly Open Access Research in European Philosophy (1.1.2011-31.12.2013)EUPM
2008-11Coordinator of NordForsk JNU VWAB - Joint Nordic Use of WAB Bergen and VWA Helsinki (1.1.2008-31.12.2011)(N) OsloPM
2008-09Coordinator of WAB's participation in DAAD Wittgenstein and Mediaeval Philosophy (1.1.2008-31.12.2009)(N) OsloPM
2006-09Coordinator of WAB's participation in EU DISCOVERY - Digital Semantic Corpora for Virtual Research in Philosophy (1.11.2006-31.10.2009)EUPM
2005-10National representative in Management Committee for EU COST Action A32 - Open Scholarly Communities on the Web (24.6.2005-31.12.2010)EUPM
2005-10Coordinator of WAB's participation in EU COST Action A32 - Open Scholarly Communities on the Web (6.4.2006-16.12.2010)EUPM
2004-06Member of steering committee for Digital infrastruktur for diplomsamlinga til Universitetet i Bergen at University of Bergen Library (1.10.2004-2006)(N) BergenPM
2003-06Coordinator of Wittgenstein Research Group (WFG) at University of Bergen (16.11.2003-18.8.2006)(N) BergenPM
2003-06Member of Management Committee for Wittgenstein Research Group (WFG) at University of Bergen (16.11.2003-18.8.2006)(N) BergenPM
2003Organizer of start-up meeting for Wittgenstein Research Group (WFG) at University of Bergen (the meeting took place on November 15-16, 2003)(N) BergenPM
2002-03Acting Executive Director of Text Encoding Initiative Consortium (TEI-C) (October 2002-September 2003)(N) BergenPM
2002-04Coordinator of EU ARI WAB - Access to European Research Infrastructure Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen (1.1.2002-31.8.2004)EUPM
2001Co-Organizer (together with Simo Säätelä) of international Wittgenstein conference Wittgenstein Research Revisited in Bergen (the conference took place on December 12-15, 2001)(N) BergenPM
2001-Head of Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen (WAB) (18.5.2001-)(N) BergenPM
2001Obtained the Doctor artium degree ( at the University of Bergen (Norway) after completion of the University of Bergen Doctor artium programme in Philosophy (30.5.2001)(N) Bergeneducation
2001Doctoral defence ( in Philosophy at the University of Bergen (Norway) (5.5.2001)(N) Bergeneducation
1990Completed five years of studies at the University of Innsbruck (Austria) in Germanistik, Philosophy, Pedagogics and Theology with a Major in Philosophy (1990 Mag.phil.fac.theol.), a Major in Germanistik (1998 Mag.phil.) and an Abschlussbestätigung für die allgemeine pädagogische Ausbildung (1998)(A) Innsbruckeducation
1985Completed five years of secondary school in Johanneum, Dorf Tirol/Tirolo, with a humanities programme (I) Dorf Tiroleducation
1980Completed eight years of elementary school in St. Leonhard in Passeier/San Leonardo in Passiria (Italy)(I) St. Leonh. i.
2012-Professor at University of Bergen Department of Philosophy (15.9.2012-)(N) Bergenemployment
2011-12Førsteamanuensis (Associate professor) at University of Bergen Department of Philosophy (1.1.2011-14.9.2012)(N) Bergenemployment
2008-11Førstelektor at University of Bergen HF-faculty, Department of philosophy, Examen Philosophicum (7.5.2008-)(N) Bergenemployment
2000-10Forsker at Department of culture, language and information technology (AKSIS - since 2009 "Uni Digital") (1.11.2000-31.12.2010)(N) Bergenemployment
1999Forsker at Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen (1.1.-31.12.1999)(N) Bergenemployment stipendiat at University of Bergen, Philosophy Department (4.5.1994-3.6.2000, two leaves in 1996-97 and 1999)(N) Bergenemployment
1990-93Konsulent at Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen (17.9.1990-31.12.1993)(N) Bergenemployment
1988-90Studienassistent at Institut für Christliche Philosophie, University of Innsbruck (15.11.1988-31.12.1990)(A) Innsbruckemployment
2023Teaching assignment for WS 2022/23 at University of Innsbruck Department of Philosophy: Seminar Sprachphilosophie "Die Sprachphilosophie von Wittgensteins Philosophischen Untersuchungen" (10.-20.1.2023)(A) Innsbruckteaching
2017Guest Professorship (LFUI Wittgenstein Guest Professorship) at University of Innsbruck (3.4.-2.5.2017)(A) Innsbruckteaching
2007-Supervision of PhD and Master and Bachelor students at University of Bergen (PhD students: Christian Erbacher 2007-10, Sarah Szeltner Uffelmann 2013-16, Jasmin Trächtler 2018-21) (N) Bergenteaching
2000-Courses in Examen Philosophicum and Philosophy (Wittgenstein) at University of Bergen(N) Bergenteaching
1996-97Teacher of German and Philosophy at Secondary School "ALA" in Wroclaw, Poland (PL) Wroclawteaching